‹ Prequel: Only Baby Scars
Status: Hey all! thank you to the people who read my stories. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send them my way! Constructive criticism is welcome!

The Storm.

Chapter 1: Before.

Nothing is better than waking up to a screaming baby. I try to rub my eyes and get awake, but I'm exhausted. I groan and roll over and realize I need to get up. That is my child, and I love him. My fiance, Austin, sleeps in the bed next to me, I know he's exhausted to because he is snoring loudly, it's a wonder I even hear Atticus. It's dark but my eyes start adjusting, and I turn on the lamp next to my side of the bed, and try to let my eyes adjust to what feels like the sun melting my eyes.
"I'm coming hunny." I yawn and grab him. It's a better time, 6 a.m. this beats when he used to wake at 2... and four... AND six. Now it's six a.m. he's finally on a sleeping schedule and when I pick him up in my arms, his crying starts to slow. It's six He knows his food is coming. He has brown eyes, just like his daddy and I and the cutest little smile, it reminds me of Austin so much. He's six months old, but he even has little dimples already. I always want to kiss his face, I love when he smiles at me. After I make him his bottle, and feed him and burp him, I lay back in bed with Austin. I lay staring at the ceiling and feel Austin's warm arm around my waist. He nuzzles in my neck and whispers he loves me. This is a good feeling, and even though I know he's sleeping, I tell him I love him right back.
We finally bought an apartment, it's small but it has two rooms, and it's inexpensive. For right now we have Atticus sleeping in our room, so we don't have to run a room over to get to him. It's nice to live alone, because Austin and I don't have to worry about complaints from anyone about the crying baby.
Six months since Austin proposed to me, and a wedding is basically planned, but I need a dress! Two weeks and it's here, and I don't have a dress... This is my procrastination. Right now, I'm in a dress store, trying on some dresses. To many to count. I'd try one, and it'd either look good or bad. But I was determined to buy my dress today.
My mom, Felicia, Tino, and Lana are all sitting waiting for me to hurry with my final dress choice, and once the dress-shop worker clips it back to fit my shape, I know it's the one. I take some deep breaths before I walk out to see everyone.
I hold up the dress delicately in the front, I am fitted with a fake veil and as I walk out I watch my mom, Felicia, Tino, and Lana's eyes grow wide. I feel tears stinging my eyes. This is the feeling they talk about.
"Wow." Felicia says.
"Again Lea, can I marry you instead?" Tino jokes. Lana and my mom start crying.
"Beautiful." Lana says taking her tissue to her eyes.
"I said I wouldn't cry..." My mother says.
"So what do you say about this one?" The dress shop worker asks. "I think you look stunning..."
"Yes... this. This is it." I smile at it in the mirror. "This is the dress I'm getting married in. More tears start to flow from my eyes. I don't want to get out of this dress. I feel so good in it. I take it off, and make my down payment, and when I'm coming back for alterations.
When I get home to Austin and Atticus sitting on the couch. Austin's tickling him and he's giggling lightly. Austin grabs him up and kisses me and I kiss Atticus. I grab him from Austin's arms.
"How was he?"
"The perfect child... he barely cries, only when he's hungry, or he needs his diaper changed... it's awesome." He follows me to the kitchen. "How was wedding dress hunting?"
"Successful." I smile. I look through the mail and taking out spaghetti noodles for dinner.
"You got a dress!?"
"Yup!" He looks really excited he kisses me I can tell he's excited for this. I look to the ring on my finger again, beautiful. I kiss Atticus on his forehead and grab him a bottle, and put him down to nap in our room.
"So I talked to my mom, and she's going to let us have our weekend..." Austin and I have been wanting a mini-break before the wedding, just to ourselves. So my mom, agreed to take Atticus for the weekend so we could go.
"Really? Great! I can't wait. Then, we have a week until wedding week!" I feel a little bit of excitement hit me. I jump Austin kissing him over and over again. In the middle of our kiss session our doorbell rings. We both look at each other, not really wanting to answer it. It doesn't ring again, so Austin and I continue kissing, then again the doorbell interrupts.
"Who could that be?" I wonder. I look at Austin, like he'd have the answer, but he shrugs his shoulder. It rings again, and again. I hear Atticus start crying and Austin heads towards the door.
I give Atticus his bottle that fell out of his mouth and try to calm him down. I hear Austin talking quietly and when I come out to see who it is, Alan is sitting on our couch.
"Hey Alan... what's up?" I ask.
"Well I wanted to ask you and Austin a huge question... and favor."
"Well... okay." I say sitting by Austin on the couch.
"Well... I kind of got kicked out of my house... I need a place to stay for a few months, just until i get on my feet... you know?" He's scratching the back of his head nervously. "Before you guys can say anything, know I'll help out. Pay rent, help watch Atticus, you know... I-I work nights so I would be home all day to help out."
"Uhm... Let us talk about it for a minute." Austin says to me and pulls me into the room. "So what do you think?" He whispers.
"Uh. I guess... we can help him out.. he's helping us too... I won't have to worry about Atticus if I have to run out for wedding stuff..."
"You're right. We can help him out... we'll let him crash in the other room. Atticus isn't moving out of our room any time soon."
"Yeah. okay." I nod and follow him to the living room.
"We decided we could help you out." Austin smiles.
"You can take the spare room." I say sitting by Austin on the couch.
"Wow, you guys I owe you so much thank you! I just needed this. ah, I have some stuff to grab before I get in here... I'll move the rest in tomorrow." He says sitting back on the couch.
Having Alan around is a change. He's actually very tidy, and keeps things organized... maybe even better than I do. He's a big help, I must admit and I can't be mad at the fact that Atticus loves his uncle Alan so much.
When Austin got home, we both needed to pack. We've procrastinated to long, and we need this mini-vacation, we need to feel like kids again just for a weekend. Growing up isn't as fun. Paying bills, taking care of a child, still taking college classes, trying our hardest to stay up to date with everything. When we're finally in the car on the way to my parent's house, to drop Atticus off, I'm a bit nervous to leave him.
"Do you think it's okay to leave Atticus?" I bite my lip nervously. "He's only six months..."
"Lea it's your parents. He'll be fine." He rests his hand on my leg to assure me everything would be okay.
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