Status: Might end up doing a sequel at some point..don't know yet though..enjoy :)


A Second Chance

Olivia’s POV:
“OH MY GOD JESS! You should have seen them!” I screamed and grabbed Jess’s hands, I started jumping up and down, and I’ve gone completely hyper now.
“I think I saw them more than you think…” She muttered
“You what?” I asked her, leaning in towards her.
“Oh nothing doesn’t matter…” She started looking around frantically. “SHIT!” she looked panicked.
“What? What’s the matter?!”
“I’ve left my guitar round by the benches, go to the car and I’ll be there in a minute, I’ll go to get it.” She chucked the car keys at me and I caught them. Miracle.
Jess turned around to face me. “Doesn’t mean you’re driving though Liv.” She raised her eyebrow at me and laughed.
“Oh, come on Jess, just this once?”
“Not a chance darl.” She’s so bloody stubborn at times!

Jessica’s POV:
I ran around to where I had with Niall just a few minutes ago, but my guitar wasn’t there. In its place was a note. And it said:
Jess, Jess Whiteman ;)
You left your guitar on the bench so I took inside for safe keeping, call this number because the security won’t let you in unless I’m there :)
Niall, Niall Horan ;) xx
I pulled out my phone and dialled the number, he answered straight away, and I guess he doesn’t like to keep people waiting.
“Hello?” I heard a thick Irish accent flow through my speaker.
“Hey, it’s Jess, Jess Whiteman.” I tried to stop myself from laughing but it was too much temptation, especially when I heard his cute laugh from the other end.
“Well hello there Jess, Jess Whiteman. I believe I have your guitar in my possessions?” I could hear him smiling from the way that he spoke.
“Well I should hope so or else I’m going to have to get a new one and break it in. And those ones aren’t cheap.”
“Where are you now? I’ll come and drop it off to you if you like?”
“If you want, I’m round by the benches we were at earlier?”
“Sure thing, be there in 1”
“Okay, in a bit then”

Niall’s POV:
I’m glad I get to see her again, even if it’s just briefly, and only to give her back her guitar. She’s lovely, she honestly is but if I said any of this to the boys they’d probably laugh at me. Well, apart from Liam, he understands, sometimes.
I walked round the corner of the building to see Jess sat on the bench we were talking at earlier.
“Hey! Thanks for looking after it for me; I don’t understand how I left it there.” She laughed and took the guitar from my grasp.
“It’s alright, I didn’t mind.”
“Thanks again, anyway I probably forgot about with all the babbling I do, I probably talk more crap than a conman.” She slung the guitar strap over her shoulder.
“Well I liked talking to you anyway,” I looked down to my feet then back up again. “Urm, I don’t suppose you fancy meeting up anytime soon? I mean, we’re around here for a while then we’ve got a day or two off and I’m…”
“I’d love to” she looked at me and smiled.
“Really? I mean, yeah, okay.” She took me by surprise a bit, I was expecting her to throw the offer back in my face and say no.
“Yeah, I honestly would love to. No need to sound so surprised,” she let out a small laugh “ anyway, I best get back, I’ve let Olivia let herself in the car, god knows what damage she’s done to the inside already.”
“Yeah sure, so I’ll Erm... I’ll ring you yeah?”
“YEAH ALRIGHT BUDDY I’LL BE THERE IN A MINUTE,” I shouted behind me “so I guess I’d better be off then. I’ll give you a call…” I trailed off because Jess was laughing “What’s so funny?”
“The boys, over there…” She pointed behind me and the boys were stood there with Paul, holding up signs that read:
“Oh…haha…do you want to?” I held my arms out towards her gesturing for a hug.
“If you don’t mind?” She looked down at the floor, suddenly going shy.
“Of course not” I leant in and wrapped my arms around her; I felt her arms find their place on my back.

Jessica’s POV:
We let go of each other and smiled at each other, I looked down at the floor, then back up at him.
“Well I best be off” I smiled at him one last time.
“Bye, I’ll talk to you soon yeah?”
“Yeah, make sure it is soon though” I winked at him and turned around.
I started to make my way back to the car, which Olivia, hopefully, hadn’t ruined completely.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hopefully this is a little bit more interesting..I doubt it..AH WELL. LIFE GOES ON.