
Friday ~ Emily

As the bus rolled out of view of school, and its' eager-eyed teachers, a storm of seatbelt untying and shirt untucking commenced. Friday. At. Last.

I leaned forward to open the window of the bus with a satisfying thud as it swung open. Instantly, a cool breeze caressed my face and rippled my hair. Although we were now back in school, summer had shown no sign of ending, leaving school uniform uncomfortably bulky. As I scanned the bus I could see Rachel dragging herself through the crowd of overly positive year sevens, who had conveniently placed themselves spread out, in the centre of the bus. With a sharp elbow or two, she was through, and sat down next to me with a satisfied grin.

"Thank God that's over" She exhaled. Rachel was right. Year ten was much tougher than I think anyone had suspected.
"Ahaha, look at them" I said, motioning towards the bustle of year sevens, "They have no idea what's coming their way."
"My shoe if they DON'T STOP SINGING" came her witty reply, spat out towards the now slightly shaken group. I laughed at this, and tried to remember back to when I was that small - or annoying.
"Hey, is he looking at us?" Asked Rachel, motioning towards a sixth former with tightly cropped, thick brown hair, and messy stubble. I looked behind us. Nothing but glass.
"You want something mate?" I challenged, before turning to quietly whisper to Rachel "Who is he?."
"I don't know, doesn't his face remind you of someone though?" came a similarly hushed reply. I didn't allow myself to dwell on this thought much. I guessed he must get around school a lot. Anyhow, it's finally Friday; I could practically see the long weekend rolling ahead. First I'd watch...
"I think this is yours" Came a strangely thick, nasal sounding voice. I turned to see that the staring sixth former had a blue bus pass held out in his hand towards me. I grabbed it.
"Uh, thanks..." I said. How could I have dropped it? I used it to get on the bus. Still, it was nice that he had saved it for me. I added a warm smile to my otherwise hostile thanks.
I then looked up to find the bus had now reached the familiar scene of hustle that was MiddleGates shopping centre.

"Come on, lazy, hurry up and get off the bus so I can have two seats" came the charming voice of Rachel.
"I'm not lazy, i'm just chubby" I heftily replied with a wink, before swaggering off of the bus. This week, was a good week.