
Chapter 8

Andy looked at Sophia with dismal eyes. She could tell he didn't want her to leave. But it was almost 8. She hadn't ate dinner or anything yet. Plus, she really needed to get headed to bed since there was school tomorrow. "Yea, i can take you home. But first, are you hungry?" She was hungry. She didn't want him taking her to dinner which she knew that was what he was doing. But she didn't want to pass up an opportunity to see him for even longer. "You know what?" She said with a smile and laugh. "I am!" Andy's face light up and he smiled from ear to ear. "Good!" Im taking you to my favorite pizza joint, they're amazing!" Andy grabbed Sophia by the arm and ran out the door with her. He seemed quite happy. Really happy.

Some time went by and they were both full and and ready to leave the pizza place. " Man Andy, they were pretty good. I give you props!" "I've been coming her since middle school. They're the best!" She just smiled and continued to walk back to the car with Andy. On they way to her apartment they just talked and jammed out to some classic rock songs and just had tons of fun. They pulled up to her street and things become weird. Sophia could sense an awkward tension between them but didn't say anything. Why had things suddenly become awkward? They had fun inside the pizza place and one the way here. "Sophia.." Yes? She answered him. "I uhm, i had a lot of fun with you tonight. And the other night at your house. And i really love working with you in school. You're beautiful and i love how we have so much in common like the music we listen to and our backgrounds and.." Sophia has stopped his rant by leaning over and grabbing Andy by the face and kissing him gently. Andy must have wanted this too. He kissed her back harder. Sparks flew, Sophia loved it. The kiss made her feel like she was on cloud nine.

She pulled back from the kiss and looked at Andy. She could tell by looking at his eyes, that he was more than happy that she did that. "Thank you Andy. And Thank you for the ride." Its no problem, really! Im looking forward to seeing you tomorrow in class Sophia. She didn't know what to say, so she just looked into this precious eyes one last time, smiled and got out.

She made her way up to her apartment. She got dressed into her pajamas, laid on her bad and thought about her day. It wad wonderful. Perfect. She cant believe she had actually kissed Andy. Or that he actually enjoyed it too. I think it was safe to say, she did in fact like Andy. And more than just a friend.