The Black Lupin


Harry, Hermione, The Weasleys, Hagrid, Remus and Sirius travelled to The Burrow under the cover of darkness for the party they’d thrown for Harry 18th Birthday, they were deep into the celebrations when there was a bang outside. “Fenrir be quiet they’ll hear you and then the surprise attack won’t be such a surprise” Remy whispered and he glared at her baring his teeth.

“Who made you in charge?” “The Dark Lord and you’d do well to remember it, besides you talk like you think yourself higher than me. Remember who here bears a dark mark and stay to your place Fenrir, beside you’ll get your victims so just let me get us there undetected will you” she snarled as they crept through the long grass surrounding The Burrow.

She muttered words under her breath lifting the protection surrounding The Burrow and light appeared where was once dark and a building took form. “Stay low and quiet,” she whispered as they heard singing from the house “And nobody kills Harry, he’s The Dark Lord’s” she ordered before turning her gaze back to the house.

Voices could be heard and Fenrir reacted by sending a curse flying revealing someone was there “You idiot, they know we’re here now!” she snapped but Fenrir had taken off at a run in the direction of the voices. “Greyback!” she heard Sirius shout before sprinting after him and into the clearing to see Sirius, Remus and Harry stood outside the house.

Sirius shot a curse in Fenrir’s direction but Remy blocked it before shouting one back at him narrowly missing him, “Stay in the house!” Remus ordered as the others appeared at the windows watching as a duel started. “Remember Fenrir, not Harry!” Remy shouted before sending a spell in her brother’s direction knocking him over temporarily.

“Call him Remy!” “He need not be here, we can take him ourselves!” she snapped as Fenrir sent curses at Remus continuously not letting Remus send any his way, whilst she hurled curses at Sirius he defended himself with Harry. “He’s mine remember!” Fenrir reminded and she nodded as Remus was knocked over and Fenrir rounded on him “Your useless to me!” he growled before hearing a thud and looking to see Sirius had tripped over a tree stump and fallen.

“Petrificus Totalus!” Remy screamed sending Harry to the floor before he had a chance to help Sirius and Remus pushed himself up to see Fenrir run to Remy’s side “He’s mine, you promised” Fenrir snarled smiling at her and she looked down at Sirius nodding. “I know he is but come on Fenrir, lets play with the food first” she said coldly, the air left Harry’s body as he heard the scene playing out.

Sirius had trusted her and she was going to kill him but torture him first, he was about to lose another loved one! “But…” “Fenrir they can’t touch us in there, these two idiots set up the protection and them lot inside can’t break it down. Not a single spell can be cast into or out of that stupid house. They have to watch while we play games with their friends and then take Harry” she explained laughing coldly.

“Come on Greyback; The Dark Lord gets Harry, we get 2 members of the stupid Order and you get to have your fun so why can’t I have mine. It’s been so long since I had some fun, so come on lets play with Sirius” she begged looking at him and he nodded staying at her side. “Won’t be needing this,” she said taking Sirius wand from where it had fallen from his grip as he fell and remained outside of his reach.

Remus would’ve done something if he could move but shock glued him to the spot, she was right; nobody could save them now. His own sister was about to kill them both and let Fenrir have Sirius, his longest friend and he couldn’t move an inch. She sent spells and curses to the ground merely inches from Sirius making his body tense from nerves at every spark.

“Fine Fenrir, do your worst!” she said and Harry squeezed his eyes shut, just as Remus realised Sirius’ fate was sealed his sister raised her wand. “You disgust me, Fenrir wait I want to see it!” she shouted moving to stand at the side of them both, Fenrir snarled at Sirius who tried to control his breathing knowing he was about to be bitten.

He felt Fenrir’s hot breath on his skin “Fenrir! Fenrir Greyback look at me!” Remy shouted before she kicked him over away from Sirius “What are you doing Remy?” he growled. “What I’ve been wanting to do for years! This is for Remus, Avada Kedavra!” she shouted and Harry saw green light up the sky before his body relaxed and he could move again.