‹ Prequel: Fuel to the Fire

Butterfly Kisses

I'll take away all your pain

Two days. Two days and he would be all mine. Two days and he could never get rid of me ever again. Two days and I would be Mrs. Flint.

The months went by fast because of so much planning we did. Everything was set, invitations were out and we were ready to go. Amy was the made of honor, Josh was Dan's best man and the rest of the boys would be sitting in the front row with Dan and I's parents. I was so excited. Oh, and Zara's our flower girl. We decided to have someone walk with her since she's only a couple months old. But I was still excited. More than ever.

I honestly thought that this was so surreal. That he wasn't real. That the boys weren't real. That this wasn't my life. But every time he kissed me, I knew it was real. He was actually mine forever after two days and I couldn't wait.

I'm pretty sure most of the fans knew already and I really did try my hardest to hide my ring, but they always had a way to find things out and to me it was amazing at how fast they worked to get the information. I was so happy that they actually had fans that cared about their love life and all. It was adorable.

We spent a lot of time with our mothers and we both got close to each other's mothers. I absolutely loved Dan's mum. She was so adorable. Dan already loved my mum and my mum loved him. She was really happy for me.

"One more day and you'll be mine," Dan whispered in my ear as we laid under the covers in the dark.

I giggled and rubbed his back as he wrapped me up in his arms. "You won't be able to get rid of me," I whispered.

"I don't want to get rid of you." He snuggled his face into my neck and I smiled. "If I say I love you, can I keep you?" He mumbled.

I pulled away from him and laughed, "Are you really quoting a movie?"

He nodded his head and I rolled my eyes before I pecked him. He put his face back into my neck and played with my shirt. He kissed my neck and whispered into my ear again, "Goodnight, love."
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shortshortshort the next one will be looooooonnnnggg. hopefully you guys will love it like i doo. <3