Status: Ideas come in spurts. Slow...

One Day, Robots Will Cry

He's Got That Crooked Smile

William drove over to his mother's house after leaving Gabe's. Hopefully, his dad and Cathy would realize what day it was. Besides, he had a cell phone for a reason. But, honestly, he didn't feel like being bitched at, anyway.

It was nearly 4 o'clock already, he and Gabe had slept until two and sat around all afternoon without saying or doing much, other then having a bowl of Fruit Loops.

Staring ahead at the road, he felt like crap just leaving Gabe's side, and even worse knowing he was going out to party. It wasn't likely that anything bad would happen, but there's always a possibility. Nothing could happen to Gabe...ever.

William clutched the steering wheel with two hands even thinking about it.

Soon, he reached his mother's house. It laid on the 'bad' part of town, but was one of the nicest houses over there. He parked on the street curb like he had to do at Gabe's...

Making sure he locked everything, he got out of the silver jeep and started down the walk-way to the door. He sighed before opening the door.

"Hi there, William," his mother said sweetly, for once. What was the occasion?

"Hi mom..." William replied, glancing curiously around the house for his step-dad, Steve, but found no sign of him, "where's Steve?"

"It's Saturday, hun," she said looking back to the television, "he's working."

"Oh, right..." he said. Work, since when did he work? "I'm going to hit the shower, though."

"Okay," she said smiling.

William smiled small at his mother before climbing the stairs. He first went into his room to find it trashed. The slight hint of a smile that lingered on his lips faded completely. His drawers were open, his closet was too and clothes were everywhere. The sheets were off of his mattress and his shelves were disheveled. It looked like someone had been looking for something.

Sighing he gathered up his clothes and put them in a pile. Likely, it was his own fucking family looking for money. It wasn't that they didn't have any, it was they were selfish and didn't want to spend their own. Though, they could have made it a little less obvious...

He picked up a shirt and such that looked to be clean, and exited his room to turn down the hallway into the bathroom. At least the bathroom was nice, even smelled fresh and clean.

He threw his clean clothes over the sink and looked into the mirror.

Frowning at his reflection, he opened the medicine cabinet. There was the razor, shoved slightly down the crack so no one else would see it. Not now...

He slammed the cabinet shut and began taking his clothes off. He removed his phone from his pocket, it read: 1 new text.

Curiously, he opened the text. It was from Gabe: Hiya! What are you doing? : )

Smiling, William replied: Showering. So don't get offended if I don't reply so fast. He sat the phone on the sink beside his new clothes, and finished removing the ones he had on. He threw them in the corner and turned on the shower.

He stepped inside the warm mist of water and tilted his head back. True, he didn't mind smelling like Gabe, but he needed a shower. He quickly washed up, and without taking too long, he shut off the water and grabbed a towel. He wiped his hands off and picked up his phone. Gabe: Maybe I should shower too. Then we can be naked at the same time. : D

William smiled and replied: It's a little late, I'm already out. lol

He got dressed and dried his hair with the towel for a while before deciding to attempt spending some time with his mother. That's what he really needed to do. Especially since Steve wasn't home. First, his phone had vibrated. Of course, it was Gabe: haha, I was in the shower too! We were naked at the same time. lolol

William couldn't help smiling while he replied: You're a mess.

After placing his phone in his back pocket, he continued down the stairs. When he reached the living room, he didn't stop right away, he continued to the kitchen and grabbed a soda. That would make it a little less awkward.

So, he went to the living room, and sat on the love seat next to the couch his mother was seated on. She was watching re-runs of 'Rosanne' while sipping on a beer. "I thought you might be going out somewhere tonight, it's Saturday, you know," she said.

"Erm, yeah," William looked down at his feet, "I'm not really much of a party-goer..."

"Why not?" his mother asked.

You're my mother, aren't you supposed to be encouraging me not to go? He sighed, "I just don't like the way things happen at these parties... Too much stuff goes down and no one takes it seriously."

"Oh, like what?" she questioned.

"I dunno, the last one I went to, I got jumped. One my friend told me about, he got a knife pulled on him," William said, "I guess we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but still, I'm not taking any chances."

"That's reasonable," his mother replied, "I wasn't one to party much in high school, believe it or not."

William raised his eyebrows, "Hm, maybe that's where I get it."

She smiled, "It's good to know you got one of my good traits."

He returned the smile and removed his vibrating phone from his back pocket. Again, Gabe texted him: And you love it. : )

William replied: Very much so! You keep me sane. : D

"Texting any girls?" his mother asked, smiling.

Shaking his head, William smiled a little, "No, just my best bud, Gabe."

"Oh, the Hispanic one?" she questioned.

William's eyes brightened, she remembered, "Yeah."

The door opened, and William's expression changed completely. Steve entered the house, and plopped down on the couch next to his mother. He kissed her, and said, "What's for dinner?"

His mother began, "I was thinking of ordering out, since--"

"Well, then, wouldn't it be a good idea for you to do it now?" Steve spat.

William grimaced and looked at his phone. At least Gabe had texted him back: Good. : ) You sure you're not coming to the party?

Without smiling, even inside, William replied: No. I don't even want you to go.

"Hey ya, kid," Steve said, looking at William.

"Hi..." William replied. His mother had picked up the phone and left the room.

"How ya doing?" Steve asked, he could be decent, when he was sober...

"Um, fine," William replied, "And you, sir?"

"Ah, could be better. Work was a bitch," he sat back, "but, as soon as I get a little alcohol in my system I'll be fine." He laughed.

William tried to hide the disgusted look on his face. He looked back down at his phone. Gabe had said: Ok, fine. I won't say another word about it. You can pretend I'm not even on my way there. : )

The disgusted look didn't leave. William replied: Yeah...
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm, I believe the next chapter shall be more about Gabe.