Status: This is to show you guys to let know the person you love that you love them

I Love You! Did You Hear Me?

I've fallen in love with this guy... I only know a few things about him like his full name, birthday and last school attended, etc... we talked a few times but nothing personal, nothing interesting, in short... NOTHING... I don't know why it's him that I love, there's something in him that I can't explain... he's the mysterious, serious type of guy... I can't tell him I love him because he's one of the Higher Ups in the company I'm currently working with and also because he has someone already... she's pretty & personally I think they're good together... I'm writing this story to let him know that even though he won't like me, or notice me or love me, I still love him... If only wishes will be granted, I wish to have just one chance to prove to him how much he means to me...