Status: Finished



I am sitting in the park, on a swing, just thinking to myself.

"Be careful someone might hurt you." A mans voice says from behind me

"Would that someone be you?" I ask turning around

"Even if I wanted to I couldn't." Briar assures me

"The picture disappeared." I announce

"You should've known it would've, it was a memory. Memories can't live outside in the physical world for long." He says

"I've never known of a memory to become real."

"Only when it is strong can it become real." He says

"How do you know all this?"

"My mum told me about them,"

"Is your mum still alive?"

"Yes." He says his eyes look dark, and his personality has changed

"What is wrong?"


"Please tell me." I say getting up and walking closer too him, and damn I wish I could touch him, I want to feel him, I want to hug him, I want him to feel okay.

"I can't tell you." He says "You wouldn't think the same of me." He says walking away.

"You can't just leave when you feel like it!" I yell

"Watch me."

"Asshole!...I hope you heard that!" I yell as few kids walk by giving me weird looks "Oh I'm not
talking to myself... Didn't you see? He was just... Oh never mind!" I stomp off, as the kids watch me.

"You would think he was the girl, with the way he pms's." I mumble as I walk in the front door.
I take a shower and fall into bed and off to dream land

"So you think I'm an asshole do you?" Says the familiar Briar

"You are."

"Well I set up this picnic for you." He says "I can't be all that bad."

"What's with all your mood swings?"

"You were just going to keep asking, so I left."

"I wasn-" He cuts me off

"Yes you were. Now do you want anything."

"Why a picnic?"

"Because in real life I can't eat, in dreams I can."

"So what did happen?"

"Something bad, that's all you're gonna get." He says stuffing food in his mouth

I sigh. "So how did you die?"


"What did you do while you were alive?"

"Hmm I was a photographer, thought you would've known that."

"How old are you?"


"You know I'm only eighteen right."

"So what about the age difference. There is a lot more to worry about than that." He points out.

"Yea I guess so."

He gives me a look "Fine I'll tell you how I died."

He takes off his jacket and top, his muscles are defined, and then I see what he is trying to show me, a bullet wound, in his upper abdomen.

"What happened?"

"It's a long story."

"Well tell me before I wake up."

He takes a deep breath.

"Are you sure you want to know?" He warns


He demeanor goes dark, and his eyes lose their spark.

"I killed someone, and they were just getting me back."


"You asked, remember that." He says

"That's not exactly what I expected. Who did you kill?"

"My step father."


"Because he abused my mother and my younger siblings. I had tried settling it many ways, by talking it out and even giving him a few good beatings, he never listened so I killed him, made it look like one of his buddies did it." He said looking me in the eye.

"You're joking right?" I said disbelieving

"I knew you wouldn't believe me." He says getting up and walking around

"No. Don't mind me, go on."

He looks down at me judging if he should continue. He does.

"A few nights later my house was broken into and a few of his buddies beat me, and shot me, and now I'm dead. End of story."

I take a deep breath, that's not really the type of story you expect.

"So why did you get so upset when I asked about your mother?"

"Well I'm dead I can never talk to her again."

"Oh okay." I sit for a moment before pulling him down into a hug, "Why don't you go into one of her dreams and talk to her?"

"I've tried that, she has some kind of block, I can't get passed it." He says frustrated

We sit in silence for a few moments

"Maybe it is time I go?"


"To hell."

"You don't think you're really going there do you?"

"I know that's where I'm going."


"They tried to send me there already, I beat the guards, and ran, but maybe it's time I give myself up."

"I don't want to lose you." I say holding back tears. "I- I think I'm in love."

"You can't love me, as I already mentioned I'm a ghost."

"It doesn't matter."

He turns around and kisses me

"I can only touch you in your dreams, you don't want to be with someone like that, you want someone you can be with all the time."

"Please don't leave me."

"It's time to wake up." Is all he says as things start to swirl together and blur as usual.
I wake up with a tear running down my cheek, feeling depressed.