‹ Prequel: Entanglement
Status: Active!



Charlotte pulled her arms closer around her, letting out a huff of air. The hot air immediately condensed into steam, disappearing into the atmosphere. The air was frigid, so much so it hurt to breathe, but it was clean and pure. Charlotte could hear nothing but silence. The creatures of the forest were smart, they knew better than to make a peep especially this close to the pack den.

The sun was setting causing eerie shadows to cast the land in coming darkness. The wind was picking up making the trees shudder and drop their loads of snow. All around Charlotte was the echoing sound of drifts of snow plummeting down to their own.

Charlotte watched the sun fall behind the snow covered mountains, taking with it any and all warmth. The darkness spread like a disease, leaving in its wake dead silence and freezing temperatures. All charlotte could hear now was her even breathing, but soon the wind would be roaring with the symphony of the pack.

Charlotte dug in her inner jacket pocket and retrieved a pair of glasses, putting them on. The frames were made from the bones of birds, but not just any, eagle and owl bones. The lenses were made up of a mixture of bird eyeballs and glass.

One part weak, be rehabilitated with two parts physique, the words whispered through her mind. Her inner warmth uncoiled from her being and attached itself to the glasses. For an instant they flashed a pumpkin orange then returned back to the reflective glass. Now in complete darkness, she could see as clear a day. With the new moon rising, she was required to be back at the pack den.


An hour later she walked into the Town of Lupus Lake, the pack den. It had paved roads. The street lamps were already lit casting an almost holy glow around the town. Most pack dens were usually run down, considering most of the time the pack was in their wolf forms. It was the common thing in Canada. Most of the pack towns didn’t get any visitors.

However Lupus Lake was kept up. This pack was the ruling pack in Canada. As much as they were wolf they were also representatives of all werewolves of Canada, so they must also appease the surrounding species.

“Red, where’ve you been?” Charlotte rolled her eyes and turned around. Henry was one of the many wolves that patrolled the territory at night. In other terms he was a cop like figure and also a submissive, that’s why he was outside now in the freezing. He was stocky with brown hair and brown eyes. If there was a moon his eyes would’ve been amber but with a new moon the wolves were less beast and more human, unless they were angry.

“Finishing a job,” she said curtly walking past him. As much as she wanted to stay and chat, she was freezing her toes off.

Any ways the job had been a bust. The locals in the next town over were having problems with their domesticated animals turning up dead. They were starting to cause problems for the pack, thinking that the wolves were to blame. So Charlotte was sent over to settle the problem. After a little investigating and blood magic, she found out it was a group of budding teen vampires trying to slate their thirst. Once the local coven was told the teens were taken in to be trained and disciplined how they saw fit.

“You know the rules. Non-pack members have to back before nightfall.” Henry sprinted in front of Charlotte, trying to stop her. Charlotte stopped and huffed. She was tired and it had been a long day. All she wanted to do was go to her cabin she shared with Lucy and go to bed.

“Henry, come on. Please I’ve had a long day.” Charlotte smiled sweetly, trying to use her girlish charm. Henry was one of the nicer wolves. He wasn’t always trying to prove he was an arrogant dominant. He was happy with his position. It sometimes made Charlotte sad when she saw the other wolves picking on him.

“You know I’d love to, but Jae told me specifically that you are to go to the hall once you arrived.” Charlotte stiffened at the name of the pack beta. He was the pack enforcer and unmated. Unfortunately he had taken a liking to Charlotte. He’s the one who even started the trend of calling her red. Reason one, her hair was fire red. Reason two, he like the rest of the pack knew she played in blood.

Charlotte broke out of her thoughts when Henry unconscious rubbed his shoulder. She narrowed her eyes.

“What’s wrong with your arm?” Henry’s eyes went wide as he took a step back but Charlotte was quicker. She gripped his arm, pulling up his sleeve. In the shape of a hand was a dark purple bruise on his upper bicep. Whoever did this was furious. At the tips of the fingers were punctures. They were oozing blood still.

“I was trying to scratch my arm.” Charlotte rolled her eyes at his lame excuse.

“Henry,” she said softly, “who did this?” Henry looked down avoiding her eyes.

After a few seconds he finally spoke up. “You know who…Jae.” Charlotte clinched her teeth to keep from squeezing his arm in a vise and leaving her own mark.

Charlotte let her rage simmer down. She pressed her free hand on his bruise. Henry winced but didn’t pull away. He wouldn’t even look at her. Like a silent prayer the words whispered through her being, From one to another, transfer pain and blood. From sister or brother, make it understood.

Slowly warmth traveled from her being and moved up her arm and into Henry. He wiped his head up with a bewildered look on his face. Charlotte smiled. She was glad something good could come from bloodmagic; unfortunately healing always comes with a price. Suddenly her energy pulled back, however it was no longer warm it was cold. It slithered up her arm. Charlotte quickly released Henry and braced herself.

Unlike fairies and other good natured species, when blood practitioners healed the negative energy didn’t vanish into the universe…they took the pain themselves. Charlotte ground her teeth as she received her payment.

“Red are you alright?” Henry asked taking her elbow. She clenched her teeth tighter to keep from rolling her eyes. She didn’t want Henry to think she was rolling them at how nice he is.

“Just dandy. Healing just takes it out of me. I will be fine in a few.” Charlotte shook off his hold as well as trying to shake off the pain. The vise of cold energy was starting to dwindle.

“Are you sure?” Charlotte nodded. “Well do you want me to at least walk you to the hall?”

“No if Jae saw you, my healing would’ve been useless.” Charlotte turned and headed for the hall. The snow was coming down harder now.

“Thanks Re…Charlotte!” A smile graced Charlotte’s lips. She turned around but Henry was gone. She shook her head but kept smiling. He called her Charlotte, not her nickname.


“Finally Red, we were wondering when you’d get here.” Charlotte wrinkled her nose at the name and turn around after closing the door. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion when she noticed the Alpha and his thugs were in the hall.

Alpha Firn sat at the head of the long table. His hair was as white as the moon; he was definitely over the hill. However, werewolves don’t age like everyone else; the moon keeps them young. Firn may look old but he’s actually older. Every seven years a human ages, werewolves age one year.

On his right was the pack liaison Ridge. He was a tall man with blonde hair and a gentle demeanor. That was his job to be nice yet stern. He was their link to the outside world. On the left side of Alpha was the pack enforcer Jae, in other words the beta. He was second in command. He’s a head shorter than Ridge. His hair was onyx black and cut close to his head. He’s lean but stronger than he looks. He didn’t get his position for his looks.

Drift, Frazil, Hummock and Grapple were sitting here and there with amused looks on their faces. Charlotte bit her lip in a nervous gesture. Usually when she meets the Alpha she was getting reprimanded for not assimilating to pack law. This time all of them held amusement on their faces except Jae, he looked irritated and pissed. His normally black eyes glowed an eerie amber.

“Why’d you want to see me?” Charlotte asked walking towards the Alpha; however she kept away from Jae. He seemed to think he knew what was best for her…that being he himself.

Jae nodded his head to Drift then stalked forward. “Jae, stay. This is not the time.” Jae’s nostrils flared as Frin’s stern voice rang though the air. Jae’s eyes flared brighter for a second then dimmed down. Jae mouthed later with a suggestive smile then backed back to the Alpha’s side.

Charlotte broke eye contact as Drift came back into the room. “Someone went through a lot of trouble to find you,” Firn said. Charlotte dropped her jaw when he little sister Amanda stepped from behind Drift.

“Hey sis. How you been?” Amanda asked all too innocent like with a cheesy grin on her face.

“How’d you find me?” Charlotte asked stepping closer to Amanda and at the same time Jae.

“That’s what we want to know?” Charlotte jumped. Jae was suddenly looming over her. He had a wicked look covering his lips. “Calm down Charlotte, I won’t bit e you.” He took a step back, “Yet.”

Returning her focus back Amanda, Charlotte asked Amanda, “So how’d you find me?”

Amanda glanced between Jae and Charlotte then gave Charlotte a suggestive brow wiggle. Amanda shrugged her shoulders, “The internet.”

“You’re joking right!” Charlotte rubbed her face. She didn’t need this. If her little sister could find her than how long would it take for the others to find her?