You Know I Make You Wanna Scream

This Suits You Better, Bleeding Out The Eyes

*Randi’s POV*

Recap (Ch. 11)

"Aw, what a touching conversation," someone said mockingly from the hallway. I turned over my shoulder to see Zacky standing there smirking at me.

I was about to charge at him with some scissors I grabbed off the table, then he said, "Oh I don't know if that's such a good idea. . .someone might get hurt."

He stepped out of the way to reveal Myra and Syn standing behind him. My eyes grew wide and I froze in horror at the sight before me.


I couldn’t believe what I was seeing…I knew that Myra was right in front of me, but it didn’t look a single thing like her. She looked like someone that crawled out of a grave or something. And I’ve got to admit, I know that she looks ten times worse than I did when they tried to beat me up last time.

I don’t know how she’s still conscious! I mean, she had pieces of flesh dangling off of nearly all her wounds. Her wrists looked like they each had a bracelet made of beads of blood. Nearly every inch of her skin was covered in blood, and if for some reason there wasn’t blood there, then there would be a bruise in its place. T

hen I noticed something else – Synyster looked like he was holding her up for support or something, almost as if she couldn’t do it herself. Her right leg looked completely twisted and there were bones sticking out through the skin on her knee. I bet that bastard broke her knee somehow!

The anger inside was just building up and I knew sooner or later, I was going to explode. “You look kind of tense, Randi,” Zacky spoke, “maybe you should try to vent your anger. I’m still standing here you know, practically begging you to attack me! Come and get some!”

He held his arms open, as if inviting me over to him. Does he seriously have a death wish?! I didn’t stop to think – actually, I never was a thinker, always a doer. And that could be a problem. I clutched the scissors tightly in my hand and ran at him.

Just as I was about to stab him, or at least almost near him, Synyster said, “Go protect him, Myra.”

“But, I…I cant stand up by myself. I–.”

“Now, I know you’re not disobeying me, right?”

She solemnly shook her head, and with a little extra push from Synyster, she stumbled in front of Zacky just as the scissors came flying down, aiming for Zacky’s chest. But that’s not where they went. Oh no. They went right into Myra’s shoulder.

I took a step back in horror as I watched blood ooze from the new wound I created on her. She fell down to the ground, unable to support herself, and ended up landing on her right leg. Her cries of agony filled the house and tears began streaming down her face as she quickly ripped the scissors out of her shoulder. I couldn’t breathe – couldn’t move. I just did that to her. I just hurt my best friend!

“M-myra, I’m so…so sorry. I – I didn’t mean to,” I stammered.

She looked up at me, trying her best to smile, and said, “It’s ok, Randi, it’s not your fault.”

A small puddle of blood began to form from her leaking shoulder and I couldn’t believe that they were all just going to stand there, practically laughing at her misery. There’s no way she’s gonna be able to make it through much longer if they just leave her like this. “Are you assholes stupider than I thought?! She needs medical attention. Those wounds are going to become infected, and don’t even get me started on that broken knee! She is going to die if you don’t do something.”

Shadows was standing in front of me in an instant. “I’m sorry, did you just tell us what to do?! We know what we’re doing here, ok? In fact, Johnny was just about to start up treatment, weren’t you, Johnny?” Johnny immediately hopped to attention with his little medical bag and began wrapping up Myra’s wrists.

I turned my attention away from Myra for the time being, only because I knew I could trust Johnny. Instead, I faced Shadows and gave him a little push on his chest to get him away from me. “So, now what are you going to do?” I asked, standing my ground and glaring at all four of them.

“Well that depends,” Synyster said.

“On what?!”

“On whether Myra chooses…the taser or the metal pipe. Which will it be, Myra?”

Myra, whose wrists were all wrapped up, sat up immediately with her eyes wide. “W-why are you asking me?”

“Oh because it makes it so much more fun! Now the longer you take to choose, the more pain Shads over there is gonna inflict on your little friend. And there will be some punishment in store for you later if you don’t make your choice within the next 10 seconds.”

Myra stared at me with wide eyes, almost begging me to make this all go away, and believe me I wish I could. I could tell she was really thinking about Synyster’s ‘question,’ trying to figure out which would hurt less. I held two fingers up, hoping that she realizes that means ‘option number 2.’

She nodded slowly, and just as she was about to answer, Shadows walked over to me and without warning, totally slammed his fist into my face. It wasn’t hard enough to knock me off my feet, but it was enough to piss me off.

“What the hell was that for?!”

Shadows shrugged, “She was taking to long and you were giving her hints.”

“I…I’ll go with the metal pipe,” Myra said quietly, not believing that she was saying what she said.

Synyster came up from behind me, and I squinted my eyes shut, bracing myself for the hit. But before that came, I heard what sounded like the activation of a taser and then the sound of Myra screaming.

I opened my eyes completely outraged to see that that son-of-a-bitch used the taser on Myra! I turned around to yell, no more like punch the shit out of him, but as soon as I turned around, my face was met with the extremely hard hit of a metal pipe, breaking my nose on contact. Actually, I could hear the sickening crunching sound of the bones in my nose cracking and breaking. It filled up the entire room, making me feel slightly grossed out.

The only other sound that could be heard in the room was Myra crying…or more like sobbing. I looked over at her, to make sure she was ok, and saw that she had fallen off the table she was sitting on and was kneeling on the floor, shivering and holding her knees up to her chest. I don’t know what those assholes did to her entirely, but it must have been completely unimaginable to have broken her this much. I was starting to feel a little dizzy from the imact of the pipe, but I wouldn’t allow myself to sit down. That would make me way too vulnerable.

Shadows walked over toward Myra, but to be honest, I didn’t think he would do anything to her. I mean, what else could he do?

“Aww, is the little brave girl crying now?” he taunted as he stood in front of her. He crouched down next to her and picked her up by her hair, bringing her to his eyelevel. “If you think that was painful, you just wait until you see what we have in store for you later.”

He glanced over his shoulder and it looked like him and Syn were talking or something, even though their mouths weren’t moving. Then he turned back around to Myra and grinned while saying, “Well, it looks like it’s your lucky night, babe. You get front row seats to the entertainment.”

He threw Myra down onto the couch nearby and literally jumped on top of her, to prevent her from getting up. “Rope,” he shouted over at Johnny, who didn’t hesitate to throw it over to Shadows. He tied the rope tightly around Myra’s upper body so that she couldn’t move her arms…or get up really.

“And guess who the star of the show is?” he sneered, turning to face me. “None other than little Miss Randi.”

“Bring it, you piece of shit,” I snarled through gritted teeth.

He took a few stealthy steps forward until he was only a couple inches away from me. “If you insist,” he smirked.

All of the sudden I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and whirled around to see Syn still holding that metal pipe in his hands with his stupid, sadistic grin on his face. “Oh, you think that’s funny?!” I shouted rushing toward him.

He tried to defend himself by using the pipe like a sword or something, but I was still strong. And that didn’t hurt me as much as he wished it did. It also allowed me great opportunities to punch him in the face a few times, and oh yeah, I also got to scrape my nails across his face, leaving behind five trails of blood. I smirked at my slight accomplishment. But he looked extremely pissed off.

“What’s the matter, Synyster?” I asked. “Are you in shock that a girl actually stood up to you? Oh wait, or are you just trying to hide the fact that you’re such a shallow asshole that you have to inflict pain on other people to make yourself feel strong? You’re all a bunch of weak mother fuckers that try to act so tough just because you think you’ve got the advantage and the muscle power. Well, I’ve got news for you. You’re not as strong and powerful as you think you are. You’re nothing but a bunch of ugly, disgusting cowards!”

The room stood silent after my outburst, but I knew that all five of them, yes even little Johnny, were burning with rage. “You know,” Zacky said walking forward, hiding something behind his back, “I meant what I said earlier about taking away your vision. You won’t be so bold and ‘strong’ if you can’t see.”

I smirked, “I’d like to see you try, because in case you forgot you have to get me first!” As soon as those words left my mouth, for the first time in a long time, I regretted it.

Synyster took his pipe and whacked me twice in the stomach, knocking the air out of me and bruising on contact. I fell down unintentionally to my knees and wrapped my arms around my stomach trying to regain my breath and trying to minimize the pain I was starting to feel.

Shadows, who was standing behind me, used his heavy ass boot to push me down to the ground completely, lying on my stomach. He kept his boot on my back, pushing me further and further into the floor, if that’s even possible.

Then he suddenly got off, and the Rev decided to pull me up with my hair, of course, and made me stand up, actually he wrapped his arms tightly around my lower torso, keeping me in place.

Synyster returned with his pipe, but this time instead of hitting me in his usual spots, he aimed for my eyes. He somehow managed to hit both of my eyes in one hit. I groaned as I immediately felt light-headed. I tried to open at least on of my eyes to see what was going on, but I just couldn’t…it hurt to much.

The Rev still held onto me, so I couldn’t exactly prepare myself for any other attack(s). I knew they wouldn’t attack below my chest because that’s where the Rev was holding me at. Zacky said something about taking away my vision…but there’s no way he could possibly mean…blind me, right?

“My turn,” Zacky laughed. I heard his heavy footsteps get closer and closer to me.

“Don’t do that! Please,” I heard Myra say.

“I’m sorry did you say something?” Shadows asked in disbelief, walking over toward her.

“I-it’s just…I can’t stand to watch anymore of this. Please, don’t do what I think you’re about to do.”

“Oh, don’t worry Myra,” Synyster said, “it only hurt her for a couple hours.”

*Normal POV*

I knew what they were going to do, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. But there was one thing that I knew I could do – and that’s look the other way. I know that sounds terrible, but what else could I do? I’m tied up and if I do one thing to upset those bastards, they’re gonna hurt me even more.

I squinted my eyes shut and tried my best to think of a happy place. As soon as I found it, I lost it right away when I felt someone lift me up and then sit me on their lap. I opened my eyes for a short second and looked over my shoulder to see that I was on Synyster’s lap.

“Any particular reason why I have to sit on your lap?” I asked, feeling a sense of courage return.

“Because I want you to. You wouldn’t happen to have a problem with that, now would you?” he asked, holding onto my arms tightly. I winced a little before muttering a “no.”

I looked up to see Zacky and Shadows walking closer to Randi, both with knives in their hands. I can’t watch this. I closed my eyes and put my head down, wishing that all of this would just go away.

“Oh, no, no, no, Myra. You have to keep your eyes open or else you’ll miss the show.” He gripped the back of my neck and jolted my head upward. “If you don’t watch every second of this, then I’ll make sure Randi doesn’t make it home alive,” he growled in my ear. I opened my eyes reluctantly.

Zacky had his knife raised in the air first and before I could breathe, he plunged it into her right eye, repeatedly. Her screams echoed off the worn out walls like the worst song ever, being played over and over again. She gasped for breath, and was about to fall to the ground had the Rev not been holding her.

“Let’s make her scream just a little louder,” Shadows smirked as he slashed her left eye. He was right, she did scream louder…or maybe it seemed that way because I was screaming with her this time. I saw her face…

Randi’s eyelids were sliced up and severed in various places. Blood was gushing from her eye sockets like an endless stream. It looked like she was crying blood tears. In the places where her eyelid was missing, you could see her eye ball, completely blood shot and torn or ripped up in some places. Each of her eyes had a huge red X over them where the slashes were placed.

“And if that’s not enough to completely blind her, I know this will be,” Shadows laughed as he splashed a bucket of gasoline on her face. She screamed once again. I can’t even imagine the pain in her eyes.

“RANDI!” I shouted her name all of the sudden.

“M-myra? Oh God, Myra it hurts so much. I…I can’t see.”

She wanted to cry so badly, but do to the shape and condition of her eyes, tears were impossible. It was like the tears were stuck inside her eyes, remaining bottled up. Her body racked with sobs that never came out. I don’t care what they did to me. My best friend needed me.

I somehow managed to wiggle out of Synyster’s grip, although I almost think that he let me go. I pulled the ropes off of me and ran to the floor. “Randi, I’m so sorry,” I said through tears as I pulled her into a hug.

“You didn’t do anything,” she whispered.

“It was me and my big mouth.”

“Randi,” I whispered, “they told me that they are going to send you back home.”

“But what about you?”

“I’ll manage to find a way out of here.”

“Bull shit. As soon as I get home, I’m going to find Chris and we’re gonna get the whole damn SWAT, CIA, and FBI out here to save you.”

“I’m counting on it,” I said smiling slightly.

“Alright, time’s up bitches,” Shadows said as he pulled me away from Randi and Zacky pulled Randi away from me. It looked like he was taking her somewhere.

“Where are you going with her?!” I shouted.

I never got an answer. He just disappeared with her into the dark hallway.
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thanx to A7X_4_life for the fabulous new banner :D

wow this chapter was really long! anyway, I'm thinking maybe 2 or 3 chapters before school starts, but only if I get comments!!!

thanx for reading <3