
Chapter 5

Andy looked at Sophia with his beautiful blue eyes and a big smile that made her heart melt. "Here, my cars this way." She nodded and followed him to the parking lot. It was huge and filled with thousands upon thousands of cars. Why hadn't she noticed that before? She most have been to worried about making it to class on time or seeing Andy..

There she is! My car, that is. Andy giggled as he pointed towards his car. Whoa! Thought Sophia. It was the most beautiful car she has ever seen. It was an emerald green and so clean and shiny. She loved it. "Your-your car is nice." Why thank you Andy said. He walked around to the drivers side and got in, as i i got into my side. She was almost scared to touch the door handle, scared to mess up the car somehow.
On their way to Andy's house they chatted here and there about little random things, about things they learned in class that day and listened to some music.

They pulled up to what she sought to be an average house. But it was secluded. Quite a bit away form any other houses. How nice she thought, to live far away from other people not have to hear car horns honking and neighbors screaming. "I wish my house was this far away from other houses. The peace and quiet must be nice." She said to Andy. "Yea, its nice every once in a while. It gets pretty boring though, a little bit of neighborly drama wouldn't be so bad every once and a while." He said with a little half smile.

Andy let Sophia up his long walk way to his houses front door. It was beautiful. Perhaps one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen besides those absolutely stunning blue eyes of his. The walk way was all cobble stone and had the greenest and most heathy looking grass she had ever saw. The front perimeter of the house was decorated with lovely red rose bushes. It was perfect. Like a house she had dreamed about once. They finally reached the front door. Andy unlocked the door and welcomed himself and Sophia inside.