You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

Not Finished Yet

I'm beginning to think that I need to control my anger or else I'm never going to survive this. But I just can't help it. To have just heard the real reason for my brother's death. . .to have seen Randi like that. . .to be here right now, there were just so many thoughts racing through my head. It certainly didn't help that I kept trying to get them away from me, causing that knife to go down deeper and I began to felt dizzy.

"You seem to have reached your limit for today, haven't you?" Syn asked in that fake concerned tone. I tried to get back up off the ground, but he put his heavy boot on my back and immediately forced me back down to the ground.

"Rev, get the knife out," Shadows said.

The Rev nodded and out of the corner of my eye I could see him smiling wickedly and that his knife wound was covered up and treated. He gripped the knife and twisted it as he pulled it out. It took a good five minutes before you could see the tip of the knife out of my back. At first, I gripped onto the carpet and bit back any screams that I could. But after so long, I couldn't take it anymore I screamed so loud that my throat felt sliced afterwards.

"Mmm, you know I love it when you scream," Syn whispered to me once he stepped off my back.

"Fuck you," I spat back.

All the guys laughed and then Syn shrugged, "If you insist." Then I realized what he meant and tried to back away but I couldn't freaking move without some jolt running up and down my spine. If they hit some kind of central nerve, then I won't be able to move! Shit this can't be good. So it's pretty obvious that Syn was able to catch up to me and throw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I shouted as I squirmed around as best as I could.

"Nah, we're gonna go have some fun," Syn replied with a little laugh.

I knew that what he considered fun and what I considered fun were two completely different things.

"Shouldn't someone go check on the cripple?" the Rev asked with a little amusement in his voice.

Zacky chuckled a little and said, "Sure, I'll check on her. She knows me the best."

Shadows chimed in, "I'll go too. I've gotta see if she can still move on her own."

After I had heard this, of course I stopped slamming my fists into Syn's back and focused more on calling the three of them names and yelling that they better not touch Randi. Syn easily got fed up with me and pushed me up against the wall in the hallway. "How about a little deal?" he whispered menacingly, "You do whatever we say and we'll let the other bitch live ok?!"

I glared at him as I could feel his hands wrap harder around my small shoulders. "You better not touch her at all!" I shouted.

I know I had this coming some time, but Randi had absolutely nothing to do with all of this, and I know that I would never be able to live if she died.

"Since when do you think you can tell us what to do?" the Rev asked standing behind Syn, "Like he said, if you don't listen, then all it would take is one little gunshot for your friend to die."

The three of them began to walk into Randi's room, and I wanted to go in there too because there's no way in hell that I'd ever believe a word that one of them said. "Oh no, you'll be coming in here with me," Syn said as he pulled me back into the other room. I struggled as best as I could against him, but the odds were painfully clear against me. He managed to throw me down on the bed and began to crawl on top of me.

"If I didn't let you do this back when we dated, why would it happen now?" I asked as a smirk formed across my face.

"Because," he said simply, "I'm in charge now." Then he hit me across the face so hard that I started seeing stars everywhere and I finally passed out.

Randi's POV

For the past 2 hours Myra has been out there and I've heard a variety of things, but mostly it was just her screaming. I heard a bunch of footsteps in the hallway and once they were closer to the room, I could tell that someone was coming in here and it wasn't gonna be Myra. In all this time that I've been sitting here, I thought about what had happened to me today. . .how these bastards completely broke my will and took my strength.

Was I really just going to let them come in here and do it again? Was I going to let them win? No. I stood up and leaned against the wall for support. They aren't going to expect me to be able to fight or even stand up. That will be their undoing.

The door opened and I saw Shadows, Vengeance and the Rev stalk inside. I sat back down, pretending to still be 'crippled.' "Well, well, well look who's finally awake!" Shadows said with a malicious smile. I glared back up at them defiantly. If I was going to do this right, then I'm going all out.

I shielded my hands above my eyes to make it look like I was cowering in fear when they took a step closer. "Aw, is the baby scared of the big bad guys?" the Rev taunted.

"No, not really," I said while standing up and watching their shocked expressions.

"You guys are just so ugly and disgusting that my eyes were hurting, just by looking at you."

"Why you little-!" Shadows began, but Zacky continued, "Relax, Shads, I have an idea. If she wants to avoid seeing us so badly, then I suggest we take away her vision altogether."

All three of them shared the same evil look. I'll admit I was taken aback slightly by their rebound, but like I said before this was my last chance.

Shadows, as usual, came swinging in at me first and I've gotten so used to his style so I was easily able to dodge his reckless moves. "Whoa, when did you get all better?" he asked smirking, "I could've sworn that the last time I saw you, you were on the brink of death!"

"Yeah, well, I don't tend to go down too easily."

I lifted my foot up, to make it look like I was going to kick him in the face, so that he would go right to protecting his face, then I changed course and kicked him as hard as I could in the stomach sending him backwards into the wall. It made such an impact that there was actually a hole in the wall and the drywall was cracking and falling off all around him.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the Rev coming toward me. I backed up a little and noticed that I stepped on something. I looked down quickly to see that there were shards of glass everywhere around me. I picked the biggest piece up and lured him closer to the broken tiny pieces.

"You want some of this, ugly?!" I challenged, feeling a smirk on my face. It felt good to be back to the old me again.

"I'm gonna get you so bad," he said in a confident voice.

"Well if Shadows over there didn't stand a chance, then what makes you think that you can get me?"

That was just enough. He had come far enough and with one more step, glass would be piercing through his feet. I looked down, watching his footsteps and it would seem that it was my "lucky" day cause he wasn't even wearing any socks. He finally stepped on the glass and let out a low grunt, not trying to show any pain. I knew that must've hurt like hell though.

Now was my chance to finish him off. I ran toward him, dodging his arms and going straight down by his feet. I stabbed my larger shard into both feet multiple times, and he finally started to scream out showing his pain. When he tried to reach for me I stabbed the glass through his hand so that it got stuck in the middle of his palm. He looked at his hand in disbelief and then angrily tried to pull the glass out which only made it worse. All that was left now was Vengeance.

I scanned around the room, but didn't see any sign of him. Ha, he probably got scared away! I kicked the Rev down so that he fell onto the glass pieces. I cautiously took a step out into the hallway and looked both ways, but didn't see anyone else around. "This is really odd," I remarked to myself as I walked further down the silent and empty halls. As I was about to turn the corner and enter the living room, someone else stepped in front of me.

"Ahh who the hell are you?!" I shouted, yet still trying to keep my voice down.

"Uh, don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Johnny and I guess I'm hear to treat some of your wounds," he said looking at all my bruises and gashes. I must really look like crap.

"Ok, well all I really need is just something to stop some of these gashes from re-opening and some kind of casting or something to help with my shoulder, it feels a little out of place."

Johnny nodded and got right to work fixing up and treating everything. Clearly, he was different from the other four jerks.

"Uh, thanks for that," I said. Even though he was different, he was still one of them. It felt weird thanking one of them.

"What are you planning on doing?" he asked curiously.

"Honestly? I'd say go save Myra from that Syn guy then get the hell out of here once and for all."

"Good luck to you, and I really mean that. They've killed so many people. . ."

"But if we escape, then you know we'll go to the police and you'll just get caught too."

"I guess I deserve that then, I could have gotten away but they'd either find me or send the police after me. I lose either way."

I looked at him sympathetically. He wasn't anything like the others and no matter what he said, he didn't deserve to go to jail.

"Aw, what a touching conversation," someone said mockingly from the hallway.

I turned over my shoulder to see Zacky standing there smirking at me. I was about to charge at him with some scissors I grabbed off the table, then he said, "Oh I don't know if that's such a good idea. . .someone might get hurt."

He stepped out of the way to reveal Myra and Syn standing behind him. My eyes grew wide and I froze in horror at the sight before me.