
Chapter 7

A band? He was in in his own band?! He couldnt possibly get anymore perfect. She thought. "Yea? Thats awesome Andy! Whats it called?" Andy looked around like there was someone around who could hear him besides me. "We dont have an offical name for the band yet. But we call ourselves black veil brides." "We only play on the DL at un popular places." "Thats totally cool!" "Would you like to hear some of my music?" Of she wanted to hear it. She was interested in everything he does. She found him very, unique. "Of course!"

Andy lead them to the basment of his house. It was just an average basment. Not very finsihed though. It had carpet and dry wall. A computer, and a couple of couches. "Who are your buddies?" Sophia asked Andy. Oh. Well thers Jake. Hes our lead guitarest. Jeremey, but we call him Jinxx. Hes the rhythem guitariest. Uhmm. Oh, theres Ashley HE is our bassiest. Sophia interupted Andy. "Ashley is a he?" Andy giggled that cute laugh and answered her "Yes, he is a boy." Lastly, Andy said our drummer is Christian, but we call him CC. Sophia notice that Andy hadnt said his role in the band. He must be the singer she thought. She did love a guy who could sing. And im guessing... Youre the singer than huh? She said in a shy tone. Andy bit his lip and looked out of the corner of his eye. "Yes."

A moment of awkward silence went by for a little while until Sophia finally spoke. "Werent you going to show me some of your music?" She said then laughed. "Oh.. uh, yea i was." Andy said. He started walking over to the computer. Im going to show you our newest song. Its called Sweet Blasphmy. It has a lot of meaning for the band... Espacially me he added in a sort of hushed tone.

Sophia sat there in amazment. She was in awe. His lyrics, voice. They were perfect. The other members played the music so well. "Andy.. Your music. Its amazing. Why dont you let other people know about your band?! If you get the right word out im sure someone cold get you a record deal ror something." Andy came closer to Sophia and put his finger on her lips and hushed her. "Shhh." He said. She was shocked. Why had he came over to her and do that? And in such a flirty way? She couldnt lie, she could of liked it... Andy must have realized what he did because he suddenly looked nervous and looked down at our feet. "Sorry." "No, its fine." Sophia said as she looked at him with a smile. "We dont tell people about our band because we dont want people to only like us for being in a band. We want people to like us for who we are.

Under her breathe she said "I like you for you.." "What?" Andy asked her in a concered voice. Oh no, had she revealed not only to Andy but to herself her true feelings about him? "Uhm, nothing." She said and then bit her lip. "Its getting kind of late, would you mind taking me home now?"