Lestrange Affair


Life after that was very strange for a while, we all went through trials and hearings with evidence given for and against each and every one of us. Severus Snape was ruled to be a past Death Eater who had acted under orders from Dumbledore and a true member of the Order Of Phoenix for many years and was therefore kept out of Azkaban, Draco’s father along with many others was sentenced to Azkaban for his actions but his mother wasn’t.

She’d never bared the Dark Mark and had never committed any wizarding crime as such only acting to save her son and was allowed to remain free, Draco himself had taken the Dark Mark but he’d never actually killed anyone or used an unforgivable curse. It was heard he’d been bullied through fear by his own father and Voldemort to join.

I however was not destined to be so lucky, I was a Lestrange who’d carried out an unforgiveable curse (Cruciatus) and with witnesses as well. However it was discovered I’d never used the other two, I knew I was destined for Azkaban and that I deserved it for everything I’d ever done until the final day.

The Flints arrived with Marcus telling how at school I’d always been a good student who worked hard and had been well behaved in the common room only those associate with me had caused trouble. Severus explained my upbringing and how he’d always believed I was a good child who’d been brought up by evil people but it was the last person who really swung it for me.

Harry Potter explained my declaration of abandonment of the Death Eaters and my help in pointing out the last horcrux showed who I was and I was allowed to live free if only with a few conditions that I was more than happy to keep to.

Nowadays things are relatively normal; Draco lives with his mother at the Malfoy Mansion and works for the Ministry in the Foreign Affairs and Sports Department, Harry Potter works for the Aurors, Hermione works in relation to elves and their treatment and The Weasley boy works as an Auror too.

As for me, well I live with my dad in his home in Spinners End during the summer months but for the rest of the year we both live at Hogwarts where he, Severus Snape, is the headmaster and I still work as Potions master. However Draco keeps asking me to live with him at Malfoy Manor, my dad tells me it's what two people who are engaged to be married should do. However I spent a lifetime away from the place I wanted to be and now I want to spend as much time as possible with my dad! Plus Malfoy Manor held many bad memories for me that I did not want to live within.
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Uploaded because I have lots of back logged stories but I do have plans for more on them all so I'll be back to them all soon. I do plan to do a sequel with their life together if it's something people are potentially interested in.