
Melting away ~ Emily

A dry lump remained in my throat for most of the following week, as Philip and Rachel grew ever closer. I'm not weird, you have to see that, I just really care for Rachel. This guy, he was weird. REALLY weird. Like, he's four years above us in school - that may not seem like all that much of a gap - but that means he was doing his GCSE's while we were still playing tig in the playground!
As the week went on, I saw Philip and Rachel everywhere. They were never too close, but one occasion sent shivers down my spine. I was walking down a hallway to my ICT class. My ICT class is really small, as it is for the people who took it specifically as a subject, and that is why the hallway was empty as I walked. Apart from two people. Right at the end of the hallway, stood two people embracing. I didn't actually think anything of this, and didn't bother looking until I got decently close.
There, in the slight darkness, was Philip glaring at me over a girls shoulder. I didn't need to see who the girl was. The way he held her, so possessively, and the glare. His black eyes bared into me, daring me to say anything or tell anyone. I ran to class. Rachel didn't even see.

I guess the reason why I didn't want to tell anyone, or speak about it with Rachel, was because I didn't want to be accused of being jealous. My own love life itself, being no more than a sham, and I supposed I felt I should be happy for her. Nothing was official yet anyhow, although everyone could see what was going on.

At lunchtimes Rachel still sat with me. Sixth formers had their own place to sit, away from us 'children.' All she would do was talk about Philip and how great, funny, talented, fucking amazing he was. Everyone else at the table, unaware of exactly who he was, cooed at appropriate moments and insisted she introduced them to him.
Going home however, I was completely ignored. Philip, of course, saved Rachel a seat going home every night, leaving me to sit like a loner with the year seven rejects. To begin with, apologetic looks were shot at me by Rachel, yet these quickly stopped as she became more and more engrossed in her new 6th form ‘friend.’ Finally, on Thursday night, I’d had enough.
‘You’re getting pretty cosy with Philip then?’ I accused, while walking to math with her.
“ Uh what?.. Oh right yeah. He’s great. And so fun-“
“ Stop it. Stop just, stop it! I don’t care about how great he is. Can’t you see what he’s doing? He’s EIGHTEEN, Rachel, eighteen year old guys aren’t interested in little kids like you. He hasn’t got any friends of his own either! When will you wake up, and see that he’s just a pervert, who-“
“NO, when will YOU see that we’re good together? You’re just jealous, because no guy has even given you a second glance since Jake.” That struck a nerve. What happened next is something of a blur. I saw red. I struck out. The next thing I know Philip has arrived. He punches me, hard. Rachel is screaming for him to stop but he doesn’t. I lay there motionless as teachers tear him away from me. Shocked classes have streamed out to see the fight, not expecting it to include year tens and a sixth former. I don’t bother getting up. I don’t want them to see my tears.