‹ Prequel: Fuel to the Fire

Butterfly Kisses

This love no one could take away

"Ali" Dan whispered.

"Hm?" I looked up from my spot at the kitchen counter and saw Dan walk in. He sat down next to me and I faced my chair toward him.

He took my hand and gave it a squeeze before he opened his mouth, "You Me At Six is going on tour."

"Dan! That's great!"

He nodded a little and gave me a weak smile.

"What's wrong?" I placed my hand on his cheek.

"We're going on tour for two months, Al."

I let my hand slip away from his cheek but he caught it with his other hand.

"But you and Zara could come. It's your choice. Either you could come the whole two months or you could come the second month. It's your decision, Ali."

I nodded my head after a few minutes then got up and kissed him before I walked upstairs. I sat down on my bed and thought about it. I mean, I think it would be better to go the second month because then I could get things ready and so could the guys on the bus. I don't particularly think it's a good idea to bring a baby on a tour bus with five guys but she had to be with her dad.

I laid my head on the pillow and soon felt my eyes slowly closing.


I woke up in the pitch black room and shot up in bed. I looked around frantically before I crawled off the bed and looked in the crib.

Zara wasn't there.

I ripped the door open and ran downstairs. I let out a breath of relief when I spotted Dan holding Zara in the kitchen.

"Jesus, you scared me shitless." I put a hand over my chest and one on my head.

Dan smiled small and continued feeding Zara. Once I gathered myself, I went to the fridge and got out water. I watched Dan while I felt the cool liquid find it's way down my throat.

"When is tour?" I asked.

"We have to leave next week to get over to America and get everything settled over there."

I nodded, "Are you guys like staying in hotels when you get to the cities?"

"Yup. Just so Zara can be comfortable and not try to sleep on a moving bus all the time." He smiled down at Zara and touched her cheek.

"I think we'll come the second month." I said quietly, stepping forward, towards him.

"Really?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes.

I smiled up at him and nodded. He grinned, leaning down to peck me.

"I don't want to keep Zara away from her dad."

He smiled again and placed the bottle in the sink, then moved Zara onto his shoulder to burp her.

"You really are the best Al. And I love you."

I moved my hair behind my ear, "I love you too, Dan." I kissed his cheek before I walked back upstairs and into the bathroom, turning the shower on.

I got under the warm water and scrubbed off all the dirt on my body.
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tourtourtour. i have to go to school soon. sighsighsigh