‹ Prequel: Entanglement
Status: Active!



Charlotte found it unnerving to see Lucifer lounging on the couch with his feet up. The rest of the demons were leaning against the book cases behind him glaring across the room. While on the other side of the room the angels stood at attention waiting for orders and trying, yet failing to look indifferent. In the front of them was the rest of the team sitting in chairs all but restraining themselves from attacking. While Charlotte and Azlynn stood in the middle trying to keep each side calm.

“Why are we just sitting here?” Dante asked impatiently. Lucifer rolled his head towards Dante and shook his finger at him.

“All in good time. The full moon isn’t until tonight. We have a few hours to kill.” Lucifer smiled wickedly. Suddenly he sat up straight, making everyone jumped except for the demons and Azlynn. Dante growled his eyes seemly to glow.

Lately Dante had been showing more and more of his true nature. It was sort of frightening. As long as Charlotte had known Dante she had only seen a lick of his power and every time it was daunting. To see his true power and form would be incredible. What Charlotte couldn’t conceive was how dangerously destructive he would be.

Charlotte glanced at Azlynn and caught her eye. They both could feel the tension in the room it was thick as butter. At any second all hell was going to break loose. If there was one thing Azlynn and Charlotte didn’t want, it was a fight.

“I suggest that we start planning how to get there and our plan of attack,” Azlynn declared walking into the middle of the room.

“Well that’s a no brainer, mixed one. We’ve all seen your transporting skills in action.” Lucifer smiled and Azlynn leered at him.

“We could be there right now if someone would tell us where it is.” Dante said coming to a stand and wrapping an arm around Azlynn.

Lucifer came to a stand, ignoring Dante. “You better get your boy under control, or I won’t tell you where it is. Ted may powerful, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve.” Then Lucifer looked at Dante, “As for your location. It is an island that moves with the tides, hidden under the water and only to rise under special circumstances. That happens to be tonight.”

Charlotte’s jaw dropped as Dante’s skin suddenly turned scaly. He stiffened as if to lunge but Azlynn stopped him. Seeing her chance Charlotte stepped in. “Hey why don’t be take a break and get some fresh air or space.”

There were some mummers, but everyone agreed. The angels left in a shower of feather, all the demons but Roh and the Necromancer left leaving scorched floors. Rico, William, and Henry followed behind Dante and Azlynn, while Lucifer, Roh and the Necromancer were just gone, leaving no signs. Literally within seconds Charlotte was standing alone in the study with only Drew.

Given that she had just gotten her memories back she hadn’t given much thought about Drew. The memories were there, the feelings were there, she just didn’t know how to act on them or whether Drew would want anything to do with her. Charlotte was afraid of rejection, and in all honesty she deserved it.

She nervously glanced at Drew. He was doing something on his cell. Taking the opportunity she quickly walked to the exit keeping her eyes down. She was shamed she was going to avoid him, but it was better to save it for after everything was done. However, nothing usually happens the way she pictured.

Charlotte ran straight smack into Drew. “How did you do that?” She asked astonished. She tried to step back to give a little space between them but his arms were suddenly around her. She glorified in the warmth of his arms, it felt good to be in them again.

“I’m a feline. We’re light on our feet.” Charlotte nodded not sure how to respond. Feeling a little awkward just standing there, she tried to put some space between them again but his grip only tightened. “Charlotte,” whispered. He leaned his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes. “Do you feel nothing for me, even with your own self restored?”

She hesitated then spoke quietly, “I feel for you.”

“Then why do you not act on them?” he growled angrily his pupils going long and narrow. She understood he would be angry, but being angry that she didn’t act on her feelings only made her angry. This time she put her arms on his chest to push them apart, but his strength was greater now and he wasn’t letting her get away this time.

“You make it sound like I willingly didn’t act on them. I remember the ways you looked at me when I was their familiar. Anger. Pity. Disgust.” She paused sadden by the look of truth in Drew’s eyes. “Honestly I didn’t think you would want me back.” A single tear slipped from her eye. She tried to look away but Drew gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him. His eyes were still beast like but there was no longer anger in them, they were soft (if that was possible).

“I hate to break this to you, but I loved you the first day I saw years ago, I loved you when you were definite against your safety and I loved you through your enchantment. I love you now and will continue loving you.” He whipped her tear away caressing her cheek. “I was waiting for you to feel comfortable to take the first step, but maybe I should’ve.”

He kissed her lightly. When she didn’t respond, he pulled back. Charlotte was stunned and happy beyond belief, until he started to pull away. Letting instincts take over, she lunged at him. With her arm wrapped around his neck she kissed back, hard. Not wasting time he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him.

Finally they both came up for air, breathing hard. Drew immediately nuzzled her neck as they both regained their breath. Charlotte held onto him, afraid that if she let go she would lose him. Slowly his nuzzles became kisses, she closed her eyes in bliss. Suddenly her eyes flow open as he sank his teeth into her. She flung herself back, putting pressure on her neck.

“What the hell?” she yelled. She took her hand away thinking blood would go spraying everywhere but it only dribbled lightly down her neck then stopped completely. She glanced up at Drew. His K9’s were thick and protruding from his gum line. She expected to see guilt on his face but instead she saw satisfaction. “Care to explain.”

“I made the mistake of not marking you before and look what happened.” He took a step towards her, with in fists clenched.

“What are you talking about you did mark me last time?” Charlotte was confused. She remembered she even agreed to be his.

“No it was a deterrent mark. I used my K9’s, but not deep enough. This is a claiming mark.”

“But all that stuff you said. It wasn’t true?” He said that they were true mates, just with on bite. That if she were to die he would.

“We are true mates. My mark is on you, but this can’t be changed. No magic can take you away from me again. I wanted to see how you would react. I never meant to mislead you.” Charlotte was confused. Her mind was pissed and wanted to ignore him, but her heart was over joyed and wanted to be in his arm. But before anything could go any further they were interrupted.

“Trouble in paradise,” Lucifer stated matter of factly. Drew growled getting in-between them. “The time is approaching for action. You can have Charlotte all to yourself later right now we need to talk.” Lucifer snapped his fingers and Drew was gone.

Without thinking Charlotte drew a symbol in the air. The air shimmered black as a bubble formed around her. “Very nice work, but I’m not here to hurt you. We need to talk. Ted can take me down with one symbol. You’re going to need to take him down first. This is how it will happen.”


One second they were in the angel library the next they were on a tropical island. Drew wasn’t pleased with the trick Lucifer played but with a little explaining and a lot of help from Dante, Rico, William, and Henry they were able to calm him down.

The plan was simple enough everyone was paired up in groups of three and separated. It would make more targets for Ted. Dante was with a demon and Rico. Azlynn was with Lucifer and an angel. Henry was with Roh and an angel. Drew was with William and an angel. Charlotte was with only the Necromancer, Talon. While the rest of the angels and demons were paired up.

The moon gave them light but the trees made shadows everywhere. Charlotte and Talon’s job were to strip Ted of his powers and raise their fallen comrades as they died, while Azlynn’s group and Dante’s group moved in for the kill. In theory it was a good plan, but everything in theory was a good plan. The putting it into action involved factors that weren’t considered.