‹ Prequel: Entanglement
Status: Active!



Charlotte stared at Amanda, trying to comprehend what she was saying.

“Please tell me you understand.” Charlotte shook her head in disbelief. This can’t be happening.

Amanda sighed slouching against the couch. Charlotte’s house, more like a studio, was small. It was a one room place with a little cubic for the bathroom. A fireplace was in the corner; the couch was in the middle of the room; her bed was against the wall; double doors next to the bathroom lead to her closet. Unfortunately it was built without a mini kitchen, which forced her to have to go to the nearest house; it just so happened to be Jae’s house. What are the chances? As for her so called roommate Lucy , she left a few hours earlier to start living with her new mate Terry.

“Okay what don’t you understand?” Amanda asked.

“Okay first off, you’re telling me you came all the way up here because you’re pregnant?” Charlotte shook her head. “Tell why you didn’t say home with mom and dad? They can take better care of you.”

“I told you already mom and dad don’t know… they can’t know…Charlotte nobody can know!” Amanda shot up pacing back and fourth, nibbling her lip in a nervous gesture.

Charlotte knew she was missing something, but didn’t know what to ask. “Is it because you’re a lesbian?”

Amanda stopped and glared at Charlotte. “That has nothing to do with it!”

“Then please elaborate. I thought lesbians… you know only did the dirty with other girls. So how did you get pregnant? Do you not want mom and dad to know you’re straight?”

“What are you talking about?” Amanda asked with a bewildered facial expression.

“Honestly I was rambling.” Charlotte shrugged her shoulder then became serious. “Amanda please explain why you’re here because I sure the hell don’t know.”

Amanda popped her neck, rolled her shoulders and confronted her sister.

“Okay I came because I am pregnant,” Charlotte went to interrupt her but was stopped by Amanda’s finger. “Let me finish.” Charlotte rolled her eyes and turned her back on her. She her Amanda take a deep breath then continued. “Charlotte I’ve never had sex,” she confessed.

Charlotte spun around. “What!? Then how are you pregnant? That’s not possible.”

Amanda covered her head with her hands sighing, “I don’t know but I am. I haven’t had my period for two months. I even took the freaking pee on a stick test… Charlotte. I. Am. PREGANT!”

Charlotte didn’t know how to respond. What Amanda was saying wasn’t making sense. It just wasn’t logical. You can’t just get pregnant. Only the Virgin Mary was able to do that, and Amanda is no Virgin Mary.

Amanda started pacing back and fourth again faster this time, drawing Charlotte’s attention. She realized that Amanda was whispering words of another language, a language vaguely familiar. The fire had gone out, driving the room into shadowy darkness and sudden cold. In that light Amanda looked almost fiendish. Her once sandy hair looked like dark raven wings. Her complexion turned an ashy gray. For a second her hands looked like talons. What disturbed Charlotte the most was Amanda’s eyes, they were pits of endless night.

“Amanda…” Charlotte whispered trying in to wake her from whatever trance she was in. However, it was useless; she kept up her chanting and her movements got more spastic.

Finally Charlotte couldn’t take it anymore. “Amanda!” she shouted grabbing her by her shoulders and shaking her. Charlotte made the mistake of staring into eyes. The darkness swallowed her whole. Seconds later she passed out.


“Red! Red! Wake up!” Like wrenching open a painted shut window, Charlotte opened her eyes. Everything was blurry. Two distinct shadows hovered over her. One was shaking her while the other just stood there watching.

“Stop, she coming to,” ordered the standing shadow. As soon as the shaking stopped her eyes started to adjust. The first thing too come into focus was the closest shadow.

It was Jae his eyes glowed like lightening in a storm. His face was covered in tight lines a tell tale sign of his anger. He was beyond pissed; he was livid, but she didn’t know why.

The second shadow stepped closer casting his face out of the shadows. It was Firn. He looked utterly calm except for his eyes; they held concern. His lips were moving, but Charlotte couldn’t comprehend it. There was a slight ringing in her ears. Slowly the ringing turned into a throbbing headache.

“…Any reports?” Firn asked looking over Charlotte’s head. She tried to swivel her head but Jae grabbed her head between his callused hands.

“Don’t move,” he commanded. Charlotte licked her lips, preparing to speak then realized her throat was bone dry. “Don’t talk,” he reprimanded her. In turn she glared at him. She tried to move her hand to push him away, but her body responded in a throbbing a statement. Her whole body ached like she had hit a brick wall in a full out run. She vision started to blur as the pain reregistered in her head. The last thing she heard before she passed out was Jae telling her not to resist it.


The world was covered in darkness. Charlotte turned when a giggle echoed through the air. Amanda stood there cooing to a baby in her arms, rocking it back and forth. She looked completely happy, completely normal. Charlotte’s heart stopped as an inky black shadow grew behind her. The oily mass transformed into a man like figure. His whole body was cast in shadows. It wrapped its arms around Amanda, pulling her close, pulling her away from Charlotte.

Charlotte bolted upright with the memory of the two glowing black eyes and the glint of jagged teeth. It had smiled at her, taunting her. With adrenaline pumping through her system, Charlotte ripped the fur covers off of her.

She stumbled out of the huge bed. Her muscles cramped for a second then started to loosen up. The pain was nothing compared to the first time she had awakened, this told her she had been out for a while. The room was dark; the only light came from the silver between the door and the wall. She tripped over, what felt like a shoe, dropping to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

Suddenly the door was thrown open and Jae was at her side picking her up bridal style. “What are you doing out of bed?” he growled out; his eyes flaring a bright amber.

Charlotte ground her teeth, glaring at Jae. “Let me down.” He did the opposite. He tightened his grip and pulled her closer. Unconsciously, a whimper escaped her lips, thus causing Jae’s eyes to soften. He carried her to the bed and sat down.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, but you need to rest.” He leaned his head down nuzzling her neck. Charlotte suppressed a shiver, and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from gagging. Jae assumed he could have anyone, even Charlotte. No matter how sweet he was which was few if none, Charlotte felt somewhere deep down that is was wrong.

She pulled her head away, earning a slight growl from him. She didn’t need him angry so she avoided confronting him again about personal bubbles. “Where am I? What happened?” She shut her eyes as she felt Jae rubbing small circles into her shoulder and ankle. It should’ve felt relaxing but it didn’t; it was a burning sensation.

“You’re in my room.” His voice grew husky and his body tensed. Charlotte mentally gagged at his reaction. “As for what happened,” his voice turned cold, “you’re sister ran off.” A gasp released from Charlotte, causing Jae to scoff. “Not before she killed some of the packs pups.”

“What?” The word came out as a whisper.

“Yeah, it was gruesome. We called in some people to find her.” Charlotte’s neck suddenly burned slightly, if she was looking in the mirror the mark would be glowing. “The three days that you’ve been out, we’ve been searching for her. We’ve yield nothing.” Once again he brought his head down and started nuzzling her neck, luckily the opposite side of the mark. She knew he was looking for comfort but she wasn’t the one for him. She struggled in his arms, flailing. He pulled her tight, “Stop.”

“Let go of me; let me help. I can find her.” He laughed the sound rumbling in his chest.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

“And why not?”

“Because I say so.”


“My petition has gone through, and after what happened with your sister, Alpha Firn was swayed to concede.” Charlotte slowly started to tremble. She was hopping beyond hope that he wasn’t talking about what she thought. “He was against it at first, but thinks you need a protector. With this and what happened in California.”


“We have our ways. Anyways I can now claim you as a mate. I’m going to wait…not very long, but I have pack business to take care of. While I’m gone you’re staying here.” Charlotte had gone still; they knew more than they let on. Now she was trapped here. Jae wouldn’t let her go. He kissed her on the neck and laid her on his bed.

“Now rest.” He walked to the door, but before he shut the door he turned to her. “Don’t even think about running. Drift is guarding the house, in case your sister comes back for you, and of course for your protection . Oh and if you happen to get past him…I will find you.” His eyes flared then he closed the door.

Charlotte covered her face with her arm, her whole body trembling. She flung her arm back. There was no way she was staying trapped her. She disappeared once she can do it again…she hoped.