The Black Lupin


He carefully put his arm around her shoulders and she never moved away so he took his chances pulling her into his side slowly, the following weeks saw several death eaters ‘disappear’ and Harry became aware of Neville’s absences from the common room growing. He threw his invisibility cloak on only for Hermione to grab him and he allowed her to join in as Ron sat talking to his sister unaware.

They found Neville in the dungeon with Remy, Neville and her were both talking whilst he practised potions and they were laughing together. “Neville I don’t wish to scare you but you do remind me of Regulus Black” she stated and he looked at her, “Do not look so terrified of that statement. Regulus is a great wizard who was never very quick off the mark at school. Once he took the time to understand it he could do anything he put his mind to at school, plus he’s so very much like his elder brother. He was anyway,” she mumbled at the end.

“Well you remind me of your brother” “My brother has a dark mark too?” she asked smiling and he laughed shaking his head “No but you knew what I meant” he smiled and she nodded. “Sirius tells me this often, I fail to see it! Anyway I was told that you spent some time with Draco recently, he maybe didn’t act like he as pleased but he was. If you’d maybe give him a couple more chances I think he’d be nicer” she offered and he nodded as he mixed in a cauldron.

“You know you’re doing a really brave and good thing,” he reasoned and she shook her head “I call it stupid” she answered and Hermione pulled Harry away. “I know she’s awful but Neville seems to really like her, plus he’s gotten really good since she came in to this castle” “Hermione I don’t like her at all, since she came back things haven’t been going the way they should be!” Harry growled at her.

Harry wasn’t the only one who’d noticed the fiercest of moods that had been emitting from Sirius of late, he had been arguing with nearly everyone who seemed to cross his path. Everyone sat around the table in Grimmauld Place as Sirius glared at the wall as if it had offended him deeply.

“I do not care that you feel Severus should keep his duties with you, he’s in danger! Bellatrix has put doubt in to people’s minds; if he’s caught anywhere that he shouldn’t be he’ll be killed. I’ll take his duties if that’s what you’re all so worried about!” Remy growled at them. Remus mentioned for what must’ve been the 100th time in the last few weeks about his parents and Sirius’ eyes shot to Remy who sighed.

“Remus don’t go looking for them, you’re wasting time” “I want them to know we’re okay, I want to see the! Want them to know we’re happy,” he stated and she groaned “They’re dead Remus” she grumbled before explaining and he shot up shouting at her. Everyone stared in shock as they both hurled insults at each other but most were captivated by how mean Remus was being “Why don’t you just slink off you where you came from GG!” he growled at her and she stormed out the room.

Sirius shook his head shifting his gaze to Remus, “You’re a foul mouthed pig you know that Remus? Get a civil tongue in your head and some manners!” he snapped. “I…” “Don’t you dare turn that to me! What gives you the right to talk like that? I’m tired of this attitude,” Sirius lectured standing up.

“My attitude? Have you seen yours recently?” “Oh shut up! You don’t like my attitude you know what you can do about it Remus! You can take your attitude, your foul, disgusting and bullying mouth and get out of my house!” Sirius ordered. “Sirius you can’t…” “This is my house and you’d all do well to remember that! Now leave Remus and don’t come back here!” Sirius yelled before storming out the room himself.

Everyone sat in total shock as Remus disappeared leaving the house, “I hate that girl” Harry mumbled and Tonks smiled at him “No you hate what she’s doing to Sirius. Give them both time,” she reasoned quietly as the others started to talk amongst themselves. “Time? By then she may well have manipulated her way in to getting him to join them! He’s the only family I have left” Harry complained and Tonks nodded.

“She’s not manipulating him, he’s frustrated with himself. I promise you Harry in time you’ll see everything will get better, his foul mood is pure frustration. I think if we could get in to their heads things would be so very much easier for us all, now I must go and find Remus” she said leaving herself.

Harry noticed Hermione talking to Snape “Professor surely you can see what’s going on?” she asked quietly and he looked at her “You can read their minds” she pushed and he looked at her, he hated her for the fact she reminded him of Lily; she was so very clever like her. “Miss Granger Professor Lupin can block her thoughts as quick as I could read them and as for Sirius I don’t think anyone needs to try to read his mind. It is the matter of reading Remy’s mind that is causing these problems,” he stated as he watched the fire intently.