Status: Finished



He is always haunting my dreams, I ask him to leave but he won't, only when I wake up am I free of him.
So here I am again in dream world, I am in a dark forest, walking around and I hear a twig snap behind me, I turn and catch a glimps of the tail end of a black coat disappearing behind a tree.

"Stop following me!"

"But you're so fun to scare." He smirks his blue eyes lighting up

"I- I'm not scared." I force out, trying my hardest not to look away

He steps closer, his boots crunching through the fallen leaves, finally he is in front of me so close I could almost touch him, he sweeps a strand of hair from my face and and looks me in the eyes.

"Not scared huh?"

I'm trying hardest not to shiver, but my definate body won't listen "No." It is barely above a whisper

"Then why are you shaking?"

Then things start the swirl together and buzzing noise fills my ears, and I am brought back to the real world. I shut off the alarm clock and just lay in bed for a few minutes covered in sweat.

Why am I so afraid of him? He has never done anything? And why do I always dream about him?

As I lay pondering this, I hear noise from down stairs my little sister is making a racket, and now my phone is vibrating. I push myself up off my bed, I don't want to leave and check it.

I don't have the car today. We have to walk to school.

I sigh, I don't really feel like walking this early in the morning, but it can't be helped. I go to my closet and pick out something to wear, and then quickly grab something to eat before running out of the house.
I feel jumpy and paranoid for some reason like someone is watching me, I tell myself it's because of that dream, but really wish my friend would hurry up and meet me.

"Penelope!" I hear Elenor yell out behind me, she runs up and grabs me

I smile "Ellie!"

We are walking and that's when it happens, my heart stops and my breath catches in my throat, Briar, the man from my dreams is there standing in the park across the road watching me laughing, I stop where I am, staring in horror.

"Penelope? What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

That's when it hits, me Briar is a ghost, I can see it now, he is partly transparent, but why can I see him, why is he haunting me?

"It's nothing." I say and walk on

School goes by so slow and I can't think of anything by Briar, he has never shown up in my daily life before, just my dreams, so why now?

I am sitting in my room finishing homeworking that the teachers have given us, when I feel a presence, my stomach drops, and I slowly turn around.

"Surprise!" Briar shouts

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Don't you enjoy our little meetings? I thought we should have them more often." He smiles

"Why do you enjoy scaring me?"

He sighs, and gets this annoyed look on his face and then sits on my bed, then looks at me

"Because it was the only way to get your attention."

"What do you mean?"

"You never noticed me before, until I showed up in your dreams and scared you."

"So you could'ved held up a big sign or something nicer, and you didn't have to let it go on for that
long!" I yell, then quickly cover my mouth, worried someone heard, normal people don't talk to ghost.

"No I didn't, you're right."

"So what, do you have a message or something?"


"Isn't that what ghost usually come back for?"

"No, no message."

"Then what?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He sighs again exasperated "I like you." He then looks away

"You have a funny way of showing it."

"I thought we were passed that." He says,

"We are." I say

"Can I show you something?" He ask

"Right now? It's kind of late."

"It'll only be a few minutes."


It's weird having him so nice to me, as we walk out of the house, he reaches down to grab my hand, until he realizes, that won't work in real life he can't touch me, he looks disappointed.
I follow him to the play ground where I saw him this morning, and we dig a bit under the big tree that stands for shade by the play area, until we reach a tin box.

"Is this some kids toys?" I ask

He looks irritated and the replies "No. Look"

I open up the box and inside are pictures. Pictures of different places of the world and then I notice some notice one of me.

"Why is there one of me?"

"I wanted to ask you out, I always saw you walking by here, but I couldn't work up my nerve, and before I could I well, you know." He said "I seem like a stalker don't I?" He says embarrassed

"Just a bit," I joke

With that I see him tense and then start to fade.

"I'm joking." I say "Don't leave!" It doesn't work he fades away into the darkness of night.

"Geez didn't have to get all butt hurt. Well it doesn't matter anyway, you spent all your time scaring me, and I can't make one little joke!" I huff

I slam the tin to the ground, then look back down at the pictures, getting annoyed at myself I pick them up and go through them again, then I see one of Briar, and decide to keep that one for myself, I put the tin back into the ground and cover it up with dirt.
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