Status: Might end up doing a sequel at some point..don't know yet though..enjoy :)


Home Sick

Alex’s POV:
We’d printed off loads of pictures from Jess’s Ipad and stuck them all over the walls; it was looking more like a girl’s room already. We went down the hall and found a ladder, we decided to go and have a look in the loft. We searched through the boxes and Jess found some old fairy lights. We took them back to the room to see if they worked, which they did, so we strung them up around the room, the different colours reflecting off the mirrors, sending the colours all over the room. It made it look magical.
When we had finished we were pretty pleased with what we had done to the room, even if it was only going to be our room for a couple of weeks, 5 at the most.
We ate dinner up in our room with the other girls, after dinner they left and me and Jess sat there talking for a couple of hours before getting ready for bed and going to sleep.

Jessica’s POV:
Me and Alex changed the room A LOT. It reflects our personality more than before, now’s its bright and decorated whereas before it was boring and plain. I printed off a couple of photos that were just of me and Niall, and stuck them above my bed. I think that Alex is still in shock a little, especially with all the pictures I have stuck on the walls of me and the boys.
I waited for Alex to fall asleep before pulling on Niall’s jumper and heading downstairs and into the back garden. Whenever I was worried about something when I was small, or if I couldn’t sleep, I would open my door and sit on the balcony outside my room. The fresh air has always been able to help me clear my head, in a way it felt like it blew away my fears or energy. Well that’s what my mum used to think.
I heard the door behind me slide open and I turned around to see Jake standing there with a bottle of water in his hand.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked me, looking concerned.
“Yeah, well I think so anyway, oh I don’t know…”I looked down at the floor and traced along the cracks in the patio.
“What’s troubling you missus?” He took a seat next to me on the wall.
“I don’t know, I think it’s being here I suppose, not really knowing where I am, or how long I’m going to be here.”
“Ah, home sick are we?”
“I don’t know, I like it here, me and Alex are good friends and I think I’m going to enjoy sharing a room with her. It’s just, well I don’t think I’m going to be able to see Niall until the semi-finals…and that’s almost a week away”
“Who’s Niall?”
“My boyfriend and I’m not sure if he’s even going to be there, they’re supposed to be going on tour soon. But I don’t know when exactly” I looked back down at me feet and felt a tear trickle down my face.
“Hey, don’t cry” Jake put his arm around my shoulder and cuddled me in, he might be almost 40 but he’s still lovely and kind. “I wouldn’t worry about it love, I’m sure he will still be watching it, and cheering you on from on tour. And I’m sure the other boys will be as well”. He looked down at me and kissed me on top of my head.
“You know Jake,”
“Mm…” He looked down at me again
“You’re acting like a father too me, you have since I got through the audition, I honestly think you’re as close to a dad as I can get”. I looked up at him and smiled.
“A father ‘ay? Haven’t you got your own father missy?”
“Nope, he left when I was little. He cheated on my mum twice, and then ran off with his new gold digger. I’ve never had a need to get in touch with him, and I don’t think I ever will. I don’t want anything to do with that heartless bastard”
“Well, I don’t blame you, you know, I come out here to clear my head. Whenever I have something troubling me it…” I interrupted him.
“…blows your fears and worries away” I whisper back.
“You do it too?” he asked quietly
“Yeah, I have since I was little…”
“Okay, come on then, let’s go back inside before we catch our death”
We walked back inside and up the stairs; we stopped outside of the room he was sharing with Anthony.
“What for?” he asked surprised
“It’s my pleasure missus”
I gave him a quick hug and walked off to my room and climbed back into bed, quietly so I didn’t wake Alex up.