You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

Fight Club

My entire body felt like it was moving, even though I knew that I was sitting still. The room around me was spinning and there was no way to stop it. My throat was still on fire and my stomach started making noises that couldn't be good. Since I hadn't had anything to eat within the past couple of days, having that beer forced down wasn't a good idea.

Sure, Shadows 'warned' me not to puke, but like that would really stop me. Besides, they were too busy laughing to notice what I was about to do. I couldn't hold it in anymore and soon I saw my stomach acid all over their carpet.

"Eww, look what happened to the carpet!" the Rev teased, sounding like a freaking five year old.

How could they really even care about that when there were countless stains already on the floor?

"I hope you plan on cleaning that up?" Shadows said, taking a dangerous step closer to me.

"Stay the hell away from me," I said calmly.

I slowly moved my fists around behind my back to loosen and finally remove the ropes. Right when he got in arm's range, about to push me back to the ground, I pulled one of my arms out from behind my back and punched him right in the face. Not so tough now, are you?!

He stumbled back a little clutching his bleeding nose. I knew that nobody saw it coming, which made all the more rewarding for me.

"Don't get all worked up, Shadz, I know just what will put her in her place," Syn said coming toward me.

He quickly got behind me pulled both of us down onto the couch. "Yeah, I know what you're planning, but you know, I always have to have an eye for an eye. . ." and then Syn held me down while Shadows stalked over to me and punched me right in the left eye.

It was such a hard punch that my eye wouldn't open because it was that swollen. All though it hurt like hell, the whole point in me coming out here and facing them was to show them that I can handle it. Then maybe they'll get bored and leave us alone. Or maybe not. Either way, I promised Randi I'd get revenge for her and crying in front of these jerks wouldn't do anything for me.

"Wow no tears? Since when did you become such a tough girl?" Zacky asked sitting down next to me and Syn. I chose to not answer.

Then Syn said, "Alright now that all of that is out of the way, what do you guys say we have a little. . .story time?"

All the guys laughed and agreed so Syn continued, "Hey, Myra, does the date October 13, 2005 ring a bell?"

That. . .that was the day that my brother Joey died. Where were they going with this?

"Yeah, what does that have to do with you?! I don't wanna talk about it."

"Oh that's too bad," Syn smirked, "Because there's more to the story than what you know. . ."


"Joey, are you sure you should be going out? I mean, you can get Steak 'N Shake anytime. . .why do you want to go out now?!"

His stomach growled loudly, "C'mon, Myra, I'm freaking starving and I really really really want a chocolate shake right now. Don't worry, I promise I'll bring some home for you, ok?"

It was Friday the 13th, I was 16 and my brother was 18. My younger sister was over at her friend's house, my parents went on a road trip to Utah, where we'd be moving, my other brother Jake was 20 and he was away at college. . .so in other words, it was just me and Joey at home and we were supposed to watch scary movies all night, kind of a Friday the 13th tradition.

But when we started 'The Ring' all he kept talking about was how hungry he was, so I told him to go get something and I was being sarcastic, but he believed me and insisted on going out. I don't know why, but I had a really bad feeling that something bad was about to happen.

After about an hour of waiting, I got scared. I knew it didn't take that long just to go to a drive thru at SNS. I tried calling his cell, but he didn't pick up. I was about to try one more time, but then decided that I better just go looking for him. I got into my convertible and sped off toward the SNS.

Right at the crossroad intersection, there were a bunch of flashing lights and blaring sirens. "Oh God, please, no don't let that be him," I whispered to myself running over to the ambulance.

I pushed past countless cops and paramedics and was met with a gruesome sight. The body lying on the stretcher didn't even look like Joey, but I knew it was him. His body was covered in blood and the entire left side of his body was ripped to shreds. I got to see him right before they covered him up.

I didn't even get to say goodbye! I fell to the ground and tears mercilessly cascaded down my face. Why did he have to go?! I told him not to go!!! "Joey!!" I cried out, even though I knew he would never be able to respond ever again.

**End Flashback**

"What more could there be to tell? And how do you even know about that night? I never even told you."

"Maybe you should listen to the rest of the story," Shadows said impatiently.

Syn continued, "Here's what really happened that night. Of course, this all happened about one week after you ran in on us. . .having a little fun with Kayla, right? Well, this was also right before you moved to Utah and to be perfectly honest, I wanted you dead before you could leave my sight. We waited outside your house and saw a car leave, so we were hoping that you would be in there too. But, even when we saw it was just your brother, we decided to go for it anyway; we were in the mood to kill. We took a beat out car stolen from the dealer and ran the stop sign ramming right into your brother's car on his side, the driver's side."

Images poured back into my mind. . .how messed up his left side was it was because of them.

"I was kinda surprised that he was still living when we got out of the car to check out the damage. Since he was still alive, and he recognized me as your ex-boyfriend, we decided to beat him up till he died in the car. The Rev wanted to light the car on fire too, but we saw headlights so we had to get the hell out of there. We all saw him take his last breath and we left his body there to rot until someone drove along and called an ambulance. I bet you didn't know that one, now did you?"

They were the ones that killed my brother that night?! I could feel the anger rising inside of me.

They made a big mistake in telling me that. The way I felt right now, I could kill all of them and feel no remorse whatsoever. They deserved to be murdered and then rot in hell where they belonged.

"Y-you bastard!" I shouted easily getting out of his death-grip and elbowing him back.

I immediately turned around, dying to finally wipe that stupid ass smug look off his face. "You fucking killed him?!"

I lost control. I started punched, scratching, attacking anything or anyone who got in my way. For the first time ever, none of them could hold me back. Shadows tried to come toward me and I stood up, kicked him where it hurt, and as he bent over, I punched his stupid aviators off his face and socked him in the nose once more, hearing it crack and break this time.

Then Zacky came toward me and I kicked him right in the shoulder where his gun-shot wound was. The Rev tried to get me next, but I tripped him before he had the chance then picked up a nearby knife off the floor and quickly stabbed him in the leg.

Now it was back to Syn. "So what are you gonna do Myra?" he asked with blood dripping down his face. "Are you gonna. . .kill me?" I glared at him and then scratched right across his face and hit him right in the stomach.

But all of this almost seemed too easy. Since when could I take on four guys at once? I was too lost in my deceptive victory that I didn't even heard Shadows pick up another knife off the table nearby and come up behind me. He quickly stabbed me in the back, quite literally and that time I cried out in pain as I fell to the floor.

Syn grinned as he pulled me back up by my hair and punched me super hard in the face again. I couldn't even feel my face after that and it even hurt to cry.

"Who the hell do you think you are, trying to attack us?! You need to pay the price now," Shadows growled.

Ok, so my one arm was broken, my back had a knife sticking out of it, and my face was one big bruise. What the hell else could they do?! How can I avenge my brother's death and still make it out of here alive?