Vengeance University

Chapter Six

We sat at the table, and I looked to me left and saw Mr Haner, what's-his-face, and some really buff looking dude sat at the table next to us.

As I was looking, the janitor, Jimmy as I recall, sat down with them. I raised my eyebrow at Amanda. She was too busy stuffing her face.

"Yo, Fuckface, stop stuffing your face, Christ, you aren't starving!" I said slowly, she stopped and stared at me. It was quite comical.

She swallowed her food and coughed, clearing her throat.

"Ever so sorry darling, I did not mean to offend you with my eating ways, but you see, I am merely a measly American child. My American ways do clash with your British ways don't they?" She said, with a terrible English accent.

"Ok, number one, DARHLING" I said, drawling out the syllables to make it sound southern. She scowled at me slightly.

"That was a terrible English accent, not every English person speaks like that, ok? Number two, I'm fucking German, not British" I said, pointing my straw at her.

She rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, I don't know the eating habits of Germans, except for sausages" I scoffed with laughter, it was a good job I hadn't put that fry in my mouth, or I would've choked like a retard.

"Sweetie, hamburgers come from Hamburg, Frankfurters come from Frankfurt," I said, using extravagant hand gestures to get my point across. Her eyes widened.

"NO WAY! SERIOUSLY?" She practically shouted out. I looked around, my cheeks a little pink, god she was loud.

"Yes way, you wouldn't have hamburgers if it wasn't for us Germans, oh, and we make beer too" I said, just throwing the comment in as I ate a fry.

She was grinning like an idiot. Suddenly, she her jaw dropped.

"Oh wow, you have Oktoberfest don't you!" She said, looking as if she was about to piss her pants any moment. I stared at her incredulously for a second, before gracing her with an answer.

"Yeah, it's awesome, I've been. Absolutely great atmosphere, in fact, once Uni's finished, we should go," I said, grinning at her. She nodded enthusiastically.

"You have to watch out for bierleichen," I said, giving a small gesture as I took a bite of my burger. I hadn't noticed the table to our left taking a sudden interest now beer was involved.

"What the fuck are, beerleykhen?" She said, I laughed at her pronunciation.

"Be-er-lech-en" I said, pronouncing it slowly. (If it's wrong, I'm sorry, I don't do German)

She made a face of realisation and nodded, pronouncing it again but correctly. I smiled at her.

"They're people who pass out from drinking too much beer, it's german for 'beer-corpses'" I said, eating some more of my burger. She made a face.

"Ew, beer corpses? That's a little harsh right?" She said, eating her own food.

"Well not really, they're passed out, so they look like corpses, it's funny to watch them fall, they're all over the place and sometimes in mid-sentence then wham! They hit the floor" I grinned.

Amanda laughed and suddenly started singing.

"Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor" She sang out, attracting some attention from surrounding tables. I cringed.

"You don't care about attention do you?" I quizzed her. She shrugged.

"If they don't like it, I'll -- I'll, I'll kick a puppy in the face" She said. My eyes widened and jaw dropped at that, she laughed at my face.

"No, I wouldn't really, that's far too mean right?" She said, I nodded slowly. Then I burst out laughing, it was quite comical her statement.

"Anyway, tell me about where your from" I said, leaning back in my chair and lifting my hips slightly, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"Oh, bang your number in" I said, throwing it across the table. She looked at me strange.

"Put your phone number into my phone book on my cell phone" I said slowly and in a robotic voice, she nodded and typed it in, throwing it back, where I put it safely back into my pocket.

She sat back too, crossing her arms over her stomach and thought for a moment.

"Well, I come from New York " I interrupted her.

"New York? As in, Statue of Liberty New York?" She laughed and shook her head.

"No, the state New York, not New York, New York. Anyway, in a place called Binghamton. There's not much there really to be honest, but IBM was started there. That's about as interesting as it gets I suppose" She said, looking away making a face.

"Well, wasn't that intriguing?" I said sarcastically. She gave me a lovely one fingered salute.

We took our stuff to the bin, and began to walk back to our table to pick up our bags. I picked mine up quickly, and turned round, I saw the guys sat round the table, and looked to Amanda. Biting my lip, I smirked.

She began to walk past me, when I stuck my foot out slyly, and she fell into Mr Haners back. I snorted laughing.

"Now who's the klutz? Sheesh, fallst du wirklich fur ihn?" I said slyly, walking away quickly. I looked back and grinned at Mr Haner's confused expression.

Amanda caught up with me and looked at me strange.

"What the hell did you just say?" I shrugged and looked away quickly. Her expression fell.

"You said something about me, to him didn't you" She said, making a face. I chuckled at her expression.

"Maybe" I grinned.

"Gah, don't do that. I don't understand German you, you Deutsch person!" She said, pouting.

I was startled when suddenly, I felt someone grab my shoulder. Spinning round, I saw a girl stood there, along with three other girls. I gave her a quick one over, and saw she wasn't exactly the kinda person I was going to get along with.

"Err, are you like, German?" She said, I nearly gagged, she was a valley girl wannabe, it was plainly evident.

I didn't know why she was starting on me, I mean, I definitely don't look the type of person to start with. For one, I was at least 4 inches taller than her, two, I was wearing a studded belt, arm bands, rubber bracelets, a dark necklace and my makeup was dark too.

I don't exactly give off the aura of 'welcoming'. I looked around the place, and saw everyone looking, even the table of guys.

"Yeah, I am German, got a problem with that?" I said sarkily, I wasn't about to put up with her shit. I'll go psycho-German on her.

"Ew, god, like, why are you like, over here?" I just stared at her, how the fuck did she get past elementary school?

"Because, I got the grades, I'm smart enough, and I got the money to do it. How many blowjobs did you have to give to get here?" I said, smirking.

I heard a ripple of quiet laughter run throughout the place. She gave a disgusted face.

"I don't give blowjobs" I interrupted her.

"Oh, you're more of the hands on type of girl?" I said, grinning at her now. She glared at me, as Amanda was practically pissing herself next to me.

"God, why don't you go back to home Nazi" She said, snorting. The temper that I had kept under wraps flared up. It's one thing to have someone dissing you, but you do NOT call a German a Nazi. Not unless you want a broken face.

"I'm not a fucking nazi you stupid bint. They were 60 years ago, and not every fucker wanted it, and guess what, you've got me angry. When I get angry, I get fucking violent" I said, venom running through me.

Without hesitation, I leant back and swung at her face. A resounding crack was the product, and she fell to the floor, that lovely crimson colour streaming down her perfect features.

I spat at her feet, and rubbed my knuckles.

"THAT'S ENOUGH" I heard a guy shout. I turned round, and saw the important looking dude walking up, with Mr Haner and buffy guy behind him.

"You, take her to the nurse's office, you, with me" He said, pointing at one of the girls friends to take her to the office, then at me. He did not look happy.

I looked to Amanda, and she made a face. 'Good hit' she mouthed, before running off as the bell went.

I gawped after her. She left me! How fucking typical. This was just a lovely fucking way to start the year, three days late and already in fucking trouble.

I followd him to an office, where he opened the door, and I walked in. He closed the door behind him and pointed to a seat in front of the desk. He sat down on the other side and looked at me, his face a stone glare.

I looked around myself, anywhere but him.

"I know you've only just arrived today, but fighting is not allowed" He started, I sighed softly, and looked at my hands.

"I'm sorry, but she insulted me!" I said, trying to plead my corner. I saw his facial expression soften slightly.

"I know she did, and she's going to get at least a talking to for her racial hatred, but you did not have to, well, break her nose" He said, his eyes widening slightly as said 'break'.

I gulped and looked down, nodding.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but I lost control" I said shakily. He sighed, and I saw his posture relax slightly.

"Well you're going to have to control it more aren't you?" He said. I looked at the sign on his desk. It was black with red letters standing out from the rest.


Well, at least that solved the problem of his name. He sighed and stood up, opening the door.

"Well, I'll let you off this time, but I'll be watching you Miss Schmidt" He said. I nodded and walked out of the room hastily.

Once out and I saw his door close, I bit my lip. He was really nice, and I didn't mean personality wise.