You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

Dealing With the Devil

*Synyster’s POV*

As soon as Shadows entered the kitchen, I heard a small noise that almost sounded like a sneeze. “Bless you,” we both mumbled at the same time. I looked up from the table and he looked up from whatever he was eating.

“I didn’t sneeze,” he informed me, and then we both realized that since I didn’t sneeze either, someone in the other room must have. Someone like…Myra.

Shadows grinned, “Looks like she’s still alive after all.”

I nodded, “And now she’s gonna get it twice as bad. Who knew she could make me so happy?”

We both laughed, grabbed something from the kitchen and slowly walked back into the other room, sneaking around so she thinks that she actually got away with something here.

*Normal POV*

The house was way too quiet and I was slowly becoming uncomfortable. What if they somehow figured out that I was lying about dying? Just imagine what horrible things they would do to me. No…they don’t know, I’m just feeling paranoid, that’s it. They’re not anywhere near me, right? Great, now I have to check.

I slowly opened my eyes, at first seeing nothing in the room, that is until I looked up to see two huge guys towering over me with looks of pure evil on their faces. “Well, well, well look who decided to visit us from the dead?” Shadows smirked.

“We were really concerned for a while there, Myra, I mean I don’t know what I would do without you in my life,” Syn in such a tone that if someone didn’t know the context of the previous events, they would’ve thought he was being 100% serious. “But, now that you’re alive and all, the real fun can officially begin.”

I didn’t like that sentence at all because that would mean that everything they’ve done to me so far wasn’t nearly as bad as what they have planned.

“Obviously I’m not that afraid of you guys anymore and I am a little more resilient if I went this far – and you guys would’ve been screwed if…this would’ve worked out for me!”

They both exchanged glances and then laughed at me. “What makes you think that you could ever beat us? I mean honestly, I think you need to be taught a lesson that will make you wish that you had died in the water.”

“W-what are you gonna do to me?” I asked quietly as I slid backwards until I hit the wall. I was still sitting on the ground and they looked like giants as they stood above me.

“Whatever we want,” Synyster grinned evily, as he roughly pulled me up to my feet by the collar of my shirt.

“You must still have some water in your lungs, let us help you out,” Shadows said as Syn suddenly let go of me and Shadows repeatedly punched both sides of my ribcage. Small screams and gasps for breath would escape my lips, but there was no way I would them have anymore than that.

Shadows then unexpectedly punched me right in the chest, knocking the wind out of me. I fell to my knees and began coughing, attempting to catch my breath. While I was down on the ground, they each took turns kicking me while I pointlessly tried to crawl away from them.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Syn asked as he knelt down beside me.

Before I could say or do anything, he punched me square in the eye. It hurt so bad it felt as though my eyeball had flown into the back of my skull. That eyelid would no longer open. That entire side of my face was slowly growing numb and my brain felt like it had tremors or something. I felt like I was about to pass out.

Someone grabbed ahold of my wrists and demanded, “Who healed your wrists?!”

I held my free hand to my head to prevent any more dizziness and weakly said, “It was the Rev.”

Shadows whacked me across the face, “Don’t you dare lie to us!”

“I-I’m not lying! Syn’s the one who sent the Rev in there in the first place! Why the hell would I lie about that?!”

Shadows didn’t answer, but he did begin to rip off the bandages nice and slow. “Oooh, these look painful,” he commented with amusement. Each of the holes in my wrist were about the size of his pinky finger, and unfortunately he figured that out. He dug his finger into each one of the holes, causing gushes of blood to resurface and turn my arms red with the crimson liquid.

“Oops, didn’t mean to make you bleed again,” he said with a smile. If I wasn’t in so much pain, I would just love to hit him so bad.

“Look at these, Myra,” Syn said, speaking for the first time in ten minutes. I slowly looked over to see what he was holding and I really wish I hadn’t. He was holding all these huge knifes that are used to cut beef – like a butcher. Oh God, what if he cuts me up into little pieces and throws me somewhere where no one will ever find me?!

I was so caught up in panic and fear that I didn’t even see or hear him come up from behind me as he stabbed my leg with the knife. Blood began pouring out of the small, but deep puncture he just created, and it wasn’t enough for him. He continued to drag the knife down my thigh, creating a larger wound. Once he was done, my entire leg was drenched in blood and the wound went from the top of my thigh to my knee.

“And now for the main event,” he said as he threw the knife down and took my arms and pulled them behind my back while Shadows led us to the basement.

“Are you fucking insane?! I’m going to bleed to death for sure here and you’re still going to do more?” I asked in disbelief.

“I’m sure you’ll survive the blood loss. Besides, this is the main punishment right here. Since, technically, you tried to escape we’re gonna have to make sure that you can’t escape.”

“And h-how do you p-plan on doing that?” I asked, fearing the answer. He didn’t have to answer, because Shadows turned the lights on and revealed a torture chamber hidden in the basement. Oh dear God.

I started struggling against Synyster, especially when he was dragging me toward some kind of chair – a chair with restraints. Of course, since I already lost a ton of blood and he was way stronger than me, I really don’t know why I was even bothering wasting my strength and energy.

He finally got me down in the chair and as soon as I was down, leather restraints were tightly wrapped around my wrists and ankles. The ankles weren’t that bad, other than the fact that my feet started falling asleep because my circulation was being cut off.

My wrists were a completely different story – the tightness of the straps was pressuring my previous wounds and of course more blood started flowing out of my wrists and down onto the floor like a fountain. I was getting more and more dizzy by the second and that caused my world to start spinning like crazy right before I passed out completely.

Buckets of cold water were splashed on me to wake me up. My entire body shivered at the immense temperature change, and as I regained consciousness, all the pain returned as well.

“Wow, I didn’t think you’d wake up…that’d be a shame if you didn’t though, because then you’d miss the big show,” Syn said as he began walking closer and closer to me, concealing something behind his back. “Tell me, Myra, do like playing soccer?” Now I was extremely confused.

“Y-yeah, sometimes. Why?”

“Which leg do you use to kick the ball with?”

I thought about it for a minute, actually wishing that I was on a damn soccer field, and replied, “My right leg, but what does this have to do with anything?”

He shrugged, “Guess I’ll just have to show you then.”

He slowly revealed what he was hiding behind his back and he was holding…a sledgehammer?! I don’t even want to know what he plans on doing with that anymore. He had a wicked smile on his face as he rasied the hammer over his shoulder, preparing to drop it down.

“What are you going to –? AHHHHHH!”

Without any warning whatsoever, he brought the hammer down repeatedly on my right kneecap. With each strike a jolt of pain would shoot up my leg and my chest would feel so constricted that I couldn’t breathe. Tears automatically fell from my eyes and I couldn’t do anything but scream.

“Oooh, you know I love it when you scream, baby,” he said as he struck my knee one more time.

Words cannot describe the pain that I was feeling right now – it was like he shattered my knee into a million tiny fragments of bone. I didn’t really want to, but I forced myself to look down at the damage…and I immediately turned away as soon as I did.

Pieces of bone from my knee were sticking out of my skin and in fact that didn’t even look like a knee anymore. Blood, once again, was all over the place and that entire leg was growing numb…he probably paralyzed me or something.

“There,” he began, bring my attention back to him, “now I don’t think you’ll try to run away ever again. And, if you do try, then I don’t think you’ll make it out alive, because I’m sure it isn’t healthy to put any kind of pressure on that kind of wound.” He was smirking as he looked down on me – admiring his work.

I looked up at him for the first time in a long time with fear extremely evident in my eyes. I knew he wasn’t going to kill me, at least not now anyway, but he was going to make me wish and beg that I was dead until he decides when to kill me.

But if he keeps doing this kind of stuff to me, I might just end up dying way before he planned it. That would put him in his place.

Shadows suddenly walked out of the shadows and joined Synyster in standing in front of me. “Have you told her about the deal yet?” he asked.

Syn shook his head and said, “Nope, I was waiting for you to get here, since you already missed most of the fun.” He was referring to breaking my knee as fun?! Wait – did he just say something about a deal?

“Myra, are you ready to make a deal?” he asked, circling the chair and staring me down.

“What are the terms?” I asked, surprised that I could actually speak a full sentence in my condition.

“I’m so glad you asked. Shadows!”

All of the sudden, once Shadows hit a button over on the wall, the constraints wrapped around my wrists and ankles slowly began to get tighter and tigher.

“What are you doing?!” I cried out as I felt my circulation being shut down in my hands and feet. They didn’t answer, they just laughed at me. I looked down in horror to see my fingers twitching as the belts got tighter and tighter.

Once the belts got tighter than I ever thought could be humanly possible, I realized what they were planning to do – if they applied enough pressure to a certain area, then my hands and feet could literally blow up and become detactched from my body.

“Please, don’t do this! Tell me what the deal is!” I pleaded through deep breaths.

Syn smirked as he said, “So you figured out our plan, huh? Not too bad. Alright, the deal is you do whatever we say with no complaints and no hesitation and you get to keep your hands and feet on your body. Also, we’ll be letting your friend Randi go free tomorrow or something. But if you do one thing to go against us, she will die right in front of your eyes. Do we have a deal?”

I felt as if I was making a deal with the devil or something. But what choice do I have? “O-ok, I agree. I’ll do whatever you want! Just please stop these belts and let Randi go,” I said, my vision all blurry due to my tears.

As soon as the words left my mouth, the belts were removed and I fell out of the chair onto the floor. Synyster picked me up and carried me up the stairs as I continued to sob, looking at my wrists now all black,blue, purple, gray, and green.

“Shh, Myra, everything will be ok now. I’m here for you,” he said once we were out of the basement.

Although he might have sounded halfway sincere, the look on his face told me otherwise. I think I may have just gotten myself into even more trouble than I imagined.

I think Jimmy was right – I really am going to die here.
♠ ♠ ♠
I can promise everyone that the next two chapters are going to be intense!! I have to update a few of my other stories first, but I'm really getting into this story now, which means I'll be writing more often.

Comments would be absolutely fannnnnnnntastic! :] I hope everyone's enjoying the story!