Status: I'll do my best to entertain you all with this story

A Peter Pan Dream

Chapter One

I've always wanted to meet Peter Pan. I've literally dreamt about him my whole life. I'm just wondering what it would be like if I met him. What would he look like? Would he be nice, or just cocky? Maybe both. What would he think of me? How would we react if we saw each other? I'm just sitting on my bed, by the window, looking outside at the snow, falling gracefully from the beautiful night sky. A knock on my bedroom door. "Kate, honey, your father and I are going out dancing and then we'll be staying late because it lasts for 5 hours, including the meals. I will get Mrs Jones to look after you and the boys. Is that fine?"
"Of course. I mean, we're not alone in the house, so everything will be perfectly fine."
"You're such a brave girl."
"Me? Brave? Are out out of your mind?"
She sat down next to me and explained, "There are different kinds of bravery. You may not be fighting with swords against the strongest captain of all, and you might not be a police officer, but you are, in your own way, brave. You see, your father and I are going out together without you and your brothers for the first time and you all are only young. You are only 14 and your brothers, they're 10, 8 and 6 going onto 7. We have not both left you all by yourselves in your entire life and now we are. What makes you brave is that you are able to be left by both your parents, not one of us staying behind. Another brave person is your father. He has let go of a lot of the things he could do just for himself, just to try and look after his family. Now do you see that you don't have to fight battles to be brave?"
"I understand."
"I mean, we live in London. There is a countless amount of crime here and you're being brave enough to handle none of your parents being here, despite all this crime around here. Heck, especially around here. Promise me one thing. You won't burn the house down and you won't let anyone burn it down either."
I giggled and replied, "I promise."

It was time for them to go. Mrs Jones had arrived just in time to look after us if we had any problems, say if one of us got hurt in any way, we would get her. She's a great woman, I must say. Always caring for others, checking up on people almost constantly to see if they're okay. God bless her heart. She'll be looking after us just for tonight because tomorrow night our maid will be looking after us. She hardly talks, but then again she doesn't really have much time to talk about... I guess tomorrow night she could talk to us. I don't think she's any older than 28. She must be around 25-26 years of age. "Children, I promised your parents that I would put you to bed by this time, so it is time. I shall tuck you in."
"Can you read us a bedtime story?" Graham asked. Graham is the 6-year-old.
"I'm not much of a story teller, unless of course Kate wants to tell you all a story. Oh how I love the way she tells stories."
"Are you sure, Mrs Jones?" I asked.
"Of course, dear."
"Thank you. Okay. There was once a young girl named Snow White. When she was only really young, her mother had died, leaving her and her father to live. Some years later, her father re-married to an evil woman. She was a wicked witch. He had made her his Queen. Little did he know that she was making Snow White's life miserable..." And so I went on with the story. The only way I could sleep was by listening to music. I was fast asleep and I'm assuming that Mrs Jones took my headphones off when she saw I was asleep.

I started dreaming that I met Peter Pan. It was as if I was Wendy. It was exactly like the Peter Pan movie. The one with Jeremy Sumpter in it and Peter looked exactly like him. The only differences were that I have 3 brothers instead of 2, my name wasn't Wendy, we don't have a dog as a nurse, and our last names aren't Darling. It was a great dream, I must admit. Very.... Realistic. Ahh yes, I forgot to introduce myself at the very beginning. My name is Katherine Jenkins, but you can call me Kate. I am 14 years of age, 15 this year. I have 3 brothers; Johnny, 10; Mikey, 8; and Graham, 6 going on 7. They are adorable I must admit, although Johnny is quite tall for his age. Exactly like my dad. All of us are tall for our ages, taller than other kids anyway. Now, back to my dream. It was exactly like the Peter Pan movie with Jeremy Sumpter in it and oh my goodness. It was like I wasn't dreaming at all. It had the exact same people looking like the people from the movie. Magical. And everything happened in the way that everything happened in that particular movie. If only Peter Pan was real...
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This chapter is the one where she dreams about Peter Pan and their adventures in Neverland.