Life's Complications

Chapter 5

"Hey, guys." I greeted my parents the next morning.
"Hey honey." They respond.
"Hey honey there's a package for you that came in the mail." My dad spoke, pointing to the table. Sitting there was the most beautiful colorful flowers, it's scent filled the room. I walked over to it, and checked the card and it read;
Had a great time, thanks for companying me. Would've sucked if i had to ruin Zach and Lisa's date alone.
"Who's it from?" My mom asked.
"Is there orange juice?" I tried to stall them, they weren't falling for it. "Gotta go." I grabbed the flowers.
"Where are you going?" My dad asked.
"To a friends house." I replied from the top of the stairs.
"Be back by dinner!" My mom shouted.
"Okay!" I shouted back.
I grabbed my plain white tank top and my back leggings, I grabbed my grey jacket as well since it was pass three o'clock now, and pulled my hair into a ponytail. So i'd say it was a humble look. I drove to Cameron's in fifteen minutes and knocked on the door. I would've just texted him, but i wanted to see him.
"Hello." A short, smiling woman appeared opening the door.
"Hello." I smiled back. "Uh, Is Cameron home?"
"Yes." She spoke, as she put down her towel. "Who may i say is looking for him?"
"Alice Jones." I smiled. "I'm Cameron's biology partner."
"Well, aren't you a pretty one?" She said, my face was probably burning red right now. "Come on in, dear."
I smiled politely and walked inside, she called Cameron and in a few seconds he showed up.
"Hey." He greeted me, smiling. "Thanks mom."
"Well, I better go prepare our supper." Mrs.Quiseng spoke. What a nice lady.
"Come in." He said leading me to the living room. The beautiful paige inspired living room, with flowers and plants.
"Thanks." I spoke.
"So, what are you doing here?" He asked.
"Well," I said, sitting on the nude colored couch with pink flower print on it. "I'm here to give you an answer."
"On what?" He asked. I glared at him "I'm kidding i'm kidding" he said "And?"
"I say .. yes" I announced. "I will go out with you."
"Ahhh! i see you got my flowers" He spoke.
"You never know what flowers might do to a girl." I said.
"I should buy flowers more often." He spoke.
"Oh definitely." He said.
"Thank you for that, by the way." I thanked him.
"No problem." He said.