Bubbles Always Pop

A welcome and a cliché

Imagine a world unlike our own.

Imagine a narrator, me, writing down every word that happens in my life.

Imagine if I hated when people start there sentences with 'Imagine'.

Now that we have that out of the way, I will begin my tale.

This may or may not be true. Ditto with how long I will write this.

~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~

When the shafts of light come through the small window of my cell, its like giving a slap of false hope.

"Why do you torture me? Your ray of sunshine which shall never caress my pasty face always gives me that one shard of false hope!" I yelled pressing my pen to the paper and dragging it across the page.

A snort and a muffled growl came from outside my cell.

"Shut up or we'll kill you before your trial." the bailiff grumbled, clearly annoyed that he was aroused from his slumber.

I was used to this treatment.

It may have been better if I were in a human prison.

Now that I think of it, it may have been better if I weren't in prison at all.

Maybe I shouldn't have made that deal.

Most bad things happen that way. I mean have you read most of the cliché stories where a mythical creature and a human make a deal?

This is a different story. This is a story I wrote in a little black notebook that I was given as part of the deal.

Well, actually it may be a bit cliché because I made a deal.1

Anyway, once I was taken away to the penitentiary, way after the main events happened, I begged for a pen and wrote everything that happen down.

The trial that I went through was long and hard and you should find more about it closer to the middle of this true story.

That little excerpt above I gave you was actually toward the end-closer to the second have of the trial.

I figure it will be better if I start at the beginning.

After all, that’s how stories start, right?


Here are some tips when hanging out at a unsupervised party:

1. Don't drink to much because your parents will know.

2. Don't kiss 2 girls at the same party unless the other one leaves.

3. Don't follow the hot gothic/emo girl into an alley way and accidentally kill here with a cross around your neck because she just so happens to be a vampire trying to suck your blood and kill you because you are oh-so-tasty.

4. Don't accidentally meet up her angry equally vampiric brother while stumbling out of the alley and make a deal with him so you don't get killed.

5. Don't somehow end up in the back of a truck with a girl with wings, a little girl who plays with fire (and worships it), and some vampire dude driving the truck.

Are you following me so far?

Yep. I thought so.

My bubble of life seems to have popped at that moment.

But you know my motto, so its obvious on why I’m so calm.

You don't? Well I'll tell you.

Bubbles always pop
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How do you like it so far my lovelies? I like it. ^_^
Comment in my comment thingy to talk to me, or talk to my bestie fly.to.the.moon who loves people and convinced me to come on the site. lol
