Status: Ideas come in spurts. Slow...

One Day, Robots Will Cry

We're Going to Make It Out Alive

"I think we're too young for hard labor," Gabe Saporta said to his best friend William Beckette. The two of them were carrying in boxes for William's step-mom's restaurant that was going to be open soon.

William laughed a little, "Your telling me. Try doing this all day by yourself." The less than skinny boy struggled to lift a large box.

"I'll get that," Gabe said picking up the box and trying not to show that he was struggling also.

William followed him and dropped the box he was carrying beside Gabe's. "Almost done," William said cheerfully.

"Where are your muscles, Will?" Gabe asked, "You've been doing this more than I have."

William laughed, "Yeah, right. Me muscle?"

Gabe pushed his friend, "Toughen up."

"Let's be serious for two more boxes," William said smiling.

The boys finished up carrying the boxes in, then crashed in the back seat of William's jeep.

"I can't believe your step-mom trusts you with a key to her building," Gabe laughed, "The wonders you could do..."

"All she wanted was for someone to do the hard labor for free," William sighed.

"At least you had me to help," Gabe said grinning.

"Very true," William said, "honestly, thanks a lot."

"No problem. Wanna get going?"

William sat up, "I guess." He climbed to the front of the vehicle and sighed. He forgot to lock the door. "Lock the door for me, will you, Gabe," he tossed the keys at him.

Gabe caught them, "Gees, niƱo..." he said and headed up the stairs in front of the small building. He checked his reflection in the glass of the door. He ruffled his short brown hair and looked in his reflection's big brown eyes. He straightened his bright green jacket stripped with black and started back to the jeep.

Very popular, and good-looking, Gabe had more girl friends than guys. He flaunted that he was good looking, without being too arrogant. He wasn't interested in those girls for anything other than friends and maybe sex, depending on how sober he was.

William was quite good-looking as well, but in a different way. His hair was long, past his shoulders, wavy, and layered out. His brown hair was lighter than Gabe's and almost had a hint of red in it. He was really tall and skinny. Though they were best friends, he was much more shy than Gabe.

William pulled out of the parking lot. "I'm going to run by the house and report to the Queen before I take you home," William said referring to his step-mother.

"Sounds fine," Gabe said looking in the rear-view mirror at his reflection.

William drove them to his own house. They entered the house with William feeling a bit nervous. His step-mother wasn't the kindest woman. So, he hoped she would at least wait to ridicule him until Gabe got home.

"Cathy, we finished," William called.

"Well, it's about time," she spat.

Gabe rolled his eyes.

William elbowed him. "I'm going to run Gabe home, if that's alright..."

"Fine," she said still not entering the room, "just be home by seven."

William glanced at the clock that read five twenty-two.

"Why is she being so nice?" Gabe asked in a whisper.

"I guess it's her way of thanking me without having to utter the words," William sighed quietly as they went out the door.

Gabe rubbed William's shoulder before the two of them climbed into the car.

William looked down, because he slightly blushed. He got into the driver's seat. "And an hour to spare," William said as he pulled out of the drive-way and went on his way to Gabe's house. The two of them laughed and talked for the five minute drive. Soon enough, William pulled into Gabe's driveway.

"No one's home," Gabe said.

"You have a way in?" William asked.

"Yeah," Gabe opened the car door. "Walk me in?"

The two walked up the sidewalk of the small, but cozy house. Gabe pulled the key out of his pocket and they were in.

"Want a drink or something?" Gabe asked. "I'm sure my brother has some sort of liquor."

"I have to drive home," William reminded his friend, crossing his arms.

Gabe shrugged, "Well, this weekend you'll have to come over and chill."

"You mean get drunk?"

"No...not necessarily."

William laughed, "Sure. Anything to get me out of that God-forsaken house."

"Don't you go to your Mom's anymore?" Gabe asked taking a seat on the couch.

"Saturdays," William said, "like it's any better..."

Gabe nodded, "Sit down for a second, gees."

William sat close to Gabe, he laughed, "Don't worry I won't rape you...hard."

Gabe smiled, "Can't rape the willing."

"Oh really?" William grinned scooting over almost on Gabe's lap. Gabe pulled William even closer. A laughing William tried to escape, but Gabe wrestled him into a hug.

"Oh, no. I'm stuck," William said sarcastically.

Gabe moved his arms from around William, "Your free."

Like he really wanted to be? William remained close to Gabe. He looked over at Gabe who was in a dazed sort of smile. Cautiously, he moved his face a bit closer to Gabe's trying to hold back how badly he wanted to kiss him. Thinking to himself that he shouldn't even think about it, but he couldn't help it. Gabe was addicting...and apparently William liked boys, or at least Gabe...

Gabe moved a little closer to William's face, their lips were only centimeters away from each other's. Gabe hesitated, for the first time ever, but then pressed his lips to William's,

William was surprised, but relieved. He kissed Gabe back and smiled into the kiss. The two sat on the couch making out for a while.

"You know it's almost seven," William said finally pulling his lips away, but still holding onto Gabe's side and keeping his hand on Gabe's cheek.

Gabe placed a flirtatious, small kiss on William's lips. "I know you've got to go."

William left seconds later, with a goofy grin painted on his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
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I hope you enjoyed.