Status: Two men falling in love for the same woman. This is part of the story.

Stan, Paul and Lily

Stan and Paul

Tomorrow is in the mind of the fast-paced, as yesterday was in the eyes of the reminiscent.

We sat on the deck, a beer in the hand and silence was our conversation. We knew each other well and other well off. Whispers were our friendship and savagery was our bonding. Paul, my roommate, knew what he wanted when it was too late. He always looked back and said he should have done it. He was a man full of regret and had no ambition to see himself fight the world. All I wanted was for him to come out of his daydreaming state and make something of himself. I shouldn’t complain, he works, pays rent and keeps his chores up to date. It’s just after all that he sits on his ass. He doesn`t socialize except with his dealer. With that exception he really does nothing. He wasn`t like this when we first met, he was a lot more willing to go out there and experience life with a wild push of enthusiasm. It stopped when she left. I won’t lie, it hurt me too, and I loved her just as much as he did. She was my heart and soul. Her name was Lily and I loved her. I loved everything about her. How she motivated Paul, how she calmed my anger with that steady blue glazed stare. She smelled of strawberries as she walked by and the warmth that she gave off when I held her. I was never cold. Her hair was ferocious, passionate and untamed. Every time I see someone with her hair colour, I remember our first time.
I took her to the fanciest restaurant I could afford as a college student, “Red Lobster.” Afterwards, we went and saw the new Batman Begins movie. She was on the edge of her seat the entire time. Seeing her so happy over something as simple as a movie made me want her to be happy all the time. Ever since our first date it was my goal to make her always happy. After two more dates I wanted her to meet Paul. They both would get along, both loving cinema and books. So I had her over for dinner (Paul has been my roommate ever since first year of college). The meal that I made was homemade; I burned the buns in the oven, so I went out and bought store packaged buns. Lily came over early so she could help with dinner, although it was ready. We just waited for Paul to come home from work. There were a couple of pictures of me and Paul on the fridge.
“This is Paul?” Lily smiled. It was a picture of us taking shots with linked arms.
“Sure is.” chuckling at the memory. “He is a wild one, that Paul.”
“Hells yeah!” the front door slammed open and there stood Paul carrying what seemed like a tray of chips and dips, along with a 2/4 of beer. I quickly grabbed the beer from him, opened the box took three out and threw the rest into the fridge.
“Thanks.” Lily took the drink that I handed her.
“Paul, this is Lily, Lily, Paul.” They shook each other’s hands. Lily’s eyes were lit up looking at him.
“So Lily, why did you pick this eye sore of a guy to date?” Paul smiled; his perfect teeth gleamed in the dim kitchen light.

The night continued on, we held conversations that started with how school was going, to politics of the world, theology and ending with our favorite cult classic. I had to excuse myself, I went to the washroom. I washed my hands, realizing how silent it was, on my way back I saw the reflection kitchen window, Paul and Lily exchanging phones. I coughed before I entered. I didn’t think much of it, but I did feel awkward. The conversation died, and Paul excused himself. Some sort of excuse that he was tired and he had to work tomorrow morning. Lily and I sat in the kitchen, we were both silent. I tapped on the table, repeatedly; it was something I do when I am unsure of what should happen. A few minutes of the most awkward silence that I ever sat through went by until she reached over and grabbed my hand. I thought at first that I had annoyed her and she wanted me to stop, but she slowly reached over and kissed me gently on the lips, slowly. I think she thought I wasn`t ready for this. I was the kind of guy who took things very slowly. I didn`t kiss back, I was scared to make a move, until she started to move back, I grabbed her by her face and kissed her. I picked her up and carried her to my room. I kicked a couple of chairs out of the way, almost tripping over one, but somehow we kept kissing. I opened the door and walked in backwards. Before I had shut the door, I saw a glimpse of Paul opening his door. I shut my door.

That night was our first, we made love. Her slender figure against mine, nails into skin, teeth tearing at my ecstasy. Her red hair flowing over my face every time she kissed me. Her back arching, pleading for me to play her, like the harp.



Sitting in the backyard with Stan, the ever watching Stan, made me feel queasy. We only stayed with each other, for the memory of Lily. Ever since she left us, we started to fall apart, and divide as friends, although we were scared to leave each other because if we did we would lose the memory of Lily. She was my lovely lady, my Lily pad. When she left, it was the two of us and I knew that he would never get over her, as I never will. So we live together, tolerating each other and on the brink of murder. I hid behind my weed and writing as he hid behind his work and ever searching soul to have a better life. Stan thought that he could ignore what had happened, which was not right. You had to embrace what happened and remember who she was. You cannot just move on from love. Love, that is what is was, I cannot deny it, even with all the jealousy, she loved him just as much as she loved me. It hurt, but even in high school we shared everything, so then why not a women. We never mention our relationship with Lily to each other. I believe that is when it started to fall apart. It was a year or so after Stan introduced us. We were on what seemed like hundredth date…..
It was raining; I was in my grad suit, the only suit that I had. She was in a beautiful black dress. I was taking her on a real date. I didn’t have a high paying job as Stan had, but I saved up to go this place. Corso 32, where the cheapest plate was eighty dollars. I was kind of unsure of what to do, I mean a restaurant of this prestige, there had to be some sort of etiquette. I didn’t know it. It all changed whenever I looked at Lily, her simple beauty washed all my doubt and knew it was worth it. We entered the restaurant, I got look of disgust from the Host, and Lily got a look of approval. The hosts judgment made me feel very insecure in my old dusty, worn out suit. He took us too our seats. Everyone around us were docked with jewels and expensive make-up. The jewels on one of the richer ladies here probably could buy me supper for a week. As we sat down, the Host disappeared and a waiter showed up. He gave the same looks as the Host did, then handed us a menu. He disappeared for a second and reappeared with a bottle of red wine.
“Would you two like extra time to order?” The waiter stared intently into Lily’s eyes. “Or are you ready now?”
I looked at the menu, already set on getting the fettuccini which was the cheapest plate. Lily answered before I could. “I would like the Chicken Fettuccini.”
“As would I.” The waiter looked at me for two seconds, nodded his head and then continued to look at Lily.
Lily completely ignored the waiter, and was intent on her looking inside her purse. The waiter left, a sign of disappointment in his walk. I smiled.
“Well that guy was a creep and half.” Lily whispered her blue eyes sparkling with the bright restaurant lights reflecting off of them.
We sat at the table drinking wine and talking about our favorite movies and books. Occasionally getting off track to make fun of one of the over dressed woman that came through the doors. Some women were decked out with the most bizarre jewelry, necklaces that didn’t hang from the neck but climbed up it, they had rings that clutched onto jewels that were so big they would cover two fingers. There was just too much of one thing, and yet just enough to make fun of these people without feeling bad. After a bit, our dinner came, the two dishes were the smallest dish that I had ever seen. It held a handful of fettuccini in which it was decorated with a couple leaves of mint. Lily and I looked at each other and laughed. We slowly dared to taste it. The size might be small but did it pack a bite. It was the most delicious meal that I ever had eaten.

We both agreed to get the cheque and go to McDonald’s to actually fill ourselves. We left and got into my car. The car was the most unimpressive vehicle that anyone will ever see, its black colouring rusting from being un-kept, the interior older then my grandparents. We got in and started our little venture to Mcdonalds. On the way, we talked a little bit, just small talk. Suddenly my car started to spur and I pulled over to the side. I got out and opened the hood, but I knew nothing about cars, and the engine was smoking so I pulled out my cell phone and dialed for the tow truck. We were stuck on the highway, no cars sped by. The receptionist said that the tow truck should be here in two hours. The only thing Lily and I could do was sit and wait. We both started laughing at how this might have happened. Lily laughed so hard she had to get out so she could get fresh air. As she stepped out and slipped. I got out as fast as possible and was at her side before anything could happen. She was laughing though, and harder than before. I helped her up. She leaned into my chest and continued laughing. She slowly raised her head and looked into my eyes. The tears of laughter just creating a blue sun of brilliance. I felt myself slowly lowering my head. I wanted to kiss her. So bad, in fact that the temptation won that my lips met hers and kissed. She grabbed my tie, tighten it enough so that I would slightly choke but I could breath. I grabbed her from behind and lifted her, her black dress rising as my hands explored. She grabbed my shirt and ripped it open. Scratched my chest, I ripped her dress from the bottom up, and bit into her shoulder she moaned. We passionately made love until a pair of lights showed up. We quickly stood up, my pants unzipped, shirt ripped, she with a red dress and messed up hair. The both of us covered in sweat, blood and scratches. The tow truck driver could only stare at us.