Status: This is my first story that I have posted

The Slowest Death

The Slowest Kill

I'm a murderer. I'm a murderer. I'm a murderer.
How did this happen to me? I never thought this would happen to me...

"Mark. Are you in or not?!"
"I dunno guys...this seems a bit too much just be part of your gang."
"You do this, or you will never talk to us again."
Ryan made a compelling argument. I mean, I was invited to join one of the most respected gangs at school. I wanted to be a part of it, but it seemed way too much to manage. But I would find a way. I had to.
"...Fine. I will talk to her today in class, but no promises she will agree to 'study'."
"They always do, man. Good luck."

"....find a partner to study with, I do NOT want to have to see any of you next year."
Mr. Alexander just made this too easy for me.
"Hey Kylie..wanna be my study partner? I know we haven't really talked before but you are really good at this, and I NEED to pass this class if I want to get a football scholarship".
She looked confused. She probably thinks I have the wrong person. "Will you be my study partner? It would mean a lot to me.."
"Uh, sure Mark..My parents are gonna be out of town this weekend, so if you wanna come over on Friday night, we can study and pay per view a movie or something."
"Okay, sounds great! I will text you later and clear up the details, alright?"
"Okay, here is my number." She said while writing I down on a piece of paper.
"Great, talk to you later." I said with a grin.
I texted her later that night.
"Hey Ky, it's Mark. My parents said that Friday will work, I will drive over to your place around 6, what's your address?"
"Alright, I will be here. And my address is 64 Willow street."
"Okay, see you tomorrow in Geometry :)"
I made a point not to talk to her the next four days. It would be suspicious for a football player like myself to be talking to someone like her. I mean she was nice and all, just...strange. But that didn't matter. Personality isn't a matter of importance when you plan to rape someone.

I talked to her as she was packing her bag at the end of Geometry on Friday,
"I will see you tonight?" I said coyly
"I will be at home, waiting." She said with a matching coyness in her voice
"Perfect". I said as I walked out the room

I texted her on the way there.
"Be there in 10 mins ;)"
"Okay, but fyi, there is nothing sexy about geometry :P" She replied. You're right ky.

After about twenty minutes of studying she recommended that we take a break. Now or never.

"You look great by the way, I forgot to tell you that"
"Oh...thanks Mark"
"You're welcome"
She didn't say anything, so I moved closer to her.
"I've been watching you for a while Ky. And I want you."
"You heard me. And ky, I get EVERYTHING I want."
" I don't follow..."
"Do you follow this?"

I leaned in and kissed her. No emotion, just a kiss.
She pulled away "Mark, stop"
I wish I could. By its too late to back out.
I pulled some thin rope out of my back pocket, and tied her arms to a banister by the couch. I grabbed the scissors I brought, and cut up the middle of her shirt and her bra, exposing her chest. She tried pushing me off, so I hit her. I pulled off her shorts and underwear. I forced myself into her. She managed to untie herself, and she punched me in the face. She ran away, probably to get her clothes. This wouldn't fly with the guys. I caught her sneaking into the kitchen, and I followed, seeing her phone on the table.
"What do you think you're doing Ky?" I spat.
In the blink of an eye I had grabbed a steak knife and I stabbed her in the side.
"This will teach you not to snitch".
I bent down, forcing her mouth open, and slit her tounge.

I walked to the car and pulled out my phone.
"It's done. And more." I sent Ryan.
"Good boy. You're in when we get proof."
I turned around, walked in the house and into the kitchen. I took a picture of the bloody mess.
"I'm so sorry Ky. So sorry."
A single tear fell from my eye, rolled off my cheek, and landed on her cheek.
I sent the picture to Ryan.

I'm a murderer. I'm a murderer. I'm so dead.