
Back to Broken ~ Emily

I cracked open my door with a swift kick to the bottom of the door frame. All at once my wish for a relaxing weekend was shattered. I had walked home with my head and heart high up in the clouds, yet now the empty hallway and missed messages on the answer phone left me with nothing but a lump in my throat.
I stepped into the house and slowly shut the door before checking the answer phone. Two missed calls. Damn.
"Heyyy Darls could you just give me a c-." I tried stop the message before the words destroyed the silence. I'm getting slow.
"Hi Emily, Mum here, I'll be a little late home because I just bumped into Jim and you know what he's like, ahaha, I'll be back from the pub at around ten. Be a dear and put yourself to bed? Oh, and your Da-." Slag. Wait no, I don't mean that. Sometime I do just wish I had a normal, caring mother. This is the third night this week she's been out.
I threw my bag down beside the sofa and sprawled along it. I patted along the ground blindly until I reached the cold, plastic case of my laptop before heaving it up onto my stomach.

Facebook was already open on my mums account. A long line of leeching males filled her chat bar, and I saw with disgust the countless flirty messages. A normal mother. All I want. I signed out of her profile and with motions I had practised everyday, was soon logged into my own, clean, facebook.

"Rachel Nelson is now friends with Philip Denson" covered my newsfeed. "Thanks for accepting my request! xx." "Uhh, it's okay :)." Well this was weird. I clicked onto Philips profile- since when did Rachel know someone I didn't? We went everywhere together! Suddenly my blood ran cold. As my incredulously slow laptop loaded Philips' profile, I instantly realised who he was. The sixth former. There's something wrong about him- I just know it! I've never seen him before, and what's more, that stare. It's like he knows something about me.

It's like he knows me.