Young Severus

The Letter

Never had I listened to me mother more, I was terrified of what my father would do if he was to ever find out but Lily was the only person who ever spoke to me. Others shouted at me or laughed at me for the way I looked or dressed but not her, I spent the entire time I spent with her hoping my father wasn’t around. The day I got my Hogwarts letter I practically sprinted to the riverside and waited nervously, the moment I saw her running towards me I grinned.

She’d gotten her letter as well and we’d be spending the next 7 years together. “Severus my parents don’t really understand, will you talk to them?” she asked and I nodded. She grabbed my hand dragging me after her into the village where I was never meant to go, “What?” “I’m not supposed to go to the village without my parents" I admitted.