Bubbles Always Pop

Goodbye Tevy, Hello Terrible Trio

Now I shall stick to the story.

I promise I shall not skip any more.

Ok fine I crossed my fingers.

I suppose I should go on with the story.

But just so you know, I shall not be happy-nappy predictable as you imagine me to be!

~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~

My shoes echoed as I made my way to Tevy’s cage.

Tevy looked sad as she bit her lip.

“You smell evil Jed.” She whispered, hanging her head low and letting her wings droop.

Well I guess you might smell evil if you just killed someone.

I unlocked Tanwen’s cage next and saw her curled in the corner crying.

“Tanwen...?” I whispered, crawling toward her.

“Tanwen don’t like job.” She sobbed, clinging to my sleeve.

“Well, Tanwen, if you come with me, you wouldn’t have to do your job anymore.” I said quietly, patting her hair.

“Tanwen doesn’t have to send messages back and forth through dangerous places? No more Hawk doing icky things to Tanwen?” She looked hopeful, her eyes big and innocent.

Icky things? I thought.

Does she mean...oh god.

“Tevy, how old is Tanwen?” I shouted, rocking Tanwen back and forth as if she were my baby sister.

“She’s Thirteen, Jed. Her innocence is taken because of no good dirty vampires. They use others for their own pleasure.” Tevy spat.

I turned back to Tanwen, a new level of respect etched in my head.

“No more icky stuff Tanwen.” I said as I got up and walked over to Tevy

“Jed Tanwen’s savior, he saves Tanwen and Tevy!” Tanwen squealed as she took a running leap at me.

“Tanwen love you. Tanwen eternal slave to Jed.” Tanwen repeated, as she buried her little face in my leg.

Tevy followed me silently up the stairs as Tanwen clung to my leg.

It was actually starting to become numb.

Demona was waiting at the top of the stairs with keys in her hand.

“Where do you two live? I’ll take you home.” She said.

I raised an eyebrow, “That’s it? You’re just going to send us home and pretend nothing happened?”

Demona smiled.

“I was thinking of having someone keep me company, Jed.” She winked.


She wants me to stay with her.

Tevy snapped her wings and we all looked up.

“Take me to the portal to the Angel world then do whatever you want with Tanwen. She’s not my responsibility any more and neither is Jed.” She muttered, her face looking hollow and her eyes with bags under them.

”Ok Tevy, I’ll drop you off and Jed’ll stay here with Tanwen. Let’s go Tevy.” Demona sighed, flipping her hair back.


Here are some tips when you are left alone:

1. Do not let Tanwen raid the fridge, she can devour the whole thing in less than 4 hours.

2. Do watch TV, it relaxes the mind and keeps you preoccupied.

3. If (when) you hear the door bell ring, do not answer it, there are 2 very big and very dark scary guys who were alerted that a mortal had killed 2 vampires.

4. Do grab Tanwen and tell her to burn the scary men so you two can escape.

5. Do not worry about the house, just jump into Demona’s van and take a nice, deep, cleansing breath.

Exciting, eh?

Demona rescued us just in time.

I bet that damned angel Tevy alerted them.

Any who...

Here is some wisdom from me.

Don’t worry about not having an escape van, just jump into a random car, put a gun to their head and demand that they drive you somewhere safe.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is dedicated to FadedShadow for checking for mistakes and to xoulovemeox, a very important person.
You two are amazing in your own way.

