Sequel: Swimmers Story

My 3 Dedications And Me

Remember That Girl?

They left and 3 days later she had a knock on the door “Well hello Dolly” “Mikey! How can I help you?” she asked smiling “Well I was wondering what your plans are for the day?” “Well normally I would be going to the gym or the pool but I get the feeling you’re not going to let me” she stated and he laughed “No don’t let my presence stop you! I could do with some exercise, how about I join you in the gym?” he suggested and she shrugged “Your choice” she answered and they stopped by his house to pick up stuff before heading to the gym.

His phone rang as he was on the treadmill “Hey, I’m at the gym. I’ll be around later on, make extra” he joked hanging up and she rolled her eyes. They left the gym “Dolly come for dinner at ours, mom will be stoked to see you again!” he said and she looked at him “Come on! I’ll drive you home after, promise” he laughed and she groaned.

He opened the door to the house she knew as his family home “Hey mom! Random question but remember when I was younger” “I try not to Michael!” she called back and Dolly smiled “Sure! Well remember that kid at the pool, the girl Dorothy?” he shouted “Dorothy? I don’t remember a Dorothy. Only girl I remember is the little brunette girl, well she wasn’t little, she was taller than me at the age of 12! Dolly something…Phoenix, Dolly Phoenix!” she answered.

“Dorothy was her real name, Dolly’s her nickname!” “This is lovely son but why are you mentioning this?” she asked and he laughed as Dolly followed him “Because guess who I gave mouth to mouth to a bit back?” “Mikey that’s not cool!” she grumbled as he laughed walking in the kitchen to his mom. “Mouth to mouth? What? Oh hello” she smiled at Dolly “Yeah dived in and had to give her mouth to mouth!” “Oh right! Well that’s a nice story, hello I’m Michael’s mother,” she said holding her hand out “Hi ma’am” Dolly answered shaking her hand “Mom this is Dolly!” “What? Dolly! How are you?” she asked and Dolly smiled answering as Michael leant up the counter laughing.

They sat down for dinner and she smiled at Dolly “So what do you do these days?” she said and Dolly answered her “What does your father do these days?” “Oh, my parents live in Florida now. He coaches La Crosse” she explained. “La Crosse?” Michael asked and she nodded, “He was your coach wasn’t he?” “Yeah but when I quit he said he was going to, he was offered the job and took it. Apparently if it wasn’t me, he’d never coach swimming again,” Dolly admitted and Michael’s mom nodded.

“What about your mother?” “Oh, erm…she’s just taking time off” she said and Michael watched her, they left and in the car he raised the question again. “You mom enjoying time off?” she nodded quickly “Want to talk about it?” she smiled “Screw you Mikey, how is this happening? How come you pick this up?” “Because I know you” he admitted and she nodded. “My mom is ill, and then she broke her leg last year and they moved to Florida for the heat 2 years ago. She has something wrong with her that she can’t cope with the cold, I can’t really remember the real name for it” she explained and he nodded. “She’s okay now though right?” he asked as he stopped at her house, she shrugged “Will she be okay?” “I think so, she has like a asthma reaction to cold weather. It’s strange I guess” she mumbled and he reached over messing her hair up and she smiled as her eyes stung.

She rubbed her eyes and he leant over hugging her and she buried her head in his broad shoulder, “Sorry I just…”she started “Mikey you have yourself a deal, I’ll swim” she cried and he smiled. “Why?” “Because just agree to it and don’t question it!” she said as she let him go and he smiled “So Dolly Phoenix is coming back to the pool?” she nodded as he grinned “Well in that case get to bed because training starts tomorrow” he laughed and she smiled shaking her head.

“I have a feeling I’ll hate you more than before” she mumbled and he pulled her into a hug “Shut up kid! I’ll make you hate me more than ever before, you’ll despise me everyday but I can make it worth it” he joked. After a week he’d spent time just watching what she did herself and she dreaded what he’d have to say about it, she could see him watching every small aspect of the food she ate and the work she did.