Status: Ideas come in spurts. Slow...

One Day, Robots Will Cry

Will You Hear What I Have to Say?

After William left, Gabe skulked to his room, still feeling like a total asshole. He threw the cold, wet rag in the floor. How can he even..?

His phone was vibrating. Of course, Pete...

"Hola?" Gabe answered.

"Dude, you and William duked it out?" Pete questioned.

Gabe laughed, "No, no. He shoved me into a desk, punched the fuck out of me and broke my nose. He tackled me to the ground and I had to pin him down and make him stop."

"Wow, that's pretty epic. I can't believe I missed that," Pete said.

"I know," Gabe said, " I had no idea William could punch like that."

"You deserved it."

"I know, I fucking know," Gabe muttered.

"I'm serious, dude," Pete said, "watch out when I see you next. I will punch you in the dick."

Gabe laughed, "Yeah...I don't think so."

"So how long you home for?" Pete questioned.

"Ten days, petimetre," Gabe said.

Pete laughed, "Oh my God!"

"William too."

"How do you know what his punishment was?" Pete asked.

"He told me."

"He's talking to you?" Pete questioned.

Gabe shrugged, "Erm, yeah. After I stopped him, we made-out on the floor until Dr. Dickhead came in."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, um, he forgave me," Gabe said, "Even gave me a ride home. He's coming over tomorrow so his dad doesn't know he got suspended."

"You're fucking kidding me," Pete said, "Just like that? You're forgiven."

"He keeps rubbing it in my face what I did, don't worry..."

"Wow, how stupid," Pete said.

"What the hell?" Gabe questioned.

"Honestly, he thinks your not going to do it again?"

"I'm not!"

"Sure, whatever."

Gabe started spitting out Spanish, "¿Qué carajo hombre, honestamente? De verdad crees que después de todo lo que voy a ser lo suficientemente estúpido para hacerlo de nuevo? Maldita sea, ¿tengo que salir como de un gran pendejo?"

"You know I didn't understand a thing you just said."

Gabe growled, "I'll talk to you later..." He shut his phone muttering curse words in Spanish.

He threw his phone on the floor and plopped down on the bed. So, now I've got to prove something to everyone?

Sure, William had forgiven him. Things would never be the same now though. Ever since they kissed things had changed, obviously. William was apparently very serious about their relationship. Was Gabe even ready for a relationship? Especially with a guy?

He stared at the ceiling, thinking about William. What was the difference between friend and boyfriend anyway? He didn't want to become like Rydon, completely hanging off of each other all the time. That was just too much for anybody.

Gabilliam...ugh, he could hear it now.

It wasn't like he didn't want to be with William. He sure did. But, he didn't want to hear what everyone would say. Not just people at school, he didn't want to disappoint his dad. What would his brother think? It would only be bad for so long... Eventually everyone would have to get over it, wouldn't they?

Then, it would be fine. He and William would be the same...just with kissing.

More then anything, he wanted to protect William. Not only would the ridicule be twenty times harder on him everywhere William went, home, school... He didn't want William to go through that just for him. He wasn't worth it, especially not now.

Though, he wished William was there with him.

Sometime lying there, he fell asleep.


William pulled up at 6:30 A.M. on the curb in front of Gabe's house. It looked like no one was home. He'd tried to call Gabe at least twice to make sure he was there, but he didn't answer.

He slammed the car door and locked it. Then, he made his way up the walk-way and knocked on the door. After standing there nearly a full five minutes, he decided to try opening the door. It was unlocked. What a dumbass...

He crept into the house, "Gabe?"

He got no response. Sighing to himself, he made his way down the hall to Gabe's room. When he opened the door, he found Gabe sleeping soundly. His phone was across the room on the floor. That explained a lot.

William rolled his eyes, "Hey, Gabe..."

"...Hmm?" Gabe responded, turning to his side, "Will, I'm tryin' to sleep..."

William laughed a little, "Mind if I join you?"

"Come on..." Gabe groggily.

Still laughing quietly, William crawled under the covers with Gabe.

"Now shut up and let me sleep..." Gabe said smiling with his eyes closed.

William lied on his back and stared at the ceiling, "Can I turn on the TV?"

"Do whatever you want now...I'm awake..." Gabe groaned.

"Not much of a morning person?" William questioned.

"Nope..." Gabe said, "Come here and kiss me..."

William leaned over Gabe and pressed his lips softly against the tired boy's, observing a bruise lip. Laughing, he stayed close to his face, "What did Prince Charming have to give Sleeping Beauty a kiss?"

"Hell yeah," Gabe said laughing.

"How's your face?" William questioned.

Gabe glared at him, "I don't know, how does it look?"

Honestly, it wasn't that bad. His lip was busted and he had a sort of black eye. "Erm, a little bruised up. Your nose isn't broken though," William added at the end, smiling.

"Well, that's a good thing," Gabe said, "I told my dad someone opened the door and hit me in the face."

William laughed a little, "I guess that could pass."

Gabe laughed too, "Yeah, I hope so."

"Where's the remote?" William said looking around the room.

"I don't fucking know..." Gabe said.

William smirked, "Did you throw it like you did your cell phone?"

"Hush..." Gabe said, "maybe..."

William snickered, "What were you so pissed off about?"

"Um, well..." Gabe hesitated, "Pete called and kinda pissed me off."

"Oh, how?" William said, unsure if he wanted to know.

"Just...he was saying that he didn't know why you were forgiving me because I would just go out and do it again," Gabe sighed.

William nodded, "That's kind of why I didn't want us to jump into a big relationship..."

"Aw, come on! Really?" Gabe whined.

"Well, yes. I just want to see how you handle this," William said, "You're not comfortable with being gay yet. That's fine."

"I hate that word..." Gabe groaned.


"Yes!" Gabe exclaimed.

"Fine, homosexual."

"No, please stop," Gabe said.

"Okay, bisexual?"

"Just stop," Gabe covered his face with a pillow.

William furrowed his eyebrows, "You really are scared, aren't you?"

"I don't know, William..."

"You know it's fine. I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to," William sighed, "Wow, I just...would think you of all people would be fine with it."

"No, you don't understand," Gabe said.

"Then, please, enlighten me."

Gabe sighed, "I want to be with you, but like you said, I'm scared, okay? That's just it. I want you, but I don't want every one's reaction to it. I don't want to hear what everyone has to say. I know I act like I don't care what everybody thinks, but...I kind of do. I think deep down everyone cares what everybody thinks, you know?"

William put his hand on Gabe's shoulder, "Yeah, it's okay."

"I don't want you to think I don't care. I mean, yeah sure everyone else kind of matters, but you matter most," Gabe said.

"You're being open and honest," William said.

"Yeah, well," Gabe shrugged, "shut up. I just want you to know I'm not trying to be an asshole..."

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