You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

Playing Dead

Ever since Jimmy left the room, it was completely silent and I was left alone. The silence gave me plenty of room to devise a plan. I never once considered doing something this risky to escape from here, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Jimmy had released me from those cuffs and treated my wounds already, which took care of the agonizing pain that I would’ve had to endure to escape on my own. So if I understand everything correctly, Synyster is the crazy bastard in charge of all this, Matt and Zacky are coming along for the ride while Jimmy and Johnny secretly help the victims on the sideline.

If I hadn’t heard and seen it myself, though, I definitely wouldn’t have thought that Jimmy was a ‘good guy in disguise,’ I mean he was just as cruel as the other three. He did give me hope, even though he was messing with my mind a little at first. I know what’s true and what’s not.

The point is, I have to get out of here alive with Randi and I will do anything it takes. Jimmy helped me solidify my resolve.

From what I could hear, Matt, Jimmy, and Zacky were taking on Randi in a fight and it sounded like Randi was kicking some major ass. I didn’t hear Syn or Johnny’s voices, so I’m assuming they’re not here. Now’s the time to make my move.

I was tired of moving slowly and holding my breath with every move I make. I leapt off the bed and landed carefully on the floor. I bolted across the room to the door, to find that Jimmy left it unlocked. I twisted the door handle and stuck my head out to see if the coast was clear. To my surprise, no one was down the hall…there was just a few noises coming from the room Randi was in.

I quickly walked down the hall, pausing briefly upon reaching her half open door. She looked up and saw me there. I mouthed the words, “I have a plan.” She nodded and smiled before continuing her fight with Shadows.

I ran down the hall, all the way to the end where the bathroom was. Once inside, I locked the door behind me and turned to find my reflection in the mirror. I couldn’t believe that the person I was seeing was really…me.

I had tear stains all over my cheeks, my skin was un-naturally pale, my hair was greasy and clung to my skin, blood was splattered all over my body, there was a gaping hole in my left nostril, where my piercing used to be, my right ear was ripped to shreds with pieces of flesh still dangling from the rips, and my body was covered in bruises. My eyes were dull and looked almost lifeless.

I wanted to just get away from this place so bad. My eyes wanted to cry, but no tears fell – almost as if my eyes were dried out. When I first entered the bathroom, I was feeling a little shaky because what I was planning was extremely risky and I’m not exactly a person who likes to take risks. But after seeing what they’ve done to me, and knowing what they plan to do to me, I felt an unusual boost of confidence and turned away from the mirror.

I turned the water on and began to fill up the rusted bathtub. As the water was filling up, I placed my hand under the faucet and noticed that no matter which direction I turned the faucet, the water would always remain ice cold. I shrugged, “I guess it’s better than burning to death…” Great, now I’m talking to myself.

Once the tub was filled most of the way, I turned the water off and listened for any movement outside the door. I have to admit, I was kind of surprised when I didn’t hear any kind of banging on the door or anything, it seemed as if they didn’t even know that I was up to something. Oh well, I guess that’ll make it easier for me.

I stared into dirty water, braced myself for the cold, and dunked my head underwater. I’m a pretty good swimmer, so staying underwater for minutes at a time wasn’t that hard, and even though the water was filthy and freezing, it felt good against my skin, kind of refreshing I guess you could say. I knew it would be a while before someone knocked down the door, so I just kind of leaned over the edge of the tub, not entirely submersed in the water.

About 20 minutes later, the door handle jiggled back and forth and I knew they were finally here. “Open the hell up!” Syn shouted. When there was no response, I could tell he was angry as he kicked the door down in one swift move.

I quickly dunked my head underwater again before he was fully in the room. His eyes scanned the room and when he saw me, a growl escaped from his lips. He ran over to my side and pulled me out of the water harshly. My eyes were closed and I was doing my best to make it look like I wasn’t breathing. I kept my heartbeat under control and calmed myself as best as I could, especially when he began to feel for a pulse.

“God damn it!” he shouted throwing my body to the ground. I involuntarily cringed as my back met the hard tile floor, but it seems that he didn’t notice it. It sounded like he punched holes through the walls a couple of times – meaning that he was really pissed off and that my cover was working. After he got his rage out of his system, he dragged my body down the hall and to the living room, I think.

*Synyster’s POV*

She didn’t have a pulse and it didn’t look like she was breathing. How dare she do something like this! Shadows walked into the room, and it looked like Randi put up a pretty good fight against him.

“What’s going on?” he questioned looking between me and Myra’s apparent lifeless body.

“This bitch decided to pull a fast one on us with a suicide.”

“It can’t be for real – there’s no way she would committ suicide. She doesn’t have the guts.”

“I know, that’s what I thought too but she doesn’t have a damn pulse.” Shadows walked over and felt for himself, and he didn’t find the pulse either.

“This probably won’t make you feel any better, but at least we still have another whore to kill, and we can make her death three times as worse, to make up for this one.” He did have a point there.

“I know, but still I wanted to make her suffer.”

I needed a drink. I walked into the kitchen and Shadows followed soon after, opening the curtains in the living room for the first time in a while. It was a full moon tonight, and I’m guessing he wanted to take a look.

*Normal POV*

I almost had to resist the urge to smile at the fact that I tricked both Synyster and Shadows, but that happiness was soon erased when I heard what they planned to do with Randi now. Of course, I convinced myself, that I would escape from here, come back with the police and save her before they could lay a hand on her.

I could tell that Synyster had left the room, and I was almost positive that Shadows would have left as well, but he was still standing by me.

Suddenly, I heard a noise and I think he had just pulled back the curtains. Clouds of dust flew off the curtains and guess where they landed – right on top of me. I’m slightly alergic to dust, but it only affects me if its in large amounts, like in this situation.

I could feel a sneeze coming, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop it. Cautiously, I opened one of my eyes to scan the room and luckily no one was in the room. The sneeze came out and it wasn’t too loud, thank God. I coughed a little afterward and scooted away from those evil curtains while returning to the ‘dead position.’

I thought I was safe…
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Thanks to everyone who's been reading! I actually have half of the next chapter written for this story and I'm working on the rest right now, so I should have the next part up in two days. I'd really appreciate it if at least 2 or 3 people could comment?? It would mean the world to me!!