The Black Lupin


The next morning Remy woke up to see Sirius asleep on the floor and tried to sneak out but there was a bang and she saw his wand pointing at the door “No escaping young lady” “I was going to get breakfast” she replied and he laughed “Of course you were, you won’t mind me joining you will you” he stated and she sighed waiting for him to get up.

The kitchen was half full of people, who all stopped as she walked in but she seemed oblivious to their stares although Sirius knew she had seen them. He flicked his wand as she sat down and two cups landed in front of them “He’ll have you out of purpose Kreacher, I’d spit in his food if I was you” she stated and the house elf appeared on the table at her side.

“I do” “Good! Kreacher lets be clear that bracelet was from me to you, not from Regulus or Sirius so don’t go slacking on your work thinking you’re free or something ridiculous. You’re a house elf Kreacher and that’s where you shall remain,” she said coldly. “Yes mistress I understand” “Good now get me some breakfast,” she snapped back and he skulked off “They’re not possessions” Hermione mumbled and Remy kept her eyes trained on the table.

“But they’re not yours to free, your people had slaves and we have house elves. I believe you call them maids, what is not yours is not your business and you’d do well to remember that” Remy snapped and it fell quiet. “Kreacher that necklace from last night, tell me what you know?” she demanded and the house elf shook his head “Don’t shake your head at me, I spoke so you answer” she shouted and he bowed his head. “Master Regulus gave me it to look after, he told me nothing of it,” he informed and she nodded.

“Remy could you maybe…you know…” Sirius trailed off “What? You want me to be like you? Well Sirius I’m afraid I’m not like you, you’re not like you anymore. Sitting around in this house hiding when you should be out there fighting. Lets not discuss the ins and outs of who we are,” she stated looking at him as everyone watched them around the table.

“You’re a Lupin and you should maybe talk to your brother…” “I owe my so called brother nothing! What do I owe him? Nothing, he’s never done anything for me so why should I attempt to help him?” she asked. “Family should stick together,” Molly said as she sat down and Remy looked at her “Family shouldn’t kick other family out, family shouldn’t attack their own family but he did” she growled back.

“Remy…” “No Sirius! You all look down on me because I’m not my brother well he’s not so special. At 2 years old my brother was the perfection my parents wanted, I was always outshone by him! He was at school and it was ‘Remus learnt this…Remus can do that’, he came home and he chased me through the house at nights, he used me to practise his magic on, at 6 years old I hid in my room as my own brother tried to get in to me, you have him for 5 minutes. You try living with an adolescent werewolf! He was the one who suggested my parents threw me out the house, my brother was in Gryffindor but I got Slytherin. Well he made his choice and he’ll live by it,” she barked.

“What?” Ron said and she looked back at the table “I was put in Slytherin and by the time I was 13 my brother convinced my parents to throw me out the house. The Potter’s were dead and my brother’s friends were ripped apart and he saw Slytherin as a place all evil came from so naturally I was evil by association. The Black’s took me in and I grew up here, so don’t you all go telling me my brother is perfect,” she snapped looking up at them all.

“As for that necklace where is it?” she stated “Kreacher find it and bring me it!” she ordered and he nodded disappearing, “So a death eater, how long?” Sirius asked, “Ask Severus, him and Bellatrix were responsible. Oh Sirius watch yourself with that one, she says your head is hers and well I’d hate to miss that moment the light leaves your eyes” she snarled and he smiled.

“I’m not joking, she asked for you. Oh Severus congrats on the new job” “What?” Arthur said looking confused “Severus is to be new Defence Against The Dark Arts professor, learning from a real Death Eater. You kids are so privileged,” she said sarcastically. “But then who is Potions professor?” “Professor Lupin of course” she replied grinning.

“Remus can do Potions?” “Remus? Oh he can’t but I can, plus this way I get to keep tabs on Draco and other individuals” she replied looking up at Harry, Ron and Hermione. “You can’t teach Potions!” “Why?” she snapped back and Molly stood up “You’re a Death Eater” “So is Severus but he’s been teaching your kids for years! How you got that job Severus I don’t know, I’d be better at Dark Arts” she said looking at him and he nodded.

“Well Potions was all I could get, anyway I don’t think you should be teaching any young children spells” “True! Thank you for persuading Dumbledore I was the best candidate” she stated and he bowed his head as Kreacher walked in. He held the necklace out and she tore it from his hands, “Here this is for you,” she shouted throwing it at Harry who caught it.

“What good is that to…” “Harry knows,” she said looking at him and he nodded slowly confused by why he wanted it. Hermione nudged him and his mind clicked, how did she know? “”How do I…” “I provide the goods not the advice, I’m just handing over something I think might be of interest to you, do with it what you will Harry” she stated sitting back in the chair.

Slowly people left the room and Harry, Hermione and Ron were left with Sirius and Remy. Remy got up leaving the room “Sirius is she…” “Dangerous? Yes, Evil? No. She’s always been sharp-tongued, as a kid she was fearless, she has issues with her brother and it pushed her into the wrong crowd. Would she kill if she had to? Yes, Harry you could learn a lot from her. She is a talented witch and Hermione she took lots of classes like you but she just used her brain for bad things rather than good. I trust her and so should you; she could be invaluable to us” Sirius explained.

“But how do we know she’s not spying for them?” “Because if she was we’d be gone by now. Every last one of us. She can be tricky but she can be trusted and it won’t be just us who trusts her,” Sirius admitted. “But why did she change her mind and come looking to help us?” Ron questioned, “I do not claim to understand Remy, I don’t truly think anyone does” Sirius explained quietly as she walked back in.