You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

This New Confidence Has Got To Go

*Myra's POV*

Syn pushed me further into the room and then shut and locked the door behind him. It was extremely quiet in the room, and all that could really be heard was the heavy thud of his boots on the hardwood floor each time he would take a step toward me. The sound echoed off the walls and made me feel even tenser than I was before.

Suddenly, I heard some shouting and screaming coming from across the hall, and I knew 2 things: that those guys were trying to attack Randi, and that Randi was her old self again, giving them what they deserve. I just hope that Randi's gonna be ok this time.

"Let's get down to business," Syn said as soon he was finally standing in front of me. Since I was on the floor, he seemed to be towering over me.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I said, glaring up at him. He smirked as he pulled me up by my hair so that I was at his eyelevel.

"You know, I don't seem to remember you being so damn brave before. I think I might have to fix that, otherwise this might be a little harder than it should be."

If he was trying to scare me, then he wasn't doing a very good job. Although he was right, back in high school a couple of years ago, I probably would've died just from fear or shock. But somehow, I'm still alive. To be honest, I think I have Randi to thank for that. She's just so outgoing and strong that I guess some of it must've rubbed off on me or something. But I liked this new me and I wasn't going to give it up that easily, especially to the likes of him.

"Just what exactly do you plan to do?" I challenged him. He smiled, but it was so evil that it sent shivers down my spine. He didn't even look human anymore.

"I'm glad you asked."

In the blink of an eye, he was able to easily push me down onto the bed behind me and sat on top of my stomach. He held my two wrists in one of his hands and held the other hand around my neck, I guess to stop my moving and squirming. After accepting the fact that he is like three times my size and squirming wasn't going to get me anywhere, I stopped moving and instead tried to just think logically about the situation. He removed his hand from around my neck and reached into the drawer near the bed.

I just assumed that he would be getting some kind of rope or something like that to tie me down, so I didn't bother looking. But that was a huge mistake. Never assume anything when it comes to Synyster Gates.

As soon as I heard some clinking, like something metal, I felt my eyes dart over toward the drawer and saw that he wasn't holding anything like rope at all. He was holding two metal handcuffs that looked like really big studded bracelets. "What are you-?" I was cut off as soon he jabbed the cuffs into my left wrist with the pointy spikes digging themselves into my skin. I screamed out unintentionally at the pain. Even though I saw the spikes, I never would've thought that this is what he'd be doing!

Blood immediately poured from the 7 holes around my wrist. He dragged the chain attached to the cuff up to the bed post to keep my arm in place. Then, without warning, he repeated the process on my right wrist. Within a matter of seconds, my arms were drenched in blood and I already felt slightly lightheaded from the loss. Was he going to kill me by bleeding me to death?!

"There, now you shouldn't feel the urge to want to move around," he said as he pushed down slightly on the cuffs, making sure they were nice and tight.

"You are seriously fucked up!" I shouted at him, while spitting in his face.

"Hmm, I guess the cuffs aren't going to be enough to teach you, are they?"

"Teach me what?! How to bleed someone to death?"

"Oh, is that what you thought this was for? Myra, really, if I wanted to bleed you to death, I'm sure I'd think of a much more creative way to do it. This is just to break your new confidence and just make things easier for me in the future."

How does he plan on not bleeding me to death when my fucking wrists are gushing blood. . . there are major veins and stuff there, but I'm guessing he must be too stupid to know that.

"Just answer me one thing," I said through gritted teeth, "Why the hell are you keeping Randi here?! She's got nothing to do with any of this. Let her go or I won't do shit for you."

He laughed that evil laugh of his again and said, "Isn't it obvious? We have her here because it bothers you, it hurts you if she gets hurt, so why not have her here? And I think I know a way to make sure that you do what I want you to. . ."

He reached over toward the table again and was holding pliers. "Hmm, I'm surprised that your mom honestly let you get these piercings. If I remember correctly, she didn't approve of my tats, so why would she let you have these? Oh well, guess I'll just have to get rid of them." He leaned down and hooked the pliers onto my nose stud.

"You. . .can't be serious," I whispered, looking up at him and feeling some of my fear resurface.

"Don't be so shocked."

Without further notice, he ripped the stud from my nose causing blood to splash all over both of our faces. My nose felt numb, that's how hard he pulled.

"Still think that you're not going to do what I want?" he asked maliciously. I had to bite down on my lip, just to stop myself from crying in front of him. . .that's what he wants, after all. “Now how about that cartilage?” he asked moving toward the top of my right ear.

I continued to bite down on my lip, even though I started tasting blood. It was the only thing I could do to keep myself together. I felt the pliers wrap around the piercing and he pulled forward, holding the stud in the pliers, covered in blood. Without looking I already knew that there was a huge hole in my ear now. I need to get him the hell away from me or else he will kill me.

I suddenly realized that I haven’t eaten in 5 days. Somehow, it seems that my stomach would be numb to any food at all now, but it could be a good enough excuse to use on him.

“Shit,” I cursed, quietly yet loud enough so that he could hear.

“What? Is the pain finally getting to you? Are you gonna beg me to stop.”

I rolled my eyes, “No, not really. I just thought that I haven’t eaten in five days and I can’t take that anymore.”

“You’re more concerned about an empty stomach than those gashes? Huh, guess I’ll have to keep that in mind. Fine, I’ll go get you some damn food and you. . .you just stay in place.”

I watched intently as he left the room and locked the door behind him. Now’s my chance.

The only thing holding me down is these cuffs, and the fact that my legs are slightly asleep from being under his weight for so long. I moved my legs around and stretched as much as possible and then focused on the cuffs. If I remember correctly, he never used any kind of key, he just clamped them shut. All I need to do is sit up. . . Easier said than done.

I slowly tried to sit up, but all that would do was cause the spikes to dig into my skin again. So, I guess I’ll have to get the chains detatched from the bed post. One by one I maneuvered my arms around so that the chains dangling from the cuffs came up from under the bed posts and allowed my hands to be right in front of me. The marks and amount of blood that were on my arms were completely sick. . .and gory. . .and just plain unbelieveable. But I don’t have time to think about that.

I brought my right hand over to my left and grasped the cuff. I counted to three and pulled the cuffs from my wrist, as a sick ripping noise echoed through the room as the spikes separated themselves from my skin. Oh God, I can’t believe I have to do that again. I swallowed my pain and repeated the process on the other wrist. My body was trembling because of the pain but I can’t let that stop me now that I’ve gotten so far.

All I need to do now is get out of this room, find Randi, and hide from Syn. I ripped the bottom half of my shirt (which was somehow magically still intact) off and wrapped a couple small pieces around my wrists to try to minimize further bleeding. I just hope that Syn is actually making a gourmet meal or something to give me extra time.

The door knob was just within my grasp. My fingers wrapped around it and the door flew open, and luckily it didn’t make any noises. I looked in both directions of the hall before stepping out. The living room was slowly but surely getting closer to my view and just when I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the door next to me flies open and I’m met face-to-face with Shadows.

He had random cuts on his face and arms but other than that, he didn’t look too injured. At first, he was glaring when he pushed the door open, but now he was smiling sadistically and it was scaring the shit out of me. I was about to take my chances and make a run for it, but he caught on all too quickly and pulled me back.

“Hmm, it looks to me like someone was trying to runaway. I wonder what Syn would think of that?” he said, noticing my gashes all over my wrist and face.

“Don’t you dare,” I whispered pleadingly.

He grinned, “Syn! She’s on the loose!” And then he let go of me and pushed me forward with such force that I couldn’t slow myself down and I ended up running right into Synyster’s chest. . .and let me tell you, pissed off doesn’t even begin to describe the look on his face.

I felt a presence move closer behind me and I just realized that I was trapped between the two deadliest guys of the group. There was absolutely no way I’d be making it out alive tonight. None.