Sequel: Swimmers Story

My 3 Dedications And Me

Final Races And Records To See

She rolled over to feel something at her side thinking it was the wall before closing her eyes again and the wall moved making her open her eyes. It groaned and she looked over her shoulder to see Ryan asleep on his front with his hand on her neck, she tried to wriggle out his grip and he woke up. "Shit! Sorry Dorothy! You feel asleep and I thought I'd let you get deep enough asleep before I left and I must've gone to sleep too" "It's okay, although I hope the others haven't come back yet" she admitted and he laughed.

"If Allison had walked in here trust me I'd know! You'd know! Nobody's been in otherwise I'd have woke up, I'm a light sleeper" he reasoned and he nodded "I was more worried about getting in trouble" "Trouble?" he asked and she nodded. "Yeah this can't be okay under Team USA rules?" "Yeah it's okay! You can date people within the team and staff I think, we had this discussion at Beijing!" he laughed and she smiled.

"You need to get your sleep! So I'll leave you in peace" Ryan smiled leaving and she curled up going back to sleep, Missy woke her up later and she grabbed her stuff jumping on the coach. She got to the pool and started warming up before she realised she'd missed her good luck kiss, she saw Michael appear and she stood with him "I never got my kiss from Ryan" she mumbled.

"You're not superstitious you tell me" he teased before realising now wasn't the time "Well I could give you a kiss or I'm sure Cullen or one of the others would if it bothers you that much?" he suggested and she shook her head.

"Okay!" he rushed out seeing how bothered she was getting "I can FaceTime him, virtual kiss is the same" "No it's not! I need Ryan! Do I have time to go back?" she quizzed. "Of course you need Ryan! I mean he's sexy!" a voice said and she saw Ryan grinning over Michael's shoulder.

"Ryan!" she shouted jumping on him and he laughed, "I never got my kiss and I was worried I'd..." "You're not superstitious!" he joked. "Why are you here?" "Well I came to see you swim! Plus gotta give you this!" he said pushing his lips to her cheek and she smiled kissing his cheek back.

Allison shouted her over and she walked over, Michael watched her before Ryan disappeared to his seat and Michael caught Dolly's eye before he went to sit down. Something was wrong with that girl, she seemed off on every point of her. He just hoped she'd hold on to whatever it was long enough to get through this, she needed to be and deserved to be strong and get this last medal.

He waited for her race and his whole body tightened when he knew it was coming, "How are you feeling Ma'am?" he asked her mom and she nodded.  "Better when I see her, I feel sick with nerves" she admitted before coughing and Michael smiled at her, that made two of them.

"Dorothy hold my hand!" Missy shouted in the call room and she grabbed it tightly, before they walked out Missy smiled at her. As they stepped out Missy pulled Dorothy's hand in the air and Dorothy waved at the crowd, she got to the lane waiting. Ryan was sat cheering and waving away with a majority of the other swim team USA.

Missy smiled at her before climbing in the water, Dolly watched as Missy got in position and the buzzer went, Dolly watched as Rebecca Soni stepped up waiting for Missy to return and she dived in setting off. Dolly got on the start shaking her muscles out and waiting, watching for the takeover and as she hit the far wall Dolly watched her push herself infront.