The Black Lupin


They reached a patch of grass and Remy sat down, “The centaurs are normally just through there, I’ll wait here” she stated pulling her cloak around her “You sure?” Sirius asked and she nodded. “I’ll stay” Neville offered and Sirius nodded walking off with the others, “Hermione doesn’t…” “Lets leave it shall we Neville” Remy cut in and he nodded.

It fell silent and she sighed “Is this what you do? Sneak out the school to help The Order?” she asked and he nodded “Sometimes yeah” “How do you get out, Hogwarts is a no apparation place?” she said and he smiled “But Hogsmeade isn’t” he replied and she looked at him.

“How do you get there?” “Room of Requirement” he admitted and she smiled “Clever Longbottom, very clever” she smiled and he smiled back, they started talking about school and secret passageways when someone screamed and they both looked towards the noise. There was another scream followed by a noise Remy had grown to fear, she got up sprinting towards the noise glancing up before reaching them to see what she’d feared. Remus had transformed into a werewolf.

“What’s he doing out on a full moon?” she shouted and Tonks walked forwards slowly “He told me he’d taken his…” “You have to watch him do it, he hates taking it so he always lies” Sirius cut in before running towards Remus. “Remus remember who you are, it’s me Sirius,” he shouted but it was too late he was thrown sideways as the werewolf turned towards the others and from nowhere a black dog jumped on him.

Tonks walked forwards “If you don’t want to get bitten stay where you are!” Remy ordered but she kept moving “Tonks I’m not joking, he’ll bite you!” “He loves me, he’ll remember me” she replied and Remy shook her head holding her wand straight at her brother “He won’t! You can’t look at him and see Remus, its not Remus. Right now he’s a werewolf and he acts as one!” Remy explained.

There was a loud whimper and the black dog that was Sirius got thrown sideways without getting up and Remy ran to him, “Sirius are you okay?” she asked but there was nothing. There was another loud scream and Remy spun to see the werewolf moving towards the group of youngsters, she ran towards them but within a few steps she disappeared and a black horse took her place.

The werewolf got within touching distance of Neville and Luna only to fly sideways as the black horse kicked out with its back legs, there was a howl as it hit a tree and slid down it slowly. The horse moved back to the place the dog had been only to see Sirius was now laid there, Harry looked on unsure of where to go as the horse transformed back to the figure of Remy Lupin.

Was he supposed to help his godfather, protect his friends or help his friend Remus? “Sirius are you okay?” Remy whispered pushing his jacket sleeve up to reveal a big cut. He nodded causing pain to surge through him and she looked over to see the hunched figure of the werewolf still against the tree, “We have to get him home” she said quietly and he held his hand out so she helped him up and he limped slightly before almost falling.

“Steady” she stated catching him and he leant on her “Go home! Everyone go home!” she barked but no one moved “Do as she says, we’ll take care of this” Sirius croaked as Remy pointed her wand at the figure against the tree and ropes wrapped around the body holding it tight. There as a popping noise as slowly people disappeared, “Tonks go” “No I want to stay with him, please,” she begged and Sirius nodded.

Remy grabbed the cold hand of the werewolf before Sirius placed his on hers followed by Tonks and they disappeared only to find themselves back outside Grimmauld Place, “Get him locked up before he wakes” Remy said as Kreacher walked in. “Kreacher you are to keep him locked up, nobody in and nobody out until I say so” she ordered as she watched Sirius lean against the wall and she dragged the form of her brother down to the basement shutting him up with food, water and blankets.

“Tonks I know you mean well but she’s right, he disappears when he transforms. Nothing can make him see who he really is; he would bite anyone who he could even though the Remus you love isn’t that person when he transforms he is. If you really love him you have to let him be who he really is” Sirius explained quietly “But she hurt him” Tonks cried and Sirius nodded. “She stopped him, she did that for his own good. Yes he’ll hurt in the morning but that will pass; if he’d hurt one of the others he’d never forgive himself” Sirius reasoned and Remy walked back in.

“Why can’t he just take the bloody stuff and stop all this! Did he bite you?” Remy asked and Sirius shook his head “Just a few cuts, nothing unusual.” Sirius woke up the next morning to hear someone at the door “Sirius are you awake?” “Well I am now” he replied as the door opened and Tonks walked in. “Where’s Remy?” he asked and she shrugged “She’s not in her room” “Oh. She might’ve gone back then,” Sirius said and Tonks smiled.

“Why?” “Just wondered” Sirius stated and she nodded “Sirius Black do you actually like her?” she teased, “Of course I like her, she’s brave and I guess she just took the wrong path. She was a good friend to my brother and I hope we can be the same,” Sirius explained and Tonks smiled at him, “I know that face Sirius, that’s more than friends” “Not it’s not” he defended and she laughed.

“I was denying it too but look where I am now, Sirius Black actually likes a girl! I hear it was the girls that always liked you at school” she joked and he glared at her as he got up walking past her. “How come you’re not limping?” she questioned, “Remy is a witch of many talents, and she could be anything she wanted. There isn’t an area of magic she doesn’t have some talent in,” he admitted as he walked towards the basement with Tonks close behind.