
I Wanna Hold Your Hand.

What do I do? Be mad at John? Be mad at Anna? Be mad at myself? Be depressed? I didn’t know. I was in a very… odd mood for the next couple of weeks. John and Anna were definitely an item now. Whenever I thought about it, it felt like my heart was going to fall out of my mouth.

I swallowed hard, and read the newspaper in my hand, Mersey Beat, the local newspaper about Beat groups around the North.


Did I even want to read on? I knew this already, they were a bit late on their statements.

But I did.

’The Beatles, Paul, George, Ringo, and John are about to take Britain by storm. This beat group from Liverpool is already their #1 most requested artist. They’re playing the Cavern almost every week day, and selling out. Screaming girls are waiting outside the club for hours and hours, bringing sleeping bags and chairs.’

I sighed deeply. When were we going to go National? Or, god forbid, International? I wanted the world to know the Beatles. Music was the only escape I had. And plus, I could write songs about anybody, and none of the other lads would know, or ask what it was about. It was like a creative secret.

Rain was splattering my window when I glanced over at it, throwing the newspaper into the dustbin.
The sky was dark outside, so dark I couldn’t even see the clouds causing the downpour. It was like the tiny droplets of water were coming from nowhere. It mystified me for a while, and I got lost in my own hear.

Her hair; It was so… long, and soft. I’d never seen someone’s hair move like that before, and almost glow in the sun. It was the perfect shade of brown… no one else’s could be as rich a color.

Her eyes; Such a color of blue, it made me want to cry. Every time I saw her. It was like the water up at the North Pole… with chipped ice. Such a refreshing color.

Her skin; so fare. It was a milky white. Some would find it unattractive, but I didn’t. She wasn’t blemished, she had perfect, clear skin. She must have taken excellent care of it when she was younger, because there’s not a pimple to be seen. She glows.

Her smile; It can bright up the world, or at least my world.

Her voice; honey.

I blinked, my mind floating back to my head. Why was I so infatuated with her? Why couldn’t I just get over her, and be done with it? Life would be so much easier. Life wouldn’t hurt anymore. I could be happy. Wow, that seemed like a foreign thought.

I picked up my pen quickly, and started scribbling out a song on a piece of paper. It was more a dream, and a complaint than anything.

Oh Yea, I’ll tell you something
I think you’ll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand.

I finished it, and sighed deeply. It was okay, not bad. Whatever. I leaned my head on my desk and floated off into another day dream.

About her…
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