Status: Ideas come in spurts. Slow...

One Day, Robots Will Cry

Come Over, Come Over

"William..." Gabe muttered to himself before he answered his phone, "Hello?"

"Hey, you busy?" William's voice said.

"No, why?" Gabe asked.

"Cathy won't let me go to your house unless we unload boxes of frozen shit and put them in the freezers," William sighed.

Gabe groaned, "Alright. Come pick me up."

"On my way," William hung up.

Gabe checked his reflection as he slipped on his green and black jacket.

William pulled up soon enough. Gabe climbed into the passengers seat, "Hey."

"Hey," William said backing up, "What's up?"

"Eh, nothing much," Gabe said, "Trying to convince mi hermano he's not going to die from lung cancer."

William laughed, "Your brother, worried?"

"I know. He thinks all his smoking is going to catch up to him tomorrow. He said he has a bad feeling. Then he began rambling about how he was going to the doctor tomorrow and they were going to diagnose him with lung cancer."

"Maybe in a few years," William replied, "Hell, I"ll probably die from it before he will, and I don't even smoke. Second hand is worse."

"Your so cautious. It's cute."

William rolled his eyes, "Yeah."

The pair arrived at the restaurant and began unloading boxes from the back of the jeep and carrying them inside to the freezers in the back. Before they were done, Gabe had begun talking.

"So, your definitely coming over tomorrow?" Gabe asked.

"Yes," William said, "unless something happens..."


William watched Gabe carry a box into the building. The two finished up soon after that. Gabe was the first into the car. William sat in the driver's seat. "Ready?"

"No. Hold on." Gabe said. He leaned close to William and started to kiss him on the cheek, but William turned his head. Gabe ended up kissing him on the lips.

Gabe smiled, "Real cute, niño."

William smiled then pulled out his cell phone. "Actually, I better call and tell her that we finished and that I'm taking you home..."

Gabe nodded.

The conversation was short, but worth it. William had thirty minutes to spare, plus tomorrow go to Gabe's.

"Let's get you home," William said starting to pull out.

"Wait," Gabe said. William looked at him, then Gabe kissed his friend. "Don't mind that, do you?"

"Nope," William said smiling.

On the drive to his house, Gabe couldn't help but his mind tearing him up. One side kept saying 'Go for it'. But, the other side said, 'Are you stupid?'. His heart told him to keep things up with William. His heart had always told him William was the one. He didn't know if he wanted to follow his heart. William made it so easy to love him.

"You know, Gabe," William said, "I like these excuses we get to hang out."

Gabe smiled weakly, "Yeah, me too." At least, I think I do.

Friday after school, Gabe's head was still a mess. At school he'd pulled off hiding it today. He wasn't sure how long he could though. William arriving at his house didn't ease to stress anymore. Although, it did make him lean more towards the side that said, 'Go for it'.

The two sat on Gabe's bed watching Greece. "For God's sake, William," Gabe said, "can we change the fucking channel?"

"I like Greece..." William said.

"I do too, but I've seen it 5,872 million times." Gabe said groaning.

"I don't think you've lived that many hours," William said.

Gabe rolled his eyes, "The point is, I've seen it too many times, petimetre..."

William giggled, "Fine, fine..." He changed the channel, "Movies suck with commercials anyway."

"I easily get my way," Gabe said.

William shook his head, "It's only because your so adorable."

Gabe smiled, "Yeah, probably."

William laughed. "Remember last year, we had English together, and Ms. Armstrong always gave you good grades? You got A's depending on how good the color you were wearing looked on you."

Gabe laughed remembering the class, "I worked hard in the fucking class."

"Yeah right," William said, "You worked hard on ways to cheat off of me."

"No. I worked my ass off to pass that class."

"It's a good thing Ms. Armstrong had a thing for your ass."

Gabe laughed, "Oh, she did not."

William laughed, "It must have been something. I remember reading your paper, 'What I don't like about being a freashmen'."

Gabe laughed even harder, "So, I'm a bad speller."

"That's part of English," William smiled.

Gabe smiled, "Yeah, well English sucks."

"Gabriel Edwardo," Gabe's father called, "ven aquí!"

"See, I'm Hispanic, no good at English," Gabe said leaving the room.

"Excuses, excuses..." William said.

"Sí, papa?" Gabe said entering the kitchen.

"Hazme un favor y sacar la basura," his father said.

Gabe sighed.

"No se queje, hazlo."

Gabe took out the trash, like his father had told him. Apparently, his father wasn't in a very good mood, he was speaking Spanish and nothing but.

William sat in Gabe's room and turned the channel back to Greece. He laid back looking at the ceiling. He breathed in Gabe's smell smiling. He looked back at the door as Gabe walked in.

"What did he want?" William asked.

"Me to take out the damn trash," Gabe said, "he enjoys sounding threatening."

William sat up, "Oh."

Gabe shrugged, "Hey, you changed it back to Greece."

"Nothing else on."
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