The Black Lupin


She walked them towards some gates and the dog went to nudge it but she grabbed the scruff of its neck stopping it dead. She looked around her before looking back at the dog “It’s not safe, you can’t apparate in either. We have to get in without him knowing we’re human, there’s a gap in the hedge further around there you’ll get through and I’ll jump over” she explained and the dog left whilst she disappeared into the darkness.

5 minutes later and they were within the gardens and the form of the black horse led the dog to an area under an old tree, the ground had clearly been moved and maybe the others wouldn’t notice but she did. She turned leaving the same way she’d gotten in before waiting for the dog to reappear at her side.

She transformed back walking them away from the house but into the outskirts of the village, the 4 footsteps became 2 “What are we doing?” “Checking the only other place it’ll be but I can tell you it’s not here,” she stated. “What do you mean it all has meaning to him?” “Don’t you understand where you are?” she asked and he shook his head looking around cautiously and she smirked.

“This village holds a secret, this village should be just as famous as Godric’s Hollow because it has infamous connections. In this village the most famous wizard of all time was conceived, that house we just went to was his father’s house and this house we’re going to is his mother’s house” she explained and Sirius stared at her amazed.

“Really?” “Yes, he’s a half blood. He despises his father and all that he stood for and he never meant to have a horcrux there but then people started sniffing around the original place he moved it to somewhere he thought others would never think of. Also it was meant in a way to dishonour his father’s memory,” she admitted as they reached what looked like a ruin.

“This is his mother’s family home, he hid it here to start with but a certain someone came here and he moved it to the manor. It’s been moved from there and I know whom by, it won’t be here,” she stated as she picked up some old books laid across the floor. “How do you know?” “Because someone told me,” she said looking around.

“And you can trust them?” “Yes I can, it was your brother. He brought me here to show me what was going on within the ranks, to show me what he was doing and Regulus realised it was missing, he’d spent hours working out what they all were and where they might be and he was never wrong Sirius, never” she explained. “Well our source say’s its still around here, he’s trustworthy” Sirius argued and she climbed out the house through a missing window “Yes but your source isn’t being honest, he knew the horcrux was here and he knew it had been moved, he knows the real meaning of this place, he was the reason it was moved” she said as she walked of and Sirius caught up with her.

“How do you know all this?” “Because I do, you should be lucky The Dark Lord doesn’t know what you’re doing and that they’re missing because he will destroy everyone who tries to do damage to him and them. They’re his final links to this world, they’re what makes him immortal and so very powerful” she explained. “Remy people won’t believe you you’re not as trustworthy as he is” Sirius reasoned and she nodded “Yes but I’m not walking around parading the horcrux in front of you all like Dumbledore is” she stated and Sirius stopped dead.

“What?” “Yes, you check his right hand the next time you see him, oh no wait you won’t see it because he’s hiding it from everyone because it’s dying just like him. He’s wearing the ring on that hand and the curse placed on it is killing him slowly, do you really think The Dark Lord would leave them untouched. If you wish him harm he wishes you harm Sirius and that Professor is dying, you cannot tell anyone this” she warned and he nodded slowly as they reached the edge of the woods.

“You know what all of them are and where?” “I have my ideas or rather I have Regulus’ ideas, on that note I need to get back I really have to be somewhere. I warn you though Potter and his friends are on a dangerous path, the first person died and the second one is dying; don’t let them meet the same fate” she informed. “Who died?” “Your brother, he was trying to destroy horcruxes, he thought it was a step too far. I know we carry out dark magic Sirius but horcruxes are another thing. To tear ones soul apart is something even we wouldn’t dream of doing” she admitted.

And it fell silent as they headed back to the camp, they got back and Sirius’ brain clicked into place finally “His birthday, it’s his birthday” he said quietly and she nodded “I…I forgot” “You always did, why should this year be any different?” she asked and he hung his head. “Don’t go, stay and we’ll celebrate together,” he offered, “Celebrate, what’s there to celebrate?” she asked as tears filled her eyes.

“Him, Remy you can go anyway around this but I know you’re here for him. You’re here to finish what he started and I honestly think that’s very brave and he’d be proud of you” “Save it for someone who cares” she snapped and he sighed following her again. Somehow he persuaded her to stay with them and he quietly explained to Remus where they’d been and that he believed the horcrux wasn’t here but Remus said they were to carry on as planned and then they could always follow his sisters instructions another day.

They all carried on as planned and Remy sat in the tent staring at the fire “Come on we should talk” Sirius said and she followed him into a separate section “What?” she snapped and he sat down. “Did he really hate me?” he asked and she nodded “With an utter passion, you went against everything him and the family stood for, you disrespected them and you were a disgrace to them! He spent so much time hating you but he grew to respect you and what you were doing, I think when he knew he had to go his own way he looked back on how brave you were to be who you are when everyone hated you for it” she admitted and he nodded smiling.

“You know he loved you like a little sister, he once told me when we argued that I’d only ever done one good thing and that was be friends with that stupid werewolf because you were Remus’ sister. At least I did something right for him” Sirius smiled and Remy laughed “I remember spending hours planning things to do to you and spells we’d do on you when we got the chance” she replied and Sirius nodded knowing they used to scheme for hours against him and his friends.

It fell quiet between them “You know I hate him so much” she said quietly “Why?” Sirius said shocked “Because of what he did to me” “What did he do to you?” Sirius asked feeling a spark of worry in him. “All this” she replied sitting down “He hurt you? What did he do to you Remy?” he demanded and she pulled her travel cloak off. “I trusted him,” she complained and Sirius crouched in front of her.

“What did he do to you?” he asked again “He left me, he made me trust him. I told him that I hated that everyone turned away from me and he promised he’d never do it and he’s gone. He left me as well” she cried and Sirius smiled. “He never meant to leave you, you’re not alone. Your brother never really left you and you know it, you could hurl any hex at him and he’d always come back to you and defend you. Sadly you’re his baby sister and he will always love you as such,” he explained and she shook her head.

“Not when he knows what I did to our parents…” “You’ll learn your brother is some what of a forgiving man ad you were not to blame” Sirius cut in and she shook her head at him. “Remy I will help you, you may have the ability to be evil beyond all other realms but your not actually evil” he reassured and she shrugged. “I just wish things had turned out differently,” she said quietly and he smiled at her “Things will turn out how they were meant to turn out” he reasoned and she closed her eyes.

“You know I had every intention of ripping that place apart the night I came back, just the thought of you all using that place made me want to destroy it and then I heard someone come in. You know Kreacher was aware we’d been within the house don’t you?” she asked and Sirius laughed “Bloody elf” he mumbled and she nodded. “He’ll never see you as his true master! When I realised whom it was I wanted to kill them all, I can’t explain it. It’s like this anger comes over me and I do what I was taught and I destroy everything that stands in my way. Then you two arrived and got involved, I’d have still killed everyone in there after you let me go but I couldn’t. For all the wrong reasons” she admitted.

“Any reason is a good reason” “Not when I only stopped because of you, I see Regulus in you. You’re more alike than you both wanted to admit, he hated it when I said he reminded me of you sometimes” she said smiling. “Why would I remind you of him?” “Because Sirius however much I hated you for it you were always the nice one” she explained.

“Because I thought they were horrible to you, they used to be mean to you” he replied and she nodded “They were mean but I was used to it, come on who was ever nice to me?” she asked and he nodded. It had never really occurred to him but everyone but Regulus picked her on; her family were mean to her, she had no friends but Regulus, kids who saw her back at home laughed at her because of the way she looked and kids at school picked on her for being clever and even in her own school house she got picked on for being a halfblood and having a werewolf brother.

“You liked school right?” he asked, “I was good at school” “That’s not the question,” he stated and she sighed. “Fine I liked learning, I liked getting to be the best at everything but school didn’t really like me” she cut back “School didn’t or people didn’t?” she nodded. “People didn’t, I was clever so I picked up on magic quickly. People picked on me for it and then because I had no friends apart from your brother I spent more time studying, I got better at things so it was really a cycle” she explained.

“What about everything else?” he asked and she shrugged “I was brilliant at school, I’m a gifted witch who can do whatever I wanted but I’ve never felt this way. Being with them makes me feel like I have a place, like people like me,” she said. “They don’t like you, they fear you and you know it” “Fine! But it feels better than being nowhere! I was in Slytherin but no matter what I felt they’d never accept me because I’m a halfblood whose brother is a werewolf! I’m the lowest there is in that house! I got picked on at school and then at home everyone picked on me because I’m the pale kid who dresses weird,” she mocked.

“Remy it’s not...” “Sirius, your brother is the only person who ever really cared about me. I have no place in any world now and you’ve all made sure of that! I will never be accepted here but when they discover what I’ve done I won’t be welcome there either! I will be an outcast Sirius and that’s the one thing I did all this for! To not be that, I didn’t want to fade into nothingness. If people weren’t scared of me I’d have nothing” she complained.

“Remy we shape our own destiny’s and you know that, one bad decision does not determine who we really are. Moments like this decide who we truly are. We will always have our beliefs Remy but I know you don’t feel that fight anymore” he mumbled. “I can’t fight for something that killed him Sirius, I just can’t. I wish we could switch places; I’d take his place in a heartbeat. I deserved to die not him,” she complained and he shook his head sitting at her side.