Status: First story I'm posting on here goes nothing! (:

Hidden Butterflies


High school. The place where you're forced to see every person you hate every single day. A building filled with secret hideouts for football players and cheerleaders to hook-up. Where bathrooms are cleaned everyday, so stick-thin, 'convinced I'm fat' girls go to vomit up their last meal with no hesitation. It's a hell hole. A prison for kids who did nothing illegal in the first place. Being popular matters here. And popularity suddenly gives the right to be a jerk to the kids who are going to do more with their lives then say, "Would you like fries with that?', or become the homeless man on the street begging for spare change. And so, when the final day of summer came, I was curled up in my bed with my headphones in and the rest of the world out. I didn't care about that new boy next door I was supposed to show around town.

What was his name? Adam? Alex? Whatever is name is, I don't care about him. I don't care about anything today. I care about spending my last day of heaven on Earth alone, just thinking. I even ditched my two best friends in the entire world, Brooke and Sarah, to be all by myself. Reflecting on my previous train wreck of a year in high school is the best way to start a new year.

No longer am I Tessa, the poor, depressed little freshman. Now, I'm Tessa, the strong and happy sophomore. Starting tomorrow, I'm looking on the bright side of things. I will always have a smile on my face. I will laugh at my friends' jokes, even if they aren't funny in the slightest bit. But most importantly, I will be happy. No, not just happy, strong. Strong and proud of who I am. I will forget about last year, and everything about it.

All the tears, hits, screams, shouts, drunken abuse, and bad memories will be erased.

But will my scars be erased, too?
♠ ♠ ♠
*Side note- I am not trying to offend anyone with any eating disorder. This was simply a character's thoughts*
