Status: Finished



The next day in school I am depressed, I don't even know him, but for some reason I feel like I do know him, maybe I'm just used to having him around in my dreams and that is why I feel this way, and I'll get used to not having him around anymore.

"Penelope, what is wrong? You've been so not fun to be around today." Ellie says

"Sorry just not feeling good." I mumble

"I know what will make you feel better, getting a manicure done." She smiles

I think about it, and figure might as well it does make me feel better

"Okay." I say

At the nail salon Ellie is chatting away happily

"So you seemed like you were in a good mood, what changed?" She ask

I can't even talk about it "I met a guy."

"What's his name? Is he cute?"

"It doesn't matter, we can't be together." I say quickly dismissing her questions

"Why not?"

Because he is dead. I think

"He is too old for me."

"How old?"


"That's not that old." She says

"It just won't work out." I say, as the lady finishes my nails.

I should not have brought him up, but I wanted to talk about him

"Well you will meet someone better." She says

"What about you? How is David?"

"He is wonderful." She smiles "Didn't you notice my new necklace? He got it."

"It's pretty." I smile

I then feel an ache in my heart again, I will never get that from Briar, or even see him, which is
enough for me.
Walking back home I see Briar, I walk over to him.

"I thought you were going?" I ask hoping he has changed his mind

"I just wanted to say good bye. I wanted one more night with you." He says.

"Please just stay."

"I don't belong on this earth."

"You don't belong in hell either!"

"But it's where I'm going," He says like it's not a big deal "Anyways I wanted you to have something,
if you want to follow me."

"What is it?"

"Just follow me."

He takes me to an abandon building. It is filled with cobwebs.

"Why here?"

"I should warn you, you might see other ghost. It's haunted, but that makes it a perfect place to hide things,"

"Some people like haunted places."

"Not when the spirits are evil." He sees the scared look on my face "Oh but they won't hurt you, not with me around."

"What did you hide here?"

"I would come here when I was alive. I made this place my own, it's upstairs,"

I follow him upstairs, and see dark shadows lurking in some places

"One of these bricks are loose, just can't remember which one... I think it was this one." He says pointing to the third one up from the floor.

I reach and pull it out, in there is another tin box.

"You really have a thing for tin boxes, don't you?"

"Look in it."

In there is money, and a lot of it "What do you want me to do with this?"

"Well two things, first I was watching, you friend show off her necklace and thought I would like to get you something better." He smiles

"That's not necessary." I say

"It's a good bye gift, it would make me happy."

"What's the second thing?"

"To give the rest to my mother."

"Can't we give it all to her?"

"No I want to buy you something, so let go buy you something."

I go grudgingly, but I guess inside I do enjoy it a bit.
We pick out a diamond earrings, after a bit of arguing and looking crazy in front of the sales man, I found the cheapest pair I could. Though it doesn't feel nice to have something that won't fade in a couple of days.

We are standing in front of Alexia's house, that's Briars mum's name.

"So do I just tell your mum, I can see you and you want me to give it to her?" I ask looking up at him
the to the house

"I hadn't really thought about it, just tell her whatever comes to mind." He says

I feel nervous but go an knock on the door

"Hello?" She says confused

"Hi, um this is going to sound weird, but well Briar wanted me to give this to you."

She gives me a crazy look and then opens the box.

"Briar never had this kind of money." She says pushing the box back into my hands.

"He is right here and tells me it's his, he wants you to have it."

She slams the door in my face.

"I don't think she likes me."

"She has a general mistrust of people, after what happened."

I place the box on the door step and walk away.

"Thank you. Now you have something to remember me by when I'm gone."

The dreaded feeling of knowing he will be gone soon returns.

"Are you -"

"Yes." He says cutting me off "Tonight is my last night."

I hear footsteps behind me and turn around and notice two men in guards suits with flames surrounding their feet, they carry swords and chains, I look to Briar, and he looks back at.

"Go to your house, I'll be there shortly." He says stepping in front of me

"You're not getting away this time." Says one of the guards

"We've been looking all over for you." Says the other
♠ ♠ ♠
Not my best, I know, but still hope you enjoyed.