Status: I'll do my best to entertain you all with this story

A Peter Pan Dream

Chapter Three

Later that night my parents had gone out again, but this time we stayed up a bit later, as it was Friday. When I was telling the story of Cinderella, I felt like someone other than my brothers and Mrs Jones watching me. "I'm just going to shut the cutrains," I said. Surely it must've been my imagination, but I went to the window to check anyway. As I predicted, nothing there. Indeed it was my imagination, so I'd forgotten about it and continued, "When Cinderella entered the ball, there he was, Prince Charming. Although, he was already dancing with someone. Someone who didn't look very attractive. Oh my goodness! It was one of the step sisters. Cinderella was furious and hurt, but what do you know? Prince Charming noticed her and stopped dancing. As he approached Cinderella, she was trying to calm herself down. 'Might I have this dance?' he'd asked her. He knew the answer was yes, so he didn't give her a chance to reply." I went on with the story until my brothers were asleep. Mrs Jones had gone to bed as well. I didn't bother listening to my music in bed, as I was so tired that even thinking would get me to sleep.

I had woken up in the middle of the night to find a boy floating above me. He looked exactly like Jeremy Sumpter as Peter Pan. He was wearing the exact same outfit, too. Surely I was dreaming. I gasped and that scared him, so he went out of the window. Just like in the movie, his shadow somehow got trapped and it hid in one of the drawers. I pinched myself, trying to wake up, but I couldn't. How could this be? It was 12:00 a.m so I went back to bed. Thinking about it, I couldn't fall asleep and before I knew it, it was almost 1:00 a.m. I was half asleep when the boy came in again a couple of minutes later.I was fully awake now and was watching everything that was going on. He was taking really gentle steps so that he wouldn't wake anybody up. He was also looking through cupboards and drawers, still very careful not to get caught. Eventually he found his shadow and was trying to stick it on with glue, a soap bar... You name it. Unfortunately, nothing worked, so he gave up and I heard him cry a little.

"Hello," I said. The boy jumped up ever so suddenly.
"Hey," he replied.