Sequel: Swimmers Story

My 3 Dedications And Me

Oh Please Do Try

Having woken up with a head that felt like an explosion occurred every time she moved Dorothy had made it through the morning somewhat well considering the alcohol she had put away the previous night, having finally faced food by midday she was well and truly up for ringing Michael by 4pm.

"Tell him you want to talk, make it obvious it's about you and you will be fine" Ryan advised and she nodded before pressing call "Hey, it's Michael! You either caught me whilst I'm busy or sleeping...or busy sleeping! Or I plain don't want to talk to you right now! Either way leave me a message and I'll decide when and if I'll ring you back, peace!" she heard his voicemail smiling before hearing the beep.

"Hi Mikey! It's me, Dorothy! I just wanted to talk to you, I hope you're having fun out there and that you're behaving yourself young man! Anyway I was just really wanting to talk to you about I guess, well this would have been a more successful and happy call if you'd answered! I'll talk to you soon I guess, have fun out there! Bye! Oh and I hope I don't fall into the last category on this thing!" she said smiling before hanging up and Ryan sat watching TV with her.

2 days later she was on the beach with Ryan talking about the previous nights dinner with their parents, when she looked for the time on her phone seeing a missed call from Michael and she sighed. There was a message flashing so she dialled for it, "Hey Dolly! I had a great time, I'm waiting for my connecting flight as we speak, sorry I never rang earlier but I've been really busy. Anyway I have to go but have fun and I'll be at home when you get back, we can talk then I guess! Say hi to Ryan and your parents for me? And no you're not really the last category" he laughed hanging up and she sighed.

"I missed his call!" she grumbled and Ryan laughed "He'll be home waiting for you when you get back, you a few more days without him...can we not talk about it again please?" Ryan grumbled and she nodded smiling at him. "Devon told mom you kicked his ass in the pool, she laughed at him" Ryan informed and she laughed nodding, "He is kind of a more arrogant version of you...if that's even possible" she joked and he glared at her.