‹ Prequel: Only Baby Scars
Status: Hey all! thank you to the people who read my stories. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send them my way! Constructive criticism is welcome!

The Storm.


I watch out the window hoping he doesn't see me. He looks the same as I look, almost skeletal, almost sick. Our eyes are sunken, along with our hearts. I was never one to walk away, but this time I had to. He sits in the car staring at the wheel for a moment, almost like he forgot how to drive. I feel my heart sinking deeper, deeper, deeper into my stomach. I think my eyes have become a desert, because I feel as if I want to cry, but I can't. When he glances my way we both know. We both no that we're dying... without each other we are... dying.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a little preface to the story. I've been working hard on making this interesting, and the first few times I started writing the first part, I'd stop because I thought it wasn't enough to get people reading. Anyway, I'm taking a long shot with this story, I'm going to try to make it as readable as I can.

Also, I am working on a whole different story, nothing to do with these two.

:) xx - LeAnne.