

I've always tried to stay around people because being by myself is sometimes a bad thing for me. After everything I've been through, my mind has an interesting way of coping; I have little voices in my head. Now, I'm not crazy, not at all. I don't have a problem separating reality from the awkward shit that goes on in my head. I just have a way of entertaining my problems.
I was alone one day, just sitting in my room when it first started. I was thinking of how fucked my life was (and still is) when the first one said "You need to get over it! Move on from that shit."
Of course, I already knew that's what I needed to do, but it wasn't that easy.
The second one: "That's easier said than done. We both know Josh is sensitive and emotionally scared. What makes you think it'd be as easy as 'moving on'. What does that mean?"
At this point, I was just a bystander, listening in on someone else's conversation. I knew what they were referring to, of course, but I still felt slightly out of the loop. Let me reiterate; I'm still not fucking crazy and I wasn't then. Crazy people talk back to the voices in their heads and I didn't. I just listened.
"It means forgive and forget, grow a pair, however you want to take it." The first voice was very flippant. It sounded slightly annoyed.
"What the hell! That's not cool!"
"I don't care. I'm tired of listening to him whine!"
"He's not whining! He's scarred!"
"Bullshit. He needs to grow a pair." I huffed indignantly. I had a perfectly good set of balls and plenty of courage. I just didn't know how the hell to get over my scars.
"You, you're evil."
"No, I'm being blunt." I couldn't help but laugh at that.
And so, the voices continued to bicker until my mother and father came home and I could concentrate on something other than my admittedly horrid life.
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Well...yeah. I still say I'm not crazy.